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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 206

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 206 - May 2013

Turning Point Training - Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

CST Training

Turning Point Training is run by Jonathan Lawrence and Rosemary Lawrence, experienced practitioners and teachers trained in the UK and abroad, and is dedicated to the promotion of good health through education. Turning Point training courses teach practitioners the fundamentals of the holistic paradigm of heath in which homeostasis can be restored and maintained in patients. This approach benefits the wider community by empowering individuals to take control of their heath which is communicated to family, friends and colleagues.

Postgraduate courses are provided in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology; a full programme of courses is available for the next 2 years.

Craniosacral Therapy gently restores structural integrity in patients compromised by trauma, accidents and disease. This is achieved through gentle manipulation. Craniosacral therapy is non-invasive and has been practised over many years.

  • Level I Craniosacral Practitioner course is over 7 modules. Qualification is obtained by attendance, continual assessment, case studies and exam. The course can be taken in a block or flexibly. This course is recognized by the Complementary Therapists Association;
  • Level II course is now offered which involves 5 one day workshops in specialist areas plus coursework and examination;
  • Level 3 qualification involves a dissertation.

Homotoxicology is a system of medicine bridging homeopathy and orthodox medicine designed to eliminate the homotoxins (substances poisonous to human beings) from the body using gentle formulations of modern homoeopathically prepared remedies.

  • Diploma in Homotoxicology: Turning Point Training is collaborating with the Society of Homotoxicology UK to produce a practitioner diploma that is internationally recognized. This course begins in 2014 and will involve 6 modules over a year. The diploma will be awarded through attendance, satisfactory completion of assignments and final exam;
  • Other homotoxicology courses consist of a Diploma in Homeopathic Mesotherapy and a Diploma in Biodaignostics (EAV).  These courses are also available to those with a Diploma in Homotoxicology or other suitably qualified Practitioners.
  • Homeopathic Mesotherapy involves the injection of safe, tested remedies subcutaneously or intramuscularly into acupuncture points, trigger points and other reflex areas.  This method can be used as adjunct to homotoxicology treatment and other modalities.

The Diploma in Biodiagnostics involves training practitioners in the use of an electro-acupuncture machine as a means of identifying organ imbalances within the patients’ body and prescribing remedies accordingly.

Further Information

For more information contact Turning Point on Tel: 07944411681;


Extract - Notes On Meditation

by Allan Armstrong

Notes on Meditation front Cover

The Chemistry of Stress

Anyone seeking to become proficient in the art of meditation must initially acquire two basic skills, first in relaxation, because effective meditation requires a stable biological platform, and second in concentration, because it is through concentration that we overcome the transient activities of our mind.

Tension and Stress

At a molecular level, matter exists in a natural and fluid state of tension that is established upon electromagnetic forces of attraction and repulsion. In terms of human experience stress is typically associated with an increase rather than a decrease in tension, and certain situations are commonly understood to increase tension and produce stress, for example:

  • The death of someone close;
  • Divorce or separation;
  • Moving home;
  • Work insecurity;
  • Financial insecurity;
  • Health problems;
  • Increase in responsibilities;
  • Domestic strife;
  • Poor performance at work;
  • Child care issues.

The Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system serves the fight/flight mechanism. It is the physiological base of our ability to respond and adapt to stimulation - either pain or pleasure. It controls the upper limits of physiological activity, generating a state of arousal

and activity that initiates movement concerned with survival. Some of its functions include stopping digestion, opening the airways of the lungs and increasing heart rate and blood pressure. The parasympathetic nervous system is the counterbalance to the sympathetic nervous system. It controls the lower limits of physiological activity and is responsible for maintaining and conserving the body’s resources. It regulates physiological maintenance, including processes such as cell growth, digestion, relaxation and sleep. Some of the functions of this system include the storage of vital resources, promoting digestion, distribution of nutrients, constriction of bronchi and the slowing of respiration and the decrease of heart rate and blood pressure. Recognizing how this subtle mechanism works is fundamental to our understanding of stress because it is a mechanism that is involved with every part of our life.

Breath Control

In our society much of our recreational time is devoted to using the sympathetic nervous system, in ‘exercise’ and ‘sport’ as a means of achieving some form of relaxation. However, one of the most notable features of the sympathetic nervous system, and of a state of anxiety in general, is rapid and or shallow breathing.

In contrast, one of the main characteristics of the parasympathetic nervous system is a slowing down and deepening of our breathing. Thus, learning to work with the parasympathetic nervous system, to develop it as a coping mechanism in our everyday activities, should be considered as an evolutionary quantum leap.

The means by which we are able to develop this coping mechanism is through the control of the breath, and it is not difficult to engage with. The key is simply learning to slow the breathing and deepen it, and then to combine it with the imagination to develop an enhanced state of relaxation. There is nothing new in this; control of the breath and harnessing the power of imagination has been central to the discipline of meditation for millennia.

