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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 208

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 208 - August 2013

Seagreens® Human Food Seaweed™ - Natural, Balanced Nutrition for Thyroid, Energy and Metabolism

Seagreens® is involved in cutting edge research on iodine deficiency and supplementation using this natural and sustainable food.

Asco sandy shore Lewis+iodine

Seagreens seaweed is known to be some of the most balanced and complete of foods, and a good source of iodine, that, as per approved EU Health Claims, contributes to:

  • Normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function;
  • Normal energy-yielding metabolism;
  • Normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • Maintenance of normal skin;
  • Normal growth of children;
  • Normal cognitive function.

Seagreens is organic, dried and milled seaweed produced to distinct Human Food Seaweed™ standards (patents pending), ensuring consistently superior nutritional and physical quality. Each Seagreens product enables the convenient addition of this superior food to the diet, with the aim of at least 1 gram of the best quality seaweed being available in the daily diet.

All Seagreens products are rich in natural iodine, an essential mineral for normal thyroid function. Despite this, iodine deficiency is epidemic in developing countries, parts of Europe and the United States. In the UK, 76% of school aged girls and 66% of adult women are iodine deficient. Research has demonstrated that Japanese women who consume a traditional high-seaweed diet have a low incidence of benign and malignant breast disease. On the contrary, Japanese women who consume a Western diet low in seaweed or who emigrate to the USA lose this protective advantage and gain the same risk for fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer as their Western counterparts. Japan also has a low incidence of iodine-deficiency goitre and autoimmune thyroiditis.

Seagreens and partners continue to lead UK research on seaweed for human food, and specifically iodine supplementation, with a recent research project with Napiers Remedies and Glasgow University on the use of Seagreens as a supplement compared to iodised salt. A publication of the results of this research is in preparation, which indicates a clear difference of how the body utilizes the naturally bound iodine in Seagreens compared with artificial forms of iodine.

Each capsule of Seagreens Iodine+ Capsules contains Seagreens® Ascophyllum, rich in natural iodine, providing around 350µg iodine, plus all the essential micronutrients needed for iodine metabolism - easily absorbed, stable, colloidal. As most iodine is from dairy and meat, this is ideal in vegan, vegetarian and intolerance diets. In addition to capsules, Seagreens® Culinary Ingredient is the classic ready-milled grains of Ascophyllum used in cooking and baking, or sprinkled on almost any raw or cooked food; it broadens the nutritional profile, combines well with other foods and brings out their natural flavours.

Further Information

Please contact Seagreens on Tel: 0845 064 0040;


Organic Aromatherapy Chakra Balancing Creams - Balance Your Chakras, Heal Yourself Fast

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘vortex’ and is described as a ball of energy that interacts with the physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. When you feel tension in your consciousness, then you feel it in the Chakra associated with that part of your physical body. When a Chakra is out of balance you may feel discomfort or dis-ease in a certain part of your body. Your Base Chakra is located between your hips and your knees. If we are constantly rushing around, feel challenged in our personal safety, physically or emotionally, this Chakra may get out of balance. This can result in the inability to sleep well, dizziness, varicose veins, constipation, IBS, circulation problems, dental issues, and even hip, knee and heel problems.

Organic Aromatherapy

If your Sacral Chakra is out of balance then you may experience sexual or reproductive problems, urinary infections, lower back problems or even excess weight around your lower tummy. If you suffer from digestive problems like excess stomach acid, bloating, liver problems, pancreatic issues (diabetes), liver/spleen problems or even gall stones then your Solar Plexus Chakra may be out of balance.

Relief At Hand

Over the last 18 years Sarah Williams at Organic-Aromatherapy Ltd has developed a range of Soul Harmony™ Chakra Balancing Creams, made with love, that work by using essential oils that have balancing properties to the respective Chakras. When we apply a little of the creams onto the backs of our hands, the oils are absorbed into the Chakra via the bloodstream, dissolving blockages and promoting balance and healing. You don’t even need to believe in their healing properties for them to work!

“I used to have terrible problems with my hips and constipation until I started using the Base Chakra Balancing Cream; it all eased up and now I’m fine. I find that using the cream regularly also improves my sleep quality, and I seem to have more energy, which is an added bonus!”Julz.Australia

“My lower back pain seemed impossible to shift. I suffered eight years of constant pain, trying everything, even resorting to injections of steroids into the area with no improvement. After using the Sacral Chakra Balancing Cream the pain just disappeared.” Kiera. Wales. 

“After suffering from IBS for years, I applied the Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Cream and all symptoms stopped almost immediately. I continue to use it, daily or whenever I feel the need. It’s truly amazing. I don’t know how it works but it just does!” Sam. London.

Further Information

The creams are available from Organic-Aromatherapy Ltd website, with further information about problems and conditions, and Sarah’s workshops about the fifteen Chakras and how to harmonize them to promote healing and health. Please contact Organic Aromatherapy via



Chillow Pillow – Personal Cooling Pad for a Good Night’s Sleep 

Is it too hot for you at night? Can’t you sleep? Why not to try the Chillow Pillow – the personal cooling pad? We are all waiting for summer days for so long; then when they’re here we wish for cool weather. Wouldn’t it be great if we could enjoy the sunny days and also get the good night’s sleep? Many people have found that Chillow Pillow’s soft cooling effect is very relaxing and able to ease their mental activity.


