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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 201

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 201 - December 2012

MS Patient Improvement: Correction TMJ Dysfunction and Body Asymmetries

The correction of TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) Dysfunction and other body asymmetries appears to hold the key in bringing about a revolutionary care in MS patients.

Jenny Linegraph

Mr  Amir BDS MSc (U of London) LDS RCS (England) Dental Surgeon first treated an MS patient successfully in early 2001, documented in the following article Case Study: Dental Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis by Mary Maguire published in Positive Health PH Online Issue 90 July 2003:

Mary is still extremely well with no signs of MS disabilities as she first experienced. More recently, following a publication of an article by Bella Freud in the Evening Standard about Mr Amir’s success with MS patients he was approached by a number of new MS patients to treat. Remarkably, all of them are showing signs of an amazing  recovery. Details can be seen at  where you can also easy to understand a graphical representation of patient recovery. More success stories are constantly being posted.

The premise of Mr Amir’s treatment is that the body functions best when it is optimally symmetrical. Asymmetries are present mainly in the way the teeth and jaws are misaligned. Further complications stem from the asymmetry of the Atlas Vertebrae which impacts on the neck and lower back spine, ultimately causing hip asymmetry. The hip asymmetry can also be present, independent of other asymmetries. Correcting these asymmetries brings about a proper function of all the nerves that emanate from the spine relieving the patients of many symptoms previously attributed to ‘Sclerotic lesions in the brain’.

Further Information

To contact Mr Amir please email  giving a very brief detail of your illness. He will than send you an extensive online questionnaire to complete before your appointment. You can also phone 020 8780 3433 for an appointment.

Sally Stubbs Hypno/Psychotherapist - Rapha Hypnosis Therapy

Sally Stubbs

Sally Stubbs LNCP FACH DACH has been in private practice for over 30 years and during this period has treated many thousands of people with psychological and emotional problems. She admits to becoming disillusioned and somewhat dismayed about the way part of her profession has dissolved into an assortment of ‘fast food’ would be ‘quick fix’ so-called therapies. She feels that EFT, CBT and NLP etc disciplines have their place, but do not always provide a permanent sound therapeutic resolution to what could be a long term problem, for those who are suffering emotionally and psychologically.

Driven by this dissatisfaction with what Sally currently sees being presented as therapeutic techniques, and with her passion, proven experience and on-going education in her chosen field, Sally has developed the Rapha Therapy System to enable those who suffer these kind of problems, to empower themselves using proven curative therapy to permanently resolve and cure their problem states.

Sally Stubbs has been privileged to study with some of the greatest minds of her profession, amongst others Dr Ernest Rossi who was Dr Milton Erickson’s amanuensis [a person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another], Dr S Gilligan and David Grove. This, along with knowledge continually gleaned through her daily one-to-one practice and continued study of the depth and breadth of the subject has enabled Sally to incorporate great wisdoms and years of proven practice in hypnotherapy into Rapha Hypnosis. She has used this wonderful knowledge to develop her audio therapy treatments available on CD or as MP3 downloads.

What is Different about the Rapha System?

Traditional techniques employ strategies such as relaxation, pattern interruption, behavioural changes, visualization and distraction during which, the belief is, the unconscious mind will respond to such strategies as direct suggestion, and so on.

It will not. Certainly not permanently!

You can fool your conscious but you cannot fool your unconscious.

Rapha Hypnosis Audio Treatments elegantly puts you (your conscious self) in touch with your unconscious self to teach you how to revise your automatic (unconscious) way of reacting. Why? Because it is a fact that more than 90% of our daily life is driven by our unconscious thoughts, beliefs and reactions, which we have learnt throughout the course of our life. (REF: Erickson, Jung, Einstein, Professor Lipton, and many others).

Because they are by definition unconscious, we (the conscious we), need to be taught special strategies to communicate with and resolve, then revise these learnt, sometimes less than useful, behaviours and replace them with sound conduct appropriate to our life now.

Further Information

For more information please visit:

CNELM Course: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques for Weight Management



The Centre for Nutrition Education & Lifestyle Management (CNELM) combines the study of nutrition with life coaching models, enabling practitioners to facilitate positive change in themselves and others.  The following 5-day advanced NLP course is available in January 2013.

Why Weight Practitioner

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques for Weight Management

9-13 January 2013, Wokingham, UK

Who Should Attend?

This course applies to all health professionals involved in weight management. Delegates must have completed an NLP Practitioner programme, or the CNELM module in Therapeutic Coaching, or equivalent.

Course Overview

  • This course is focused on the important role the mind plays in contributing to weight issues and energy balance;
  • It offers current mental technologies that provide rapid and sustainable change in an ethical, ecological and compassionate manner;
  • The course will enable you to help clients to achieve their desired goals and to help solve their problems concerning weight and related issues;
  • It will be a highly active and interactive experience, with time to reflect on how the learning will can be applied;
  • You will learn a variety of effective processes to encourage clients to realise the choices open to them, and you will also develop greater choice in how you work with clients;
  • The course builds on your existing NLP knowledge, and also offers something new, which will expand your confidence and ability to help others.