Further Information

If you wish to know more see Notes on Meditation by Allan Armstrong


Scottish School of Hypnotherapy Ltd

The Scottish School of Hypnotherapy is located in Glendaruel, a glorious west highland glen, often overlooked by travellers heading north, so although it is easily accessible from Glasgow, it retains its sense of tranquillity and remoteness. Nestling under the gentle hills, surrounded by beauty and wildlife, the school provides an ideal location for the teaching of the skills of applied clinical hypnosis, carrying on a tradition which was originally established 25 years ago.

Scottish School of Hypnotherapy

The practitioner level training in clinical hypnotherapy is recognised as a quality course and is the only qualification which will be considered for membership of the National Society of Professional Hypnotherapists (NSPH). This is the largest society of hypnotherapists in Scotland, though they have members from other countries too.  It is also the longest standing.  Originally known as the Professional Association of Hypnotherapists (Scotland) it became the NSPH in 1980.

Course Aims

  • To provide an overview of the development, uses and applications of hypnosis in therapy;
  • To assist anyone who may be considering hypnotherapy as a career option by evaluating career opportunities and courses available;
  • To update participants on state of regulation of the profession;
  • To provide an opportunity to really relax.

Completion of this course ensure that therapists are qualified not only to offer suggestion therapy, but also hypnoanalysis the latter of which involves the therapist in supporting the client while they identify reasons (often repressed) behind their presenting complaint and vent associated emotions (known as an abreaction).

The ability to manage an abreaction is an essential skill for any hypnotherapist as they can occur, spontaneously, when a client is in hypnosis and, if not dealt with in the right way, can harm to the client.

Many individuals interested in learning more about hypnotherapy can be so baffled by all the courses on offer (differing durations, timescales, emphases & costs!) that they don’t take their interest further.  Here at the School we offer introductory courses which allow the participants to gain ‘inside’ information placing them in a position to make an ‘informed’ choice.

Course Content

HYPNOSIS - What is it? What is it not? History of hypnosis; Stage v therapy; Can I be hypnotised? Suggestion Therapy, Analysis and Past life regression; Applications; Hypnotherapy as a profession; Course options and validation – what to look for; Regulation; Practitioner level training at the Scottish School of Hypnotherapy; Accommodation on campus at Ardachearnbeg; Questions; Visualisations.

Combining a relaxing weekend break in a comfortable well-furnished accommodation with lively discussion, guided visualisations and good company, we encourage attendees to question. We are running our next weekend course starting on the evening of the 17th May from 1800hrs, 18th & 19th May 2013 based at the Scottish School of Hypnotherapy Ltd, Ardachearnbeg, Glendaruel.

Further Information

Please contact Scottish School of Hypnotherapy on Tel: 01369-820172;


Helios Homeopathy - Celebrating 26 Years at the Heart of Homeopathy

from John Morgan MD

The seeds of Helios were sown in my student days at the College of Homeopathy in 1983 when I met some enthusiastic students who were interested in remedy making. At that time students learned about the potentization process but had never seen what it looked like or experienced the actual making of a remedy. We held workshops where five or six students would sit with mortars and pestles and tubes of alcohol and make remedies up to 30c. The college principal encouraged students to develop their creative ideas and allowed us have a table on college weekends to sell the remedies we had at the time. I also introduced the range at a Society of Homeopaths conference in 1985 in Salford and members were very supportive of a new source of remedies made by homeopaths, so the idea of taking remedy making further and opening a brand new homeopathic pharmacy was formed.

Pharmacy Shop

Setting up a registered pharmacy is complicated, but after several months of preparing the shop and dispensary and waiting for registration from the Pharmaceutical Society, Helios finally opened at 92 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells in November 1986.   Subsequent growth saw the need to locate to our existing premises at 97 Camden Road in 1991, where alongside the pharmacy we have manufacturing premises and a holistic health care clinic.

In the first month of opening we took between 10 and 20 orders a day of varying sizes and the first customers were college students and Society of Homeopaths members.  A large number of our first customers are still ordering from us and currently we send out between 350-500 orders a day to practitioners, their patients and the public in the UK and 140 countries around the globe.

We have come along way since first opening and now have over 60 wonderful staff and a branch in Covent Garden, London. Potentizing remedies accurately and thoroughly with love, care and providing a good service is what we do and will continue to do.   Our aims and ethos have not changed since the formative years in that we continue to make our own remedies, from original sources, right up to the highest potencies with homeopaths as our main workforce. We opened with 30 remedies and now have over 3,500 and are still making new ones every week.

I don’t envisage an ending to this work and want Helios to go on beyond its current generation to the next. Homeopathy remains popular and we share and support the ideals of the global homeopathic community so that homeopathy upholds its rightful place for the future health of humanity. Thank you to all our customers who have supported us over the years; we would not be here without you.