The Chillow Pillow is unique, well-made and high quality cooling pad with a multitude of benefits suitable for people of all ages. The pad is only two centimetres thick and when placed between your pillow and your head it will help relax your body and calm your mind - quickly and naturally. The Chillow Pillow is activated only once by simply filling it with tap water. The water if fully absorbed into the patented foam core, which creates memory foam like comfort that cools and soothes. Once activated, it will always be ready for use whenever you need it without the need to activate it again.

Key Benefits of Chillow Pillow?

  • Instant cool relief;
  • Soft memory foam comfort - use as an insert or sleep on it directly for maximum coolness;
  • Soothes hot flushes and night sweats;
  • Eases headaches and backaches;
  • Aids sunburns and sore feet;
  • Soft fluid cool sensation (more comfortable than hard cold gel packs);
  • Latex free, non-toxic, no gel;
  • It uses no power and is allergy free.

Does the Chillow Pillow Work ?

Did you know that cooling down means slowing down from a physiological point of view? That’s why hospital rooms are kept at around 21 degrees C so that metabolism (and thus blood flow) is slowed.

In 1998 the Chillow Pillow was used in a study conducted in a Michigan hospital by a cardiologist and his son. The study consisted of a control group, which was monitored while sleeping under normal conditions; and an experimental group, which used the Chillow Pillow with their pillow.

The findings were that individuals using Chillow Pillow went to sleep an average of 68% faster, and spent 21% more time in REM sleep, the stage of sleep that is deepest and most restorative to your body.

Further Information

Please contact Blue Herbs on Tel: 0203 488 3830;


American School of Natural Health  - ASNH

The American School of Natural Health (ASNH) in Tampa, Florida, USA offers unique, comprehensive and holistic programs in natural health with the aim of educating highly competent, safe and passionate natural health practitioners who can enjoy a rewarding and flexible career as they work for the betterment of the public's health and well-being.

The American School

ASNH was set up in 2013 by its President, Hermann Keppler, who also founded and remains the Principal of Europe’s largest training provider in a range of natural therapies, CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine). The curriculum and ethos of ASNH is based on CNM’s tried and tested experience of training highly successful practitioners who are widely known for the calibre of their training and their practical expertise.

ASNH offers training programs in America, to become a Nutrition Consultant, Herbal Consultant, Natural Health Practitioner, Master Nutritionist, and Master Herbalist.  All programs integrate both scientific and naturopathic principles into a distinct approach to natural healthcare. The tenets of naturopathy include that:

  • Nature can facilitate the body’s self-healing mechanism if given the right conditions;
  • Prevention is preferable to cure;
  • The underlying cause of dysfunction should be identified and treated, not just the symptoms;
  • The whole person should be treated - physically and emotionally;
  • Health is not just ‘absence of infirmity’ - it should be abundant vitality;
  • The person is treated, not the disease, and each individual is unique and responds in a different way.

ASNH programs include both academic lectures and hands-on practice sessions to ensure confident application on graduation. All programs begin with Bio Medicine (Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology) unless you already have a qualification in Bio Medicine.

ASNH programs are based on part time study so that students can work around other commitments. Additionally, they are run on a modular system, enabling students to join the class at several points throughout the year.

ASNH is licensed by The Department of Education in the State of Florida (License #4748) and is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

Further Information

Find out more by attending an Open House. Tel: US +1 727-265-1714 (Mo-Fr 9am-5pm US time);


The Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival - Kings Hall, Winter Gardens, Ilkley

Ilkley is the UK’s premier festival promoting natural remedies & related products.

Autumn Complementary Medicine Festival: Sat 26th  - Sun 27th  Oct  2013.

Established in 1988, the twice yearly Complementary Medicine Festival attracts visitors, exhibitors and practitioners from all over the country.

Ilkley Festival Autumn 2013


Held twice yearly in March and October.

The next event is the Autumn Complementary Medicine Festival

Saturday 26th  – Sunday 27th  October 2013


Over 100 stands covering a wide range of Therapies, Services and Natural Products. Booking Form

Talks and demonstrations

Something to interest everyone including topics like Angelic Reiki and Crystal Energy to Stress Awareness and Kinesiology


Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm

Open to exhibitors from 8am


£4.00 Adults, £3.50 Concessions

Children Free under 16 years of age

2 Day Pass £5.50


There is disabled access to the venue ( Limited Access to Workshops).

A range of foods including Vegetarian Refreshments are served over both days.


The King’s Hall, Winter Gardens is located in the heart of Ilkley, near Leeds and Bradford. The King’s Hall is directly opposite the railway and bus station. If you have sat. navigation on your car, the address is Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HB

There is plenty of on street car parking nearby.

Where to stay in Ilkley

We have compiled a list of places to stay in and around Ilkley. Please click HERE to see the list and phone numbers of hotels and B&B accommodation in and near Ilkley.