Chris Rasey BA NLP Practitioner NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Trainer of NLP;  author of NLP Metaphorically. Chris is a trainer, coach and developer with 30 years’ experience.  In the last decade he has developed particular expertise in the area of NLP and trains Practitioners, Master Practitioners and NLP Trainers.  He is currently responsible for the Communication Skills and Therapeutic Coaching modules on the CNELM Degree in Nutritional Therapy. 

Helen Lynam NLP Practitioner and Master Coach Practitioner. Helen is a nutritional therapy graduate of CNELM who brings her direct experience of working with weight and related issues to the programme.  She is a Master Practitioner of NLP and is actively building her expertise in helping clients to make change with the combination of nutrition and NLP technologies.

Course and Booking Information

Dates: 9-13 January 2013 OR 2-6 August 2013

Lecture Times: 10.30-18.00

Cost: £550 inc. VAT

Venue: CNELM, 2 Edward Court,  Wellington Road,  Wokingham, RG40 2AN.

Please contact CNELM on Tel: +44(0)118 979 8686;

From The Really Healthy Company: BioBran for a Strong & Healthy Immune System



BioBran, Developed in Japan by Daiwa Pharmaceutical in 1992, is manufactured using a patented process to break down (pre-digest) rice bran using enzymes from Shitake mushrooms. The resulting compound contains a unique blend of glyconutrients such as arabinoxylan, as well as other short chain polysaccharides and hemicellulose compounds. This unique molecular fingerprint makes it significantly more effective than other immune system supplements, giving the body its best opportunity to optimize its own natural healing mechanisms.

According to M. Ghoneum Professor of immunology at Drew University USA and a researcher with over 30 years experience, BioBran® MGN-3 is the most promising immune complex he has examined.

How does BioBran MGN-3 help us maintain a strong immune system?

Our immune system is comprised of an army of white blood cells - NK cells, T and B cells - which travel around inside us destroying the millions of intruding microbes that penetrate our bodies every day, as well as the thousands of newly infected or abnormal body cells that develop. BioBran MGN-3 gives our white blood cells the glyco-nutritional support to carry out their vital role energetically and efficiently, helping to optimize immune function.

Biobran is distributed in the UK by The Really Healthy Company,  a London-based health company specializing in the introduction leading-edge and research-based natural nutritional supplements into the UK and Europe, choosing products that they believe can make a real difference to customers' lives, products manufactured to the highest standards and which contain specialist natural and nutritional ingredients.

Further Information

Please contact The Really Healthy Company via

VIVA MAYR wins TATLER Spa Award 2013

Viva Mayr

The VIVA MAYR Centre for Modern Mayr Medicine at Lake Wörthersee in Austria has been awarded Best Spa for “Best Hard-Hitting Results” at the 2013 TATLER Spa Awards, being selected from the world’s most prestigious spas.

The Resort was one of seven other spas that were presented with the magazine’s coveted prize. It was described as “an unbeatable, unmissable education - and one where all the rules make sense.” Furthermore “people come with severe medical complaints: allergies so bad they have to cook in gloves, arthritis so crippling even the duvet is painful. And, thanks to the strict Mayr detox and serious medical treatments many of them find miraculous relief.”

VIVA MAYR’s Director Serhan Güven commented “We were more than delighted to welcome Daisy Finer at VIVA this summer despite her busy schedule. It is an honour and we are very proud to be recognized by TATLER as one of the world’s best medical resorts and would like to thank the whole VIVA team for their passion and dedication to our clients’ life-changing experience and wellbeing!”

Further Information

For further information, please visit  or contact Carolyn Kohl at REIKO PR on Tel: +44 (0)1273 945118;

Depression - How Tomatis Listening Therapy can Help

At this time of year when the days are shorter and the days of longer light are fading away, many people start to feel the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, better know by its acronym, SAD.

Marcia with Headphones

Actually light is at the heart of the matter. Light has a much higher frequency than darkness. Tomatis Listening Therapy could be loosely described as a quest for more light. The way someone perceives sound gives an indication of the light and dark frequency of their sound perception from low to high. The therapy commences with assessing the client’s aural perception, then essentially what follows is a recalibration of how they perceive sound by activating the muscles of the middle ear.

The tuning peg of the ear enabling a slack passive muscle to be invigorated back to an active state.  When somebody feels flat and lacking in energy, it is because their life experience has taught them from early childhood that the lower band of frequencies is a safer place to inhabit and then this band is habitually used as a gauge to read (listen to) our world. But it is the middle and higher frequencies though that energize us, charge the brain with cortical energy, spread light into the darker places  so we can heal. As one client put it,  “Tomatis gives us  the Jacob’s ladder to joy and peace”.