Further Information

Please contact Helios on Tel: 01892-537 254;


Iron Mill College - Training in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Iron Mill College was founded over 30 years ago and are now based in a beautiful and historic building in the centre of Exeter. Iron Mill are a leading provider of training and continuing professional development programmes in the fields of counselling and psychotherapy, related social sciences and personal skills development. Their aim is to provide you with experiences and opportunities which will enable you to develop and explore your potential in a supportive, stimulating and challenging environment, where ideas are discussed freely and where there is a sense of sharing in a continuing process of self-discovery.

PH Picture

Iron Mill College attracts students from a range of ages, backgrounds and professions and from a wide geographical area. Each student brings a depth of experience and diversity to Iron Mill and we are privileged to have inspirational teachers and trainers of high quality and commitment, with a wide range of areas of expertise, plus a dedicated and welcoming administrative team, who provide important back-up and support for our students.

If you are preparing to join Iron Mill on your educational journey, you can be certain of their commitment to provide excellence and innovation in the delivery of mental health and wellbeing training, alongside our ongoing professional support to qualified practitioners.

Iron Mill’s training programmes cover a wide range of theoretical frameworks and are constantly updated to keep up with contemporary theory, research and legislation. Iron Mill remains committed to maintaining and enhancing our standards and are continually developing as an organization to remain at the cutting edge of therapeutic work and theoretical perspectives.

Forthcoming Courses Include

  • Introduction to Counselling Skills;
  • Certificate in Counselling;
  • Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling;
  • FdA and BA (Hons) in Integrative Counselling;
  • Foundation Year in Transactional Analysis (Psychotherapy);
  • Advanced Transactional Analysis Programme (Psychotherapy);
  • Diploma in Supervision: Professionals working with Children and Young People.

Iron Mill has centres in Cardiff, Exeter and Dorset, so why not get in touch today and find out what's happening near you?

Further Information

Full course information can be found at or feel free to call us on Tel: 01392 219200.


The Body By Vi 90-Day Challenge

Visalus offers weight loss and health products in the US and Canada and have recently arrived in the UK.  Founded in 2005, Visalus is built upon three simple pillars - to make a positive impact on Life, Health and Prosperity around the world.

In creating the Body By Vi 90-day Challenge, the founders took a hard look at why people fail at most other programmes, and set out to create something simple, something social and something that could be affordable enough to fit today’s lifestyle.

The Body By Vi 90-Day Challenge

It’s as simple as setting a 90-day target to achieve a specific activity, fitness or weight loss goal relevant to you; purchasing the Vi Health kit that most supports you achieving your goal; and joining the Vi Online community, entering to win prizes that celebrate your successes along the way.

Your 90-day goal can be part of a larger goal or a one-off event -  e.g. to lose 20lbs on your way to an overall loss of 90lbs; build up to walking 30 minutes 5 days a week; take a new dance class;  or complete your first half or full marathon!

At the heart of the programme is the Vi Health Shake – a proprietary blend nutritional meal replacement shake - that you take instead of skipping breakfast; to replace an unhealthy meal on the run; or as part of a weight loss program.

Vi believes that health and fitness activities should be a normal part of our social lives. Online, the community cheers each other on; mobile apps help you track your progress, and experts provide meal plans and advice on weight loss, nutrition and exercise. Offline, Vi encourages friends, family and colleagues to join together, offering group and family prizes for combined weight losses and goal achievements, and making it more affordable through the 3ForFree program.

According to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in Britain, obesity is the greatest public health crisis facing the UK, with 25% of the adult population currently classified as obese. By 2020 the obesity rate is estimated to rise to 25% of children, 50% of women and 65% of men. 

Body By Vi is determined to do as much as they can to help curb that trend in the UK and globally.  Their simple message and process has captured the people of North America's imagination and taken the company to $1billion in just four years. Launched in April in the UK sales have already exceeded $1million and hundreds of people are already visibly losing weight and getting fit in just this short time.  Why not join us with your own 90-day challenge and make your health a priority in your life today.

Further Information

Please contact Kiwi Marshall on Tel: 07538 400328;


Migra-Cap Migraine Relief 

Developed by a Migraine sufferer for Migraine sufferers

The Migra Cap® is unique amongst migraine treatments as it combines cold therapy and complete darkness to provide relief from the pain associated with a migraine and most types of headaches.

Migra-Cap Migraine Relief

A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all ages. During an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve endings near the affected blood vessels. These changes to the blood vessels are probably what cause the pain; migraine headaches are poorly understood.

What are the Typical Features of Migraine?

People often use the word migraine to refer to headaches of many different types. So-called classical migraine attacks have several features:

  • Headaches that occur in bouts of between roughly 4 to 72 hours;
  • The headaches usually affect one side of the head at a time, although both sides may be affected in separate attacks;
  • The headaches are usually throbbing and worsened by normal physical activity nausea and/or vomiting;
  • Preceding symptoms, called the 'aura' that most often are visual, such as zigzag lines or flashing lights across or at the edges of the fields of vision;
  • Other symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, or non-visual aura such as a sensation of tingling in the body.