Further Information

To enquire about the festival or book a stand at the next event, please contact Michael Weaver on Tel: 01943 872387; MB; 07939468822



ACMOS Energy Balancing - France’s Best Kept Secret to 21st Century Personalized Health

According to Carol Robertson

The principles of Quantum Physics are at the very core of the Acmos Method (Analysis of the Compatibility of Materials with the Organism and their Synergy). Acmos Global Energy Balancing has established a technical bridge between the wisdom and practices of Eastern Medicines and recent discoveries in quantum physics and biology. Fascinated by his own experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine, French instrumentation engineer René Naccachian dedicated the last 4 decades to perfecting the Acmos Method of Energy Balancing. He began by developing instruments to measure the bio-fields and the electrical circuits of the body. The whole system of Acmos Energy Balancing has been built around remedies and applications which produce measurable results.


A precision instrument, the Acmos Lecher Antenna lies at the heart of the Acmos Method. Adapted from the original Lecher Antenna (as used in university physics departments), the Acmos Antenna is used to assess and tune the specific resonances of the human circuits and bio-fields to assist the body in regaining its innate ability to regenerate and heal. The Antenna together with the Acmos 7 biofeedback unit, the Acmodermil electro-acupuncture stimulator and the Acmos Valise, provide the tools to balance each individual and to assess the effect of products, remedies, foods and therapists on that person.

Acmos does not work from the symptomatic perspective. An Acmos Bio-energetician facilitates communication with the wisdom held in our own bodies in a systematic and measurable way. The body selects its own remedy, method of application and duration of application. The remedy itself provides information on the hidden cause of the disorder. A Bio-energetician interprets this information and shows the person the immediate effect of energy balancing on their body.

The wave particle principle of quantum physics allows us to:

  • Find the correct signal to tune the weak resonance in the body;
  • Tune the required acupoint with this wave signal using the antenna;
  • Know which fields of the body require tuning by the wavelengths which respond.

No two balances are ever the same and the picture built up as the body communicates throughout the balance gives a unique snapshot into the hidden working of our energetic body. Balancing may require stimulation of acupoints to reconnect their polarity; a particular remedy in a very precise location to kick start the self-management process or a combination of approaches as revealed through the Acmos protocol.

Further Information

Antenna training packages are available   Carol will be teaching with Dr Naccachian at the next Acmos Method training seminar from 26-30th Nov 2013 in Paris, France. To register interest please contact Carol on Tel: 01463 794582; . Training is also available in Inverness, Scotland.

More info 



Becoming a Hypnotherapist - and Training with HTI

Being a hypnotherapist is a wonderful job and a privileged position.  People come and tell you about feelings and fears that they usually keep hidden from view.  They have hope and trust in a person they have never met before.

HTInternational Logo

Becoming a person capable of meeting their hope and trust is a vital part of hypnotherapy training.   Hypnotherapy attracts a very wide range of clients, including some who are expecting a kind of magical/mechanical input from the therapist.    This is encouraged by some types of marketing of hypnotherapy, where one-size-fits-all packages are offered for quitting smoking, weight control etc.  So it is a challenge for a hypnotherapist to have excellent technical skills in trance induction and suggestion- giving, for instance, which convinces the client of the therapist’s competence, and also to have the empathy and psychological skills to respond effectively to the very different individuals who come along.

There are also clients who are attracted by the ability of hypnotherapy to access profound feelings in a live and vivid form, not just ‘talking about’ them.  It has become a cliché in therapy that a client can understand their problems at an intellectual level, yet still be unable to change their feelings or behaviour.  Such clients require intense interpersonal focus and sustained attention during methods used in trance, demanding an advanced interactive ability from the therapist.

Many students who train in various hypnotherapy methods are surprised to find how much personal involvement is required to work effectively.   In our experience, some types of hypnotherapy training courses and their marketing do not prepare students for the reality of working with a wide range of people expecting professional help for their problems.  Any marketing of hypnotherapy training as a simple, technique-focused, ‘tool-box’ or bag of clever tricks, often taught by teachers lacking in genuine experience, sells hypnotherapy, and its potential students and their clients, very short. 

Hypnotherapy is a person-to-person method of working, so much of the therapist’s learning needs to be acquired by person-to-person training.  Detailed feedback from an experienced teaching therapist is required so that the student’s ‘inner therapist’ is guided and developed by people who have a wide and deep experience of the actual work.

HTI - Hypnotherapy Training International’s courses are intensive, have less than 20 students in the class, and the great majority of the teaching is given personally by Dr John Butler, who has 33 years’ experience as a hypnotherapist and an outstanding clinical record.   Students come from the UK and many other parts of the world to learn from him, including those who have already learned elsewhere but are looking for the ‘missing link’ - their inner hypnotherapist.

Further Information

HTI’s New training programme starts 7-12 October  2013. Please contact HTI on Tel: 0207 385 1166;



Deuterium Depleted Water for Cancer Patients - Available from Blue Gold Ltd

What is Deuterium?