Tomatis explained “treatment with the electronic ear gives you the euphoria of listening and above all it restores the ear to its full deep functioning - a functioning completely forgotten even by most doctors. I have the good fortune to furnish the brain with enormous energy and when the brain is lights up it is intelligent. It will look at  problems , put them back into proportion and the result will be healing.” 

This year in March in an article in the Daily Mail, Brenda Fricker talked about  her life long struggle with depression and how Tomatis Listening Therapy had freed her from it. Ella uses the original unaltered analogue sound system devised by Prof Tomatis himself

Further Information

Please contact Ella Williams on Tel: 020 7359 5268;   

Do you have a Food Intolerance?

Nutrition and Vitality - Director and Founder Victoria Tyler BSc Hons (MBANT) - is a Nutrition Consultancy in Harley Street London that specializes in food intolerances, IBS and weight loss. 


These are five key signs of a food intolerance:

  1. Bloating and weight gain
    Do you suffer from bloating and water retention? This can be a sign of a food intolerance.
  2. Bad skin
    A second symptom of a food intolerance can be skin problems, such as pimples, acne or blemishes on the skin. Some children can get red rashes on their cheeks because they are intolerant to milk;
  3. Headaches and Migraines
    Some people with an intolerance to certain foods can get headaches and even migraines;
  4. Fatigue
    If you feel very tired after eating food, you may be suffering from a food intolerance;
  5. Eczema
    Some people who are intolerant to cow’s milk may have eczema.  They sometimes also have excess mucus in their throat or itchy ears.

What can you Do about It?

To understand whether you have a food intolerance you can conduct a simple non-invasive pin-prick test. If you do have a food intolerance you will need to take out the offending foods.

Further Information

Please contact Victoria at Nutrition and Vitality on Tel: 0845 129 7996 – Appointments; Mob: 07881517034 - Information;

Health Leads Launch a New Website -  Rayonex UK Ltd

Rayonex UK

Health Leads UK Ltd has formed a sister company Rayonex UK Ltd. The new company - to be known as Rayonex UK - has been established in order to give undivided attention to the needs of bioresonance practitioners and their clients. It will operate from the same premises as Health Leads and customers will deal with knowledgeable staff dedicated to providing the best possible service. The changeover will be seemless with the the same telephone and email contacts. The only change in how you deal with Health Leads is through the new website.

The new site  is a web shop dedicated to providing all Rayonex bioresonance devices, accessories, user training and technical literature. On the Home page are reminders of the next training course dates. The Course Prospectus is available to download, together with a host of information about bioresonance and related subjects, helpful articles and tips - all designed to help you successfully apply the amazing science of bioresonance. Follow the link below to take your first look:

Further Information

Rayonex UK Ltd, Horeb Business Park, Horeb, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4JG. Tel: 01559 364711  Fax 01559 364043

Sherrie Palm: Pelvic Organ Prolapse Affects >3 Million USA Women; Millions  Worldwide

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Sherrie Palm’s campaign to establish recognition of pelvic organ prolapse began with the release of her award winning book Pelvic Organ Prolapse The Silent Epidemic.  Palm went on to found APOPS, Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support, which provides education,  guidance, and support for women with POP.  Palm’s newly released second edition evolves the dialogue beyond POP basics and Palm’s personal experience with POP to address concerns women have about transvaginal mesh complications, impact to intimacy, and pelvic health maintenance. 

Pelvic organ prolapse has been on medical record for over 4000 years, yet millions of women suffer in silence because there is little dialogue or awareness about the health condition. Women suffering with signs of POP are typically unfamiliar with this common, cryptic, women’s health condition because symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse are embarrassing and are seldom discussed.

 “Pelvic organ prolapse is seldom life threatening but it is always life altering. POP is a global women's health pandemic; millions of women in both developing and developed countries suffer in silence from the physical, emotional, social, sexual, and financial ramifications of POP. Recognition of pelvic organ prolapse can only occur when we share what we know with others. It is my hope that as we continue to network, guide, and nurture women with POP, this condition will soon become common knowledge."   Sherrie Palm, APOPS Founder/CEO                                                                

Common symptoms of POP:

  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Vaginal/rectal pressure, vaginal tissue bulge;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • Pain with intimacy;
  • Rectal/vaginal/back/pelvic pain.

Further Information

Sherrie Palm, APOPS Founder/CEO is an author and speaker on the topic of pelvic organ prolapse; her book and speaking info can be found at . Additional information about pelvic organ prolapse can be found on the APOPS website at

The Book of Oriental Medicine: A Complete Self-Treatment Guide

by Clive Witham

Published by Findhorn Press. 2012. £14.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-604-6.