The Lycra cap covers the whole of the head area, and is filled with specially formulated gel packs strategically positioned to target the areas of the head affected by pain. Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort the breathable, flexible Lycra material enables the cap to fit all head shapes. A 'cut-away' in the material allows users with long hair to pull the hair through for maximum comfort. Migra-Cap can be stored in a domestic fridge or freezer and the specially formulated gels ensure that Migra-Cap will not freeze to a solid.

Drug Free Relief

Migra-Cap helps to relieve pain and suffering by limiting exposure to the key elements that can prolong or enhance a migraine attack. Remedies that utilize drugs such as Aspirin, Paracetemol and Butalbital can cause side effects, consumption issues or even produce allergic reactions. More powerful painkillers eg Paramax, Migramax, Domperamol can require strict dosage guidelines and are often expensive to purchase.

Sports Applications

Migra-Cap can help to relieve pain and swelling caused by nearly all types of sports injuries. The Migra-Cap® can aid with the treatment and relief of pain, blows to the head and concussions. The cooling effect can aid in the reduction of swelling and can help limit post-concussion swelling or brain injury.

Useful Applications

Migraine ReliefThe Migra-Cap® can also be worn by children, providing all of the relief factors children can receive treatment for headaches, falls or fevers without the need to medicate.

Migra-Cap has also proved successful in trials where over 81% of women found that it was an effective method of migraine relief. Migra-Cap can also assist in the relief of pregnancy and period pains.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap Migraine Management Ltd on Tel: 01685 387788;


Mushroom Supplements for Oxidative Stress and Free-Radical Cellular Damage

Ongoing research is exploring the clinical application of edible mushrooms for health benefits in conditions mainly associated with oxidative stress and free-radical-induced cell damage.

Hericium Mushrooms

Hericium erinaceus

Neurodegenerative Processes

The brain has a large potential oxidative capacity but a limited ability to counteract oxidative stress. Within the cell, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are physiologically present at minimal concentration as by-products of aerobic metabolism as well as second messengers in many signal transduction pathways; in normal conditions, there is a steady-state balance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants, necessary to ensure optimal efficiency of antioxidant defences.

However, when the rate of free radical generation exceeds the capacity of antioxidant defences, oxidative stress ensues with consequential severe damage to DNA, proteins and lipids. Oxidative stress is implicated in mechanisms leading to neuronal cell injury in pathological states of the brain, including neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

There is growing evidence that low concentrations of ROS may in fact be able to induce the expression of antioxidant enzymes and other defence mechanisms. On the other hand, oxidants, when in excess can, over long term, disrupt redox homeostasis, impose oxidative stress and subsequently lead to a dramatic loss of molecular fidelity, the major cause for accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in brain cells. Alzheimer’s (AD), Parkinson’s (PD), and Huntington’s diseases, and  also amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Friedreich ataxia belong to the so called ‘protein conformational diseases’ and affect several millions of aged people in all the world.

The cell’s ability to deal with ROS and RNS requires the activation of pro-survival pathways as well as molecules endowed with anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic activities. It is plausible to exploit the possibility that mushroom nutrition can activate signalling processes within brain cells leading to augmented cellular stress resistance, thereby opening new therapeutic windows to withstand deleterious effects of oxidative damage in vulnerable neurons and consequently cell death-mediated degenerative diseases.

Enzyme therapy plays an important role in several clinical conditions such as in cancer treatment, malignant lymphoma and cardiovascular disorders. Evidence supports the notion that nutritional approaches with mushroom biomass can be a target for preventive medicine actions based on modulation of endogenous redox state to withstand conditions of oxidative stress, the main pathogenic factor operating in ageing and neurodegenerative disorders, as well as in the promotion and progression of malignant cells.

A variety of proteins have been isolated and characterized from mushrooms and fungi including lectins, ribonucleases, ribosome-inactivating proteins, anti-fungal proteins, laccases and ubiquitin-like peptides Some of these proteins exhibit anti-proliferative/anti-tumour, anti-microbial and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitory activities.

Recent findings have shown that mushrooms are effective in the treatment of oxidative stress; levels of various enzymes were determined associated with the removal of ROS (superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, GSH-reductase, NADPH-cytochrome C reductase, laccase) as well as tyrosinase and in the following mushrooms: Polyporus umbellatus, Agaricus blazei, Pleurotus ostreatus and Hericium erinaceus.

  1. Highest levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were recorded in Hericium erinaceus and Pleurotus ostreatus, followed by Agaricus blazei  and Polyporus umbellatus;
  2. NADPH-Cyt P450 reductase activity was detected in all four mushroom species with Polyporus umbellatus exhibiting the highest activity;
  3. Reduced glutathione, most commonly called glutathione or GSH, is a relatively small molecule ubiquitous in living systems. Significant levels of GSH reductase activity were measured in Agaricus blazei, Pleurotus ostreatus and Hericium erinaceus, with the lowest activity found in Polyporus umbellatus.