Hydrogen has a naturally occurring stable, non-radiating isotope, deuterium (D), which is present in surface waters and also in living organisms. The first paper indicating the effect of D on cell growth was published in 1993, since then the key role of natural abundance of D has been confirmed for numerous biological systems, e.g. in cell culture, animal tests, veterinary use and human clinical applications. The most striking discovery was that tumour cells are extremely sensitive to D-depletion resulting in regression and it might even cause the necrosis of the tumour. On the other hand, healthy cells are able to adapt to the decreasing D-concentration.

DDW logo

Deuterium Depleted Water:

Deuterium-depleted water (DDW) is a new complementary modality in onco-therapy and prevention; the method can be safely applied in addition to conventional treatments and as an extension of those. Replacement of the daily water intake of patients with DDW results in the shortage of D in the body, and might exert anticancer effect. A four month long, placebo controlled phase 2 clinical trial on prostate cancer, and  retrospective analyses of prostate-, breast-, and lung cancer patients taking DDW without restrictions on the conventional regimens also confirmed that D-depletion is highly beneficial for cancer patients and results in longer median survival time (MST). In addition, the evaluation of database of patients, suffering from different types and stages of tumorous diseases and undergoing DDW as supportive care, showed that integration of deuterium depletion in the conventional therapies was able to delay progression and halted relapses, even resulting in complete response in certain number of patients. Application of DDW might be effective against different tumour types.

The main principle of DDW administration is to replace the normal daily fluid intake with DDW. Application of DDW starts in the majority of cases with 105 ppm D, which is then gradually decreased to 85-,  65-, and 45 ppm D.

Preventa Deuterium-Depleted Carbonated Drinking Water

For human consumption, Preventa® deuterium-depleted carbonated drinking water brand is available with different D-contents. Considering the D-concentration of natural waters (145-155 ppm at our latitude), Preventa® products’ deuteriumconcentration varies between 125 and 45 ppm. It is made of deuterium-depleted water, natural mineral water and carbon dioxide.

Preventa®-125 deuterium-depleted drinking water is recommended for the replacement of the daily normal water intake for health conscious individuals for the cure of 2-3 months per year.

Preventa®-105/85/65/45 deuterium-depleted drinking water is recommended for the replacement of the daily normal water intake for cancer patients in parallel with conventional onco-therapies as a natural supplement.

Further Information

For more information visit   and

For a free consultation please contact Blue Gold Ltd on Tel: 0208 432 6278;



Christine Johnston - Reiki Teacher/Practitioner

Most people have heard of Reiki and how it originated in Japan with Mikao Usui. But not many practitioners and teachers stress the importance of the 5 Reiki Principles.

Christine Johnston

There are many translations from the original kanji - Japanese characters; here is a simple


  • Just for Today Give thanks for all your blessings;
  • Just for today Do not worry;
  • Just for Today Do not hold onto Anger;
  • Just for Today Do your work honestly;
  • Just for Today Love your neighbour and all living things.

These principles are important and should be spoken and reflected upon at least once a day

and this will create a lifestyle for Reiki people to follow.

It is also important to remember that Mikao Usui said we should first heal ourselves before trying to help others and this again means using Reiki on yourself, if possible every day; you will feel the difference and your life will improve in many ways.

Christine Johnston, Member of the CNHC and the UK Reiki Federation, has been teaching for many years now and continues to repeat these principles as she finds they really cover the most important precepts for a rewarding lifestyle.  Please visit her website for details.

Further Information

Please contact Christine Johnston on Tel:  01728 605888;



Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry - (PU PSMD)

Whether you want to take a new direction in your career, improve your promotion prospects or extend your academic knowledge and skills, you will find Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry (PU PSMD) an enriching and supportive environment in which to study at postgraduate level.

Plymouth University

The benefits of undertaking postgraduate education are broad and far reaching - from developing your skills as an individual, to enhancing your performance at work and expanding your professional and personal horizons. PU PSMD’s creative portfolio of taught programmes is designed for doctors, dentists and other healthcare professionals, and places the student experience at the heart of everything we do. In addition to the Taught Masters level programmes, Peninsula offer a range of short courses and master classes for continuing professional development (CPD).

Courses are designed with busy healthcare professionals in mind; PU PSMD aims to offer flexible and accessible CPD opportunities to support regional, national and international healthcare priorities across the South West Peninsula and beyond. The modules or components within the postgraduate programmes can be studied as short courses, either as credit or non-credit bearing depending on individual preference.

PU PSMD is committed to improving health outcomes in the region and beyond.  Through developing innovative, relevant education and leadership initiatives, the aim is to facilitate real change in the quality of clinical care and health for individuals and the wider community.

Further Information

Contact the Admissions Team on Tel: 01752 437333;

More detailed information on all PU PSMD programmes and short courses can be found at



Footrocker - Helping You Heal Ankle and Calf Injuries and Strains

Foot Rocker

Developed by sports professionals to encourage stretching in the lower leg and foot, this device easily attaches to your shoe and enables you to rock your foot back and forth. The specific foot position created by the device enables users to stretch the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the foot and lower leg, simply by undertaking three different, 30 second stretches.