Research results suggest that important antioxidant and cytoprotective enzymes are present in all the different fungi examined, suggesting considerable potential for therapeutic strategies based on nutritional interventions with mushrooms to limit and/or prevent the adverse consequences associated with free-radical induced damage in neurodegenerative disorders.

This is a synopsis of the Research Article to be published in PH Online Issue 208:

Rationale for Mushroom Nutrition Supplementation in Neurodegenerative Conditions - Calabrese V, Cornelius C, Cavallaro M, Cambria M and Toscano MA

Further Information

Please contact Mycology Research on Tel: 01582 485 209;


Homeopathy, Nutrition and Reiki Courses at Sayer Complementary Health 

Sayer Complementary Health run by June Sayer DHom (Med) MARH RHom DNTh FNTP DIridol, Homeopath and Nutritionist, is based in Southend, Essex. June has been qualified in homeopathy for over 20 years and continues to see clients at her practice.   As well as providing healthcare for her clients she also teaches a range of courses in Homeopathy, Reiki and Nutrition, having trained in Nutrition, Iridology and Reiki.

Sayer Complementary

Anyone undertaking courses in homeopathy will find the subject both fascinating and challenging.  The one-day basic introductory course in introduces you to homeopathic remedies that can be used at home for minor illnesses, coughs and colds, digestive disturbances and headaches and may speed up the healing process.   An additional module covered by e-learning gives you a greater understanding of homeopathy.

A full in-depth Practitioner Diploma course in this subject is also available by attendance at the premises in Southend learning alongside qualified homeopaths on an apprentice-type basis for those who wish to develop an exciting and rewarding career.  This course covers the history of homeopathy, the philosophy and the underlying causes of illnesses as viewed by a homeopath as well as a wide range of homeopathic remedies.  Some e-learning is included.

An introduction to Nutrition course helps you find out more about the impact of foods on your general health and how you can choose foods to improve your wellbeing.   At this stage, we do not offer a full diploma course in Nutrition.

Reiki is another form of healing that is very relaxing and has a profound effect on stress.  The first level of Reiki (Shoden) teaches you how to carry out your own self-healing and practice Reiki on your friends and family.  Having become familiar with the practice of Reiki 1 you can go on to Reiki level 2 (Okuden) the practitioner level, where you will learn enhanced methods of using your Reiki and be able, once insured, to work on members of the public.

Should you want to take your Reiki a stage further, Sayer Complementary Health also provides the Reiki Master/Teach level course.

Further Information

For more details on any of the above courses, contact June on Tel: 01702 826049;




Help APOPS Build the Tool that will Shift  Pelvic Organ Prolapse into the 21st Century!

APOPS [Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support] focuses daily on navigating multiple needs of women with pelvic organ prolapse. Change is needed and coming in the pelvic organ prolapse arena; on medical record for over 4000 years with little shift in recognition, screening, and diagnostics, dialogue is finally on the table and agenda is slowly moving forward. While APOPS feels shifting awareness is the most significant strategic facet that needs to be addressed, a multitude of other aspects need to move forward as well. APOPS has always recognized the value of strong synergy between every sector engaged within POP dynamic. Those in healthcare, industry, and research cement the value of their professions by engaging in programs that assist women diagnosed with this common, cryptic health concern.


What if there was a tool that would enable women to track their symptoms and share them with healthcare practitioners? What if there was a tool that could capture statistics and build a database to enable industry to evaluate the areas of surgical and nonsurgical product need? What if there was a tool that could evolve necessary statistics to validate research initiatives? APOPS is building a tool to accomplish all of these actions but we need assistance financing the project. This short YouTube explains our request.

The App we are developing will serve multiple purposes; it will service the needs of women navigating pelvic organ prolapse, the healthcare practitioners who treat them, industry for developing the tools and devices necessary to move treatment forward, and research to clarify areas lacking statistical validation.  Although App development is quite expensive, the benefit both short term and long generate significant value to every sector engaged in the POP arena. This App will cost approximately $25,000; corporate sponsorship is going to be pivotal to quickly transport this App to market and I’m hopeful everyone engaged in the field of POP will contribute to our project. Every sector will benefit including and most importantly, the women who are experiencing pelvic organ prolapse. Proficient understanding of women’s needs enable all fields to perform more effectively. Working together toward on pelvic organ prolapse initiatives will assist the much needed shift in POP awareness.

Please contact me by via my cell or email with any questions you have; multiple levels of sponsorship will be made available. Donation/sponsorship info is available on the APOPS website at .

Together let’s shift pelvic organ prolapse into the 21st century!

Sherrie Palm


Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support

Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic

Further Information

Please contact Sherrie Palm on 001 Tel: 262-441-0488;



Raphael Medical Centre Mistletoe Therapy Clinic

A new outpatient clinic providing integrated cancer care specialising in mistletoe therapy (Viscum album) and hyperthermia has opened at the Raphael Medical Centre in Kent in 2010.

Dr Peter Gruenewald and nurses incorporate natural medicines and holistic therapies into the cancer care programme, to strengthen the patient on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. Mistletoe therapy forms the backbone of medical care for cancer patients.

Raphael Medical Centre Mistletoe Therapy Clinic

Mistletoe therapy for cancer has been in use since the 1920s, and is more widely available on the continent with specialist hospitals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – where Mistletoe is prescribed to a large number of cancer patients as an adjunct to conventional therapies.

Mistletoe therapy can benefit patients with common cancer types, as well as blood cancers and lymphomas. One of mistletoe's benefits is in relieving common side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy such as fatigue, nausea, digestive complaints and weight loss, sleeplessness, low mood, infections and can help in reducing pain. Mistletoe has anti-cancer effects and strengthens the immunity and so supports the body in fighting the effects of cancer.  The mistletoe extract is usually given as a subcutaneous injection and patients learn how to self-administer the therapy at home.

With whole body hyperthermia the body is heated to a fever range (38.5 – 39.5 0Celsius), and this is associated with the same immunological benefits as natural fever. Hyperthermia renders tumour cells more receptive to other anti-cancer treatments, thus enhancing the effects of immuno-, chemo- and radiotherapy without increasing their toxicity. With repeated treatments tumour growth can be inhibited by Hyperthermia. Here, Hyperthermia primarily used to support the effects of Mistletoe Therapy.

The Raphael Medical Centre is known as a leading holistic service provider for those suffering from complex neurological disabilities. Situated in 17 acres of parkland, The Raphael Medical Centre offers patients the perfect setting for their recovery. The organic kitchens provide wholesome meals using seasonal, biodynamic farm produce for the nutritional/dietary benefit of patients and staff alike.

Further Information
For background information on mistletoe therapy go to or contact the clinic at .
Please contact Raphael Medical Centre,Hollanden Park, Coldharbour Lane, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9LE on Tel: 01732 833924



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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    ACMOS Bio-energetics Practitioner Training 2013

    Learn the basic skills of ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health, part 1 & 2 June 26-28th 2013 in Paris, France. You will be able to: measure the energy body; restore basic balance to the body, environment and pets and to check for and strengthen against electronic pollution from phones and computers. Part 3 & 4 and certification exam: Nov 2013, Paris.

    Further Information Tel: 01463 794582;


    CNM Bristol Manchester New Courses

    The College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) is offering new courses; CNM in Manchester offers their Herbal Medicine Diploma Course; on graduation, you will not only be a Herbalist, but will also have good grounding in: Naturopathic Nutrition, First Aid Homeopathy, Chinese diagnostics, Bach Flowers, Tissue Salts, Naturopathy and Iridology. The CNM in Bristol offers an Acupuncture Diploma Course providing high quality Acupuncture training, enables graduates to practise successfully. Naturopathy Diploma Course is at both Bristol and Manchester. Study Naturopathy alongside or after your Naturopathic Nutrition course and graduate as a Naturopath as well.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 505,


    Anti-Allergy Algae

    Recently published research looked at the fresh water algae chlorella and its potential to affect the body's reaction to allergens. Researchers found that following delivery of chlorella extract, release of histamine by the body’s cells was reduced. Naturya sell an easy to use powdered chlorella supplement that can be added to smoothies, juice or salads and stir fries. Certified organic and containing important vitamins and minerals, chlorella is 100% natural with no additives or fillers.

    Further information Tel: 01647 221 598;


    High Barn Oils Nutrition

    Durwin Banks of High Barn Oils grows, presses and sells fresh linseed on his farm near Horsham, West Sussex and is convinced that the physical ageing process can be slowed down if the body is kept topped up with the essential fatty acid omega-3, found in large quantities in the seed. The delicious, nutty oil and linseed meal can be used in everyday meals, while convenient pods - little omega-3 meals in supplement form - are a popular way for many customers to increase their daily diet.

    Further information: High Barn Oils Linseed is available as Culinary Oil, approved by the Vegan Society. See Durwin Banks on YouTube, Tel: 01403 730 326;


    Spirulina Special Offer

    Spirulina is 25% off. Offer ends 31 May 2013. Spirulina is one of Nature’s richest whole food source of complete protein,  recommended by Nutritionists for its absorbability. Not only good for people, animals and plants thrive on Spirulina; when given Spirulina, old cats and dogs with dull, thinning coats have been seen to develop thick, lustrous coat, and pets with stiff joints appear to improve considerably, becoming supple and active again. There are no recommended daily allowances set for the elderly; their nutritional needs differ from other age groups and they are more likely to be deficient in certain nutrients. Spirulina offers nutrients in an easily assimilable form.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303;


    The Holy Grail of Hangover Cures

    Scientists and research companies may have been looking in the wrong place for the Holy Grail of the health industry hangover cure. Spirulina is an unusual ancient blue-green algae that grows in freshwater ponds and lakes. It has traditionally been used in powder form and added to smoothies and other drinks for its particularly high content of certain vitamins and minerals. Spirulina may be able to act in another way to beat back hangovers and has the potential to boost the activity of our cell’s ability to break down a chemical called acetaldehyde, one of the main culprits thought to be behind hangovers.