There are numerous conditions the rocker can help alleviate including plantar fascilitis, Achilles tendonitis and ankle strain. In addition to this, the device can even help prevent such ailments from occurring in the first place, by both building tone and stretching muscles.

The device is also hugely useful for those in the rehabilitation process following a period of rest from sporting activities, and can be used following periods of inaction after bouts of injuries including peroneal tendonitis, tibialis posterior tendonitis, arch pain, and other chronic conditions.

Further Information

Available now from:  Cost: £19.99.



Camexpo 2013 - Leading Natural Healthcare Event

The UK’s biggest event for complementary and integrated healthcare professionals - CamExpo returns for its 11th edition on 5-6 October at Earls Court, London.

camexpo 2013

With 75% of 2012’s visitors citing keeping-up-to-date as their number one reason for attending, CamExpo’s exceptional CPD-accredited training and education programme has certainly proved a big annual draw. Renowned for providing dynamic, inspiration-packed content from some of the biggest and brightest names in the industry, this year’s line-up includes 22 free Keynote Seminars.

New Speakers for 2013 Include:

  • Professor Ingvar Bjarnason - lead gastroenterologist at London’s King’s College Hospital;
  • Miguel Toribio-Mateas - chairman of BANT and clinical director of The Optimum Health Clinic;
  • Penelope Quest - bestselling author of Reiki for Life, Self-Healing with Reiki, and The Reiki Manual;
  • Henrietta Norton - co-founder of Wild Nutrition;
  • CAM Coach Mark Shields - founder of The Life Practice Group;
  • Dr Jane Buckle - creator of the ‘M’ Technique (a method of gentle, structured touch suitable for those with special needs or dementia)
  • Naturopath Andrea Jacobs - presenting exclusive findings from new clinical research into inflammatory health treatment regimes.

Returning Speakers Include

  • Elke Theuwissen, who’ll be presenting new research into how Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) shows benefits for bone and heart health;
  • Dale Pinnock, who’ll be offering ‘Culinary approaches to cardiovascular disease management and protection’;
  • Expectancy’s educational director Denise Tiran;
  • ANH founder Dr Rob Verkerk;
  • CMA’s president Jayney Goddard;
  • Naturopath Daniel Baden;
  • Outstanding Achievement Award winners (at camexpo 2011 and 2012) Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather from the Jing Institute of Advanced Massage Training;
  • Margaret Coats and Hazel Russo, with the CNHC’s annual regulation update for professional practitioners;
  • Robert J Marshall - founder of US Premier Research Labs - discussing ‘Firing up energy systems in the body’.

Further Information

To register for a visitor pass to camexpo on 5-6 October at Earls Court, London (which includes entry to the Keynotes), please visit  (and use priority code camx599 to register for £6.50). 



Are Spices the Secret to the Perfect Curry?

In the wake of Rick Stein launching the book and TV series Rick Stein’s India in search of the perfect curry, Spices of India, the UK’s leading online Indian grocery store, has seen sales of asafoetida double following claims that it is the perfect substitute for garlic and onions.

Spices of India - Vandevi-Asoetida-Hing-Orig

On Rick’s travels he discovered that the Brahmans do not eat garlic and onions so use the pungent resin-like spice, which is made from the sap of the Ferula asafoetida tree. It is used to add depth to the flavour of dals and other lentil and vegetable-based dishes such as Sambar, Thakkali rasam and Aloo dum all of which feature in Rick Stein’s India.

Bill Stevenson, founder of Spices of India, says: “We have seen sales of all our spices increase in response to Rick Stein’s India. What is really interesting though is that more people are buying asafoetida, whereas before, I think people were almost nervous of using the bitter-smelling spice which is nick-named ‘Devil’s dung’. Now they have been given an insight into its role in Indian cooking, people feel more inspired and confident to cook with it.”

Spices of India is listed in Rick Stein’s India as a supplier of spices and ingredients, including the harder-to-find ones that feature in the book and the programme, including black salt, black cardamoms and chapatti flours, which can be bought online

Further Information

Spices of India recommend: Asafoetida powder – Hing – Vandevi, £0.75 for 50g or as part of The Rick Stein Starter Kit, £14.50 from



Annie Appleseed Project seeks $UPPORT for March 6-8, 2014 Educ Conf

Annie Appleseed

We've been producing educational conferences since 2008 (online since 1999).  Our work is to provide information  and advocacy on natural cancer strategies, lifestyle issues, complementary & alternative treatments for you.  All free of charge except our conferences.

The 2013 Evidence-based CAM 4 Cancer conference went forward with no grants or special funding.  It was a terrific event but we are out of funds.  We cannot produce the 2014 conference without your help!  We accept  any amount donated.  

OR send a check to Annie Appleseed Project (tax deductible to the full extent of the law) 7319 Serrano Terrace, Delray Beach, FL 33446-2215 USA.           (8th Evidence-based conference details so f

We have thousands of supporters so if you do your part, we can continue to produce these outstanding events.  If you are a practitioner, provider or sell a product, keep in mind that we help alert the buying public to what you do.  If you are a patient, caregiver, family member or Advocate, you know we provide the most useful and up-to-date information on a daily basis (see our Facebook page or Twitter @annieappleseed).