    Further information Tel: 01647 221 598;


    Too Busy to Moisturise?

    Almost half of all Brits have dry skin and yet only 28% will take action to moisturize. Eczema and dermatitis cases are also reported to being on the rise. Hope’s Relief body range, free from harsh chemicals, will soothe and diminish itchy flare-ups.  Containing fewer allergens than other milk-based products, Hope’s Relief Goats Milk benefits all skin types, helps remove dead skin cells, naturally rejuvenates skin and keeps skin moisturized by maintaining its proper pH balance. Goats Milk has also been shown to help acne-prone skin, making it an ideal  teens or those with a hormonal imbalance.

    Further information Tel: 0845 299 0700;


    Natural Healing Powers of Manuka

    Practitioner-strength Kiwiherb Herbal Remedies are created by New Zealand medical Herbalist Phil Rasmussen who suggests  switching your antiseptic products for 100% natural Kiwiherb Manuka Paint. The high potency herbal solution combines two New Zealand native herbs, Manuka and Horopita with thyme and curative Manuka oil to help clean broken skin, keep it infection free and promote healing. Manuka Paint can be added to water to create an antiseptic wash or simply painted directly on the skin. It is kind and gentle to the skin - a must-have for any home or holiday first aid kit.

    Further information Tel: 01455 556 281;


    'Lizard-Like’ Summer Slumber

    The type of sleep we achieve during the summer changes with deep dream-like sleep (REM) being interrupted by warmer temperatures. Dr Craig Hudson, sleep expert, Founder of Biosential - dedicated to researching sleep disorders, developer of natural sleep aid ZenBev, encourages people to take simple steps to ensure quality sleep is not sacrificed this summer. The following tips for a better summer night’s sleep: keep hydrated during the day, invest in a lighter duvet, keep to your usual bedtime, have a cool bath or shower before bed, sleep in 100% natural cotton sheets and use black out curtains or blinds. ZenBev is made from organic pumpkin seeds, is rich in tryptophan, which in the presence of the right carbohydrate, stimulates melatonin, a natural sleep drug.

    Further information:


    Celebrated Tutors Nominations

    The first nominations for the Celebration of Tutors by students and newly qualified Association of Reflexologist (AoR) members have just been received. This new initiative has been launched by the AoR to recognise excellence in Reflexology training. Characteristics that were valued by learners included: willingness of the tutor to share experiences and to be seen to pass on information above and beyond what was expected, enthusiasm, passion for the subject, thoughtfulness, kindness, patience and humour. Nominations will be announced in Sept 2013.


    Developing Leaders

    Success Intelligence's new course called Developing Leaders takes place on June 17-19 at myhotel, Chelsea, London SW3. It is based on Ben Renshaw’s extensive experience running senior leadership development programmes for top talent across the world working with clients like Heathrow, Heinz, InterContinental Hotels, Sky and Zurich. He emphasizes his most valuable principles and methodology to help you to design and deliver world-class programmes.

    Further information Tel: 0845 430 9236;


    Cranberry for Vaginal Infections

    After the successful introduction of Cranberry-Active capsules for the treatment of bladder and urinary tract infections in 2012, Medical Brands and American company Naturex-DBS together have introduced their latest development for treatment of vaginal infections. Studies showed that Cranberry-Active treats and prevents vaginal infections.

    Further information Tel: +31 (0)20-345 5330; Mob: +31 (0)655 761 1277;


    Brain Activity Protects Alzheimer’s

    Dr Inna Slutsky of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine, and the Sagol School of Neuroscience, with post-doctoral fellow Dr Iftach Doleve and PhD student Hilla Fogel, researching Alzheimer’s disease, have uncovered the two main features of the brain circuits that impact this crucial balance. The researchers have found that patterns of electrical pulses (spikes) in the form of high-frequency bursts and the filtering properties of synapses are crucial to the regulation of the amyloid-beta 40/42 ratio.

    Further information


    MICROlife Probiotic

    G&G’s MICROlife range is designed to assist you body in replenishing its supply of bacteria. If there is too small a colony of L. acidophilus and other friendly bacteria such as L. bulgaricus and L. bifidus, digestion can be impaired, short-changing us of the full nutritional value from foods. Fewer key vitamins will be synthesized and the immune system may be rendered less effective. It is Britain’s most powerful probiotic with 30 billion cultures and 10 times concentration.

    Further information Tel: 01342 312811;


    The Pilates Bible

    The Pilates Bible by Jo Ferris published by Octopus Publishing is a complete illustrated guide to Pilates for beginners and  advanced. Pilates has become increasingly recognized by Physiotherapists as an effective health and treatment programme. The book is simple to follow for everyone and includes more than 100 mat and standing exercises, with  workouts for special needs and groups including back and neck problems, pregnancy, young people and seniors.

    Further information Available on Amazon or Tel: 020-7632 5489;


    Tension Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) Conference

    The TRE International Conference with Dr David Berceli on 4-8 June in Cefalu, Italy is only open to those who have achieved a TRE Level II, Level III or A&B Trainer level. TRE are tension and trauma releasing exercises; the conference is being run by The Alexander Lowen Foundation.

    Further information Tel: +1 802-338-2866;


    The Power of Emotions

    The Path of Emotions: Transform Emotions Into Energy to Achieve Your Greatest Potential by Synthia Andrews, a Naturopathic Physician, Energy Practitioner and Teacher helps readers to understand and harness the power of emotions to help them to make better decisions, heal and let go of the past and create the lives of their dreams. She also co-wrote The Complete Idiot’s Guide to 2012, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Akashic Record and Acupressue & Reflexology for Dummies.

    Further information: Available from and


    New Reiki Software for Divine Living

    Ayni Books (imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd) publishes New Reiki Software for Divine Living by Brett Bevell. The entire Reiki system, including all Reiki levels and symbols, is simplified into one powerful, easy-to-use technique. This exciting new Reiki technology allows an individual to send many layers of energy treatments simultaneously and to offer energetic assistance to optimize the workplace, energetically feng shui a room, enhance the functioning of an automobile or computer, making Reiki a part of daily living.

    Further information: 


    Manuka Honey First Aid Gel

    Living Nature’s natural first aid wonder Manuka Honey Gel is an ultra-soothing gel potent in action, yet gentle on the skin. It is certified natural by BDIH Germany and containing only 100% natural preservatives, fragrances and ingredients to help save your skin from a wide array of discomforts this summer. Used to ease cuts and grazes, insect bites, prickly heat, skin irritations, hives, minor sunburn, cold sores, blisters, spots and shaving rash.

    Further information Tel: 0845 250 8455;


    Synephrine in Weight Loss Supplements

    Some products sold as sports or weight loss supplements may contain Synephrine, which may enhance the effects of caffeine according to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Synephrine is a compound found in plants such as bitter orange which has been used as a laxative and to relieve nausea, stomach pains, indigestion, gas and constipation by Amazon rainforest tribes for hundreds of years. According to BfR, sports or weight loss supplements often contain caffeine in addition to Synephrine which will affect heart and blood pressure adversely.

    Further information:


    Coeliac UK’s Campaign

    Coeliac UK has launched a campaign to find the half million people with undiagnosed coeliac disease. Joe Simpson, mountaineer, author and subject of the BAFTA award winning film Touching the Void recently diagnosed with coeliac disease, is offering support. 1 in 100 people in the UK have the disease; only 10-15% of those with the condition are diagnosed. Coeliac UK’s Gut Feeling campaign takes place from 13-19 May 2013; the charity is encouraging people across the UK to consider how their gut is feeling and to discuss any symptoms they have with their GP to help bring down the average length of diagnosis, currently 13 years.

    Further information Tel: 01494 437278;


    Neal’s Yard Remedies Healing Foods

    Healing Foods published on 1 May by Neal’s Yard Remedies features over 175 healing foods from common fruit and vegetables to more exotic spices, pulses and grains. Each entry features an in-depth description on their health benefits, stunning photography and annotations highlighting which parts are particularly beneficial and advice on how to optimise their super-food potential.

    Further information Tel: 0845 262 3145;  Tel: 020 7010 3598;


    Fish is the Dish for Longer Life

    Eating Omega-3 rich foods such as oily fish a couple of times a week, can lower the risk of early death by more than a quarter according to research. Containing omega-3 essential fatty acids and DHA, Nature’s Plus Krill Oil incorporates the health benefits of omega-3 into your diet. Nature’s Plus Krill Oil is pure, so smaller quantities are needed to produce effects. All oxygen is removed from the capsule (replaced with nitrogen) to prevent the oil going rancid and stops the oil repeating on you. Suitable for non-meat eaters, it contains a fish rather than beef or pork gelatine.

    Further information available from Revital on Tel: 0800 252 875;


    Afternoon Delight

    Sugary cravings strike at 4pm, but we shouldn’t feel guilty when we reach for that chocolate bar according to Lorna Driver-Davies, the Nutri Centre Nutritional Therapist. Wanting sweet foods may also be connected to possible blood sugar imbalances.  A natural nutritional supplement can help to balance your blood sugar levels. Diabain’s Inusol available from their website is made from a blend of 8 natural nutrients and minerals that can help to control blood sugar levels and is free from harmful chemicals.

    Further information visit


    The Depression Doctor

    The Depression Doctor: 10 Simple Paths to Happiness book by Dr Nick Krasner who opines that the reason so many cases of depression do not improve is because they are all treated in the same way. Dr Krasner discusses ten types of the condition, each with a different cause and treatment plan. This book is a jargon-free, patient-friendly approach to individuals finding happiness, which has also helped in weight loss and decreased symptoms of eating disorders.

    Further information

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