We want to continue to help you and we ask that you help us today.

Thank you so much.  Above is our latest program concept - share widely.

Further Information

Please contact and contribute to Annie Appleseed Project on Tel: +1 561 749-0084;

The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition and is  not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare provider.



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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    The IFPA Annual Conference and Trade Show

    The IFPA Annual Conference and Trade Show takes place on Saturday 12th October 2013 at the Leicester Marriott, Smith Way, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 1SW -   Speakers and subjects to be covered at this conference are: Dr Sue Clarke, Chemistry - Myths and Misunderstandings, Mary Chancellor, The Women’s Voice - Review of a Pilot Study on 'Aromatherapy for Wellbeing' in a Closed Women’s Prison Debbie Moore, Building a Blend. Here will be World Cafés style sessions for the last hour where you can ask specific questions to the speaker. The sessions will be facilitated by 3 guest speakers

    Further information Tel: 01455 637987;


    Rainbow Valley - Fighting Cancer

    Rainbow Valley, a charity committed to giving people of all ages living with and affected by cancer choices about their health, invites you to their Health vs Cancer Event on Saturday 21 September at Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow from 10am-4pm to hear Sean Swarner: an inspirational speaker who has beaten the odds to become the first cancer survivor to summit Mount Everest. Jane Sen, Nutritionist and chef at Bristol Cancer Centre [now Penny Brohn Cancer Care] and  Jessica Richards, author of The Topic of Cancer, an inspired and practical guide on how to take control when faced with cancer.

    Further information or to book tickets Tel: 01877 382485 / 07775 337079;


    Anger Solution Web Course

    The Anger Solution: The Proven Method for Achieving Calm and Developing Healthy, Long-Lasting Relationships" Interactive Web Course by John Lee, Owner John Lee Books and Seminars,  is on Saturday, August 31 2013 at 1:00pm - 2:30pm. This interactive, online program is for the general public, for Counselling therapists and for other helping professionals.  The Anger Solution provides a revolutionary and unique approach to the most misunderstood emotion - anger. Without the Anger Solution, anger is an often confusing emotion.

    Further information:


    Turning Point Training Craniosacral Practitioner Training

    Turning Point Training is holding a Craniosacral Practitioner level 1 modular course covering relevant advanced Anatomy and Physiology, history of SCT and techniques and treatment protocols. Craniosacral Therapy has developed from the ideas of Osteopath, William Garner Sutherland in the early 1900s. He identified the gentle intrinsic rhythm characteristic of life, which is expressed by every structure of the body when in health. He further developed techniques to restore and balance these tissues. These gentle techniques can be applied to everyone from babies to the elderly. Dates are now available for Marlborough weekends, autumn 2013 and Marlow, near London, monthly 2014.

    Further information Tel: 01769 574 833 Mob: 0794 441 1681


    World Reflexology Week

    22-29 September 2013 is World Reflexology Week. Members (MAR) of The Association of Reflexologists will be running taster sessions and special events across the countryside during the week. Reflexology works by massaging and stimulating specific reflex points, usually on the feet, but also on the hands, face and ears.

    Further information Tel: 01823 351010;   to find out what is happening near you visit:


    Freedom from Chronic Pain

    The Freedom from Chronic Pain latest Newsletter contains articles on The Joys and Jeopardies of Summer Shoes, Question Corner and Success Story. Written by Professor Dr Brian Rothbart, an internationally recognized Specialist in the elimination of chronic muscle and joint pain and the author of the book Forever Free From Chronic Pain. After years of suffering with chronic pain, he cured himself without using drugs or surgery using a therapy he invented called Rothbart Proprioceptive Therapy.

    Further information:   


    Exercise Study Published

    A large exercise study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise shows that 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week can have significant effects on our health, but only if you work hard. The researchers, who studied 1,150 young adults over a period of 15 weeks, asked participants to exercise for 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week at 65-85% of their maximum heart rate. Those people who stuck to the protocol and exercised effectively for the full 30 minutes, not only had a better body mass index (BMI), than those who didn’t, but they also had lowered blood pressure, cholesterol and resting heart rate.

    Further information: the 13.1 fitness fx DVDs are available to purchase for £14.99 each at 


    No Hands Massage

    Gerry Pyves has been sharing his no hands approach with Therapists for 15 years. His Transforming Touch Course will be held in Bradford, West Yorkshire from 14-16 February 2014,  London Heathrow 21-23 February 2014 and Morecambe Lancashire 28 February to 2 March 2014. Early bird offer is running until the end of August 2013 or until they are fully booked which will save £200 on the course. You can also sign up for Gerry’s 10-part seminar series on Why Massage Works at no cost whatsoever.

    Further information Tel: 01524 415 345;


    The Kegel Legacy

    The Kegel Legacy the new book by Barry Fowler,  reveals why new mothers are wasting their time doing Pelvic Floor Exercises which bear no resemblance to the clinically proven methods developed by Arnold Kegel over 65 years ago. Childbirth can cause a lifetime of health problems and mothers are not getting good, timely advice and the treatment they deserve. Many feel that the NHS recommended Kegel or pelvic floor exercises just do not work. This book explains why. The book clearly demonstrates how Pelvic Floor Exercises can be a most effective treatment for stress incontinence, prolapse and a poor sex life and explores how the key principles that make exercise effective were ignored by generations of medical professionals.

    Further information:


    Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Cholesterol

    Red Yeast Rice has been used for centuries in traditional medicines to help relieve indigestion and improve blood circulation and for spleen and stomach health. In more recent years, it has been found to help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and help fight against heart disease. Veganicity has launched Red Yeast Rice Extra capsules which contains 350mg Red Yeast Rice, high in fibre and plant sterols and active constituents, including Monacolin K. This is combined with Psyllium Seed Husk Fibre, Vitamin E, Co-Enzyme Q10 and Vitamin B3 - all known to have a health maintaining effect on cholesterol levels.

    Further information: Red Yeast Rice capsules are available from all good independent health shops nationwide and   


    Organic Non-Applicator Tampons

    September marks Organic Month, a time for us to be aware of the benefits of using organic products, from food to cosmetics. Organic cotton products brand Organyc, is taking the opportunity to promote its non-application tampons made from 100% organic cotton that is free from pesticides, synthetic bleach and chlorine, meaning they are super soft and kind to skin. Organyc non-applicator tampons are available in three absorbencies and are compact and comfortable.

    Further information:


    Deep Relief Study

    Deep Relief is a topical, clinically proven analgesic gel, which uses both analgesic Ibuprofen and counter-stimulant Levomenthol to deliver a dual attack on pain to provide effective pain relief. In this survey of 1000 adults, 43% said they were blighted by pain on a daily basis. 45% reported living with pain for more than 5 years. The back is the number one sore spot with more than half of pain sufferers reporting the lower back to be the main source of discomfort. The neck and shoulders come in second affecting 2 out of 5 people. Deep Relief is the only topical NSAID to combine Ibuprofen and Levomenthol to provide this two-pronged approach to pain relief.

    Further information: Deep Relief is available from a wide range of retail outlets including pharmacies.


    Pregnancy Multivitamin

    Health Plus has developed Pregnancy Multivitamin, to help mums-to-be get the right nutrients they need. The  supplement contains 25 essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy pregnancy and to support foetal development. Specific nutrients  in Pregnancy Multivitamin are 400mcg of folic acid for supporting neural foetal development. The carefully balanced, one-a-day tablet is also suitable for vegans. Pregnancy Multivitamin contains: Folic acid, Calcium, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Beta Carotene (Vitamin A), Vitamin E, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12, Inositol, Copper, Vitamin D2, Vitamin K2, Biotin, Chromium and Molybdenum.

    Further information: Available at independent health shops nationwide. Tel: 01323 872277;  


    Sleeplessness and Mental Health

    Sleepless nights and disrupted body clocks could be linked to mental health conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, according to research by Professor Russell Foster from the University of Oxford. Foster’s work suggests that the neural mechanisms of the brain behind mental health and normal sleep overlap and share brain circuits, so if your sleep is disrupted, so is your mental health. Studies of schizophrenia patients have found profound disruptions in their sleep patterns, with half also having irregular body clocks that are out of sync with the pattern of day and night.

    Further information Tel: 01865 287831;


    AICR Annual Conference

    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) takes place on 7-8 November 2013. This year’s conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer will take place in Bethesda MD. The AICR conference is a great place to connect and share your work with researchers and scientists working in nutrition, physical activity and cancer.

    Further information:


    Mind Body and Soul Weekend

    The Mind, Body & Soul weekend in Peterborough on 21-22 September 2013 will be an inspirational weekend with exhibits from across the spectrum of holistic healing, complementary medicine and alternative spirituality. Over 30 leading mind, body, spirit practitioners will be on site all weekend, experts in fields including Astrology, Ayurveda, Chakra Balancing, Colour Therapy, Healing, Herbal remedies, Homeopathy, NLP, Meditation and Visualization, Fitness and Weight Loss, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Reiki, Reflexology, Sound Healing and Tarot. There are many free talks, classes, workshops and demonstrations. There is also free parking.

    Further information Tel: 01933 652445;


    Weight Loss Guru

    Coconut has always been linked with words like ‘fattening’ and ‘heart disease’. Today an increasing amount of evidence is cultivating a healthy list of accolades for this ‘candy of the super food world’. Dr Bruce Fife, pro-coconut evangelist discusses the changing image of this strange hairy fruit. Weight loss guru’s Pete Cohen is hosting an exclusive free workshop with special guest Dr Bob Rakowski on Wednesday 28 August between 6-9pm in Central London.

    Further information:


    B12 Saved My Life

    Following a terrifying illness, renowned Psychotherapist Terence Watts campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of B12 checks for the over 60s. Terence Watts is campaigning to raise awareness of the need for senior citizens to have blood tests to check their B12 levels. He was suffering with severe flu-like infection that led to weight loss, extreme lethargy, depression and acute despair. A doctor identified that his B12 levels were low following a blood test and prescribed B12 injections and he started on a mega dose supplement. The results were astounding, within days he felt better than he had in years. Terence discovered that most people know nothing of the ravages to general health that a lack of B12 can cause.

    Further information Tel: 07956 657227;


    Dermatique for Eczema

    Dermatique, a cream that cures eczema was developed by Glaswegian James McPeake when his 4 year old daughter developed severe skin rashes. Mr McPeake did 18 months exhaustive research, visiting dermatologists and international raw material suppliers to gather information about everything related to skin and how to treat it. he developed a formulation that offered much needed moisture and nourishment for his daughter’s skin. Today his daughter is 18 and has perfect skin.

    Further information: Dermatique is available exclusively online at


    Soothing Skin Allergies

    Living Nature pure and natural skin care products harness the curative powers of some of New Zealand’s unique botanicals including: Active Manuka Honey, antibacterial Manuka Oil, cleansing Kumerahou and ultra-hydrating, soothing Harakeke, the New Zealand Flax plant. You can now purchase an introductory pack of Living Nature skin care and cosmetic samples, tailored to your specific skin condition and needs.

    Further information Tel: 0845 250 8455


    Ljubljana Yoga Conference

    The second Ljubljana Yoga Conference (LUC 2013), the largest event of its kind in Eastern Europe is taking place in Slovenia’s beautiful capital city on 4-6 October 2013. LYC attracts hundreds of Yoga enthusiasts and is intended for people at all stages in their Yoga journey, from total beginners to advanced Practitioners. The conference is an annual holistic event with a host of top class Yoga teachers, Body workers and other masters of all things Yoga and self-discovery. The programme includes two pre-conference special workshops and over 30 workshops during the conference and covers various Yoga styles including Ashtanga, Kivamukti, Dharma, Lyengar and Hatha.

    Further information:


    Ti Sana Detox Retreat

    Optimise your energy levels, enjoy greater vitality and a better quality of life, reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases with Ti Sana’s new Healtheatarian Active Life programme designed to help you learn to set up and manage your lifestyle. Ti Sana Spa & Detox Retreat located outside Milan has designed a brand new health programme which includes a scientific-based nutrition combined with medical Spa treatments and gentle activities, guaranteed to give you the results you desire or your money back.

    Further information Tel +39 039 9920979;


    HJ Sock’s Shortlisted for Award

    HJ Sock Group have been shortlisted in the Longevity category on the fourth annual Red Ribbon Awards for family business. Since their establishment in 1882,they are now a fifth generation family business. Hosted by Family Business Place, they are the UK’s only national awards to recognise the achievements of family-run businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. The winners were announced on 5 July 2013 Red Ribbon Awards Ceremony hosted at the Lancaster London Hotel.

    Further information:   


    Raw Food Healthy Reading

    Raw Food Made Easy is a book by Jennifer Cornbleet, a well-known San Francisco Bay area cooking instructor and chef. She shares her favourite no-cook recipes in for one or two people. In this newly revised edition of her no-cook classic, she continues her mission to offer tasty meals, snacks and desserts made with basic kitchen equipment and everyday ingredients. Along with her favourites from the first edition, Jennifer has added 50 new recipes including an innovative collection of green,  smoothies based on nutritionally power-packed greens and fruits. 

    Further information Tel: Orders: 888.260.8458  Office: 931.964.3571;


    Cancer Research Major Advances

    Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made a major advancement in understanding tissue development that has important implications for cancer. Finding published in the journal Cell Science, show how the protein EB2 is a key regulator of tube-like structures inside cells and critical for normal tissue development and function. Microtubules are tubular structures that make up the internal skeleton of cells and perform many essential functions. EB2 belongs to an important group of proteins that influence the behaviour of microtubules.

    Further information Tel: 01603 592764;


    Yoga Mamma for Pregnant Women

    Yoga Mamma shows you how you can keep fit and healthy in a way that’s safe for your baby as well as keeping you prepared mentally for the challenges ahead. Yoga helps with many of the physical ailments women experience whilst expecting including back ache, swelling and nausea. Yoga is safe to do right up until the birth and by remaining flexible and active during pregnancy, a shorter, easier labour is likelier.  Yoga Mamma provides simple an easy to follow guide to positions through the trimesters, has advice on breathing techniques, can be practiced at home or out and about at any time and includes case studies and birthing stories.

    Further information Tel Seattle: +1 206.658.3573


    The Power of the Voice

    The Power of the Voice published by Ayni Books (An imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd) written by Lisbeth Hultmann, offers you the tools to understand which kind of voice type you are, which advantages and disadvantages it gives you and how to work with it. If you want to know more about the many possibilities of expression of your voice or if you have trouble with speaking too loud, too low, too fast or if you mumble or get hoarse, which makes your communication insufficient, you will receive help in this book.

    Further information:

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