The Book of Oriental Medicine: A Complete Self-Treatment Guide

Take Charge of your Health with Oriental Healing Techniques

Addressing the issues of how and why illness occurs, this informative guide provides fresh Eastern perspectives on wellbeing and health. With easy-to-understand explanations, clear illustrations, and straightforward treatment alternatives, previously unexplained signs and symptoms can be researched, understood and dealt with. Tried-and-true techniques developed over hundreds of years - diet, acupressure, massage, exercise, scraping, and tapping - are offered for common maladies from colds and high blood pressure to backache and depression. Even with limited medical knowledge you can learn to assess your own conditions and become proactive in lifestyle changes, thus taking charge of your own healing process.

Of Interest

Practitioners of Oriental medicine believe that when there is balance in the human body between Yin and Yang the person will exhibit good health; however, when Yin and Yang are imbalanced, ill health occurs. Whilst this may appear to be complex it is actually incredibly simple - balance in the human body. This is why a combination of diet, acupressure, massage, tapping and exercise are effective. Oriental Medicine determines your level of health through the examination of the normal and abnormal organ system functions in your body, and by treating the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms, brings the body back to the point of balance and wellbeing.

About the Author

Clive Witham Lic.Ac MBAcc is a licensed acupuncturist and runs an acupuncture clinic in a Spanish enclave in North Africa where he promotes Oriental ideas of healing and self-treatment. He has trained in the UK, China, Thailand and Japan, and is also a Member of the British Acupuncture Council.

Further Information

Available from Amazon

Camexpo Celebrates Successful 10th Anniversary Show!

London’s Earls Court was transformed into a vibrant showcase of the very best in complementary and natural healthcare products and services last month, as camexpo celebrated its tenth anniversary edition on 20-21 October with 5,492 total attendees.

cam expo outstanding award

Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather, Directors and Co-Founders of the Jing Institute of Advanced Massage Training accepted the CAM Outstanding Achievement Award from Diversified UK’s Managing Director Carsten Holm.

Show highlights included the announcement of the winners of camexpo’s three prestigious annual awards, including the Best New CAM Product Award 2012, which was voted for by visitors to the show’s New Products Showcase on Saturday 20 October.  The winner was MyChelle Dermaceuticals by Eterno Naturals.

Another camexpo winner was CNHC registered nutritional therapist Catherine Jeans, co-owner (with Jackie Heffer-Cooke) of The Orange Grove Clinic in Norwich, which won the CAM Clinic of the Year Award 2012.  The Award, which is now in its third year, was judged on the treatments offered, marketing, client testimonials, unique selling points and all round client experience.  The judging panel commented:  “The winning clinic not only offers a wide choice of therapies, it also offers a range of specialist fertility, pregnancy and post natal treatments, classes and courses; as well as catering for the health and wellbeing of its city.”

The recipients of camexpo’s fourth annual, industry-voted CAM Outstanding Achievement Award were also a popular choice - particularly as they were accepting the honour for an unprecedented second year running.  The winners Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather, Directors and Co-Founders of the Jing Institute of Advanced Massage Training, enjoyed a standing ovation as they accepted the award from Diversified UK’s managing director Carsten Holm.

Further Information

CAMEXPO will return to Earls Court, London, in 5-6 October 2013.  For further information and to stay up-to-date with all the latest news and 2013 exhibitor information, please visit  


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    Crystal Ball - Tap Water Eczema

    A Crystal Ball bath dechlorinator changes chlorine in the bath water to harmless zinc chloride. A shower filter removes 99% of chlorine from the shower water. Chlorine does an excellent job killing bugs in our water, but chlorine is a yellow-green poisonous gas that has a corrosive effect on organic matter and people. Chlorine in your bath and shower will have a dying effect on your skin, making already sensitive skin more sensitive and itchier. Healthy House shower filters and Crystal Ball are available individually or as a set at 10% discount.

    Further information Tel: 0845 450 5950 or 01453 752216;

    Exercise Reduces Cancer Patients Depression

    Regular exercise reduces depression in cancer patients. MacMillan-funded research by a team of UK researchers at the Universities of Strathclyde and Dundee, published in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship, revealed that women who had taken part in an exercise programme during treatment for breast cancer five years ago, now averaged 3 hours 20 minutes more physical activity each week than a control group who did not participate in the exercise intervention during the treatment, and consistently experienced lower levels of depression.

    Further information Tel: 0808 808 0000; 

    Chiropractors Royal Charter

    At a meeting of the Privy Council recently, the Queen approved the grant of a Royal Charter to the College of Chiropractors, the first Royal Charter to be granted to a UK Complementary Medicine Organization. The College is an academic, professional membership body, established along the lines of the Medical Royal Colleges. Rarely granted, a Royal Charter signals performance and stability and in the College of Chiropractors’ case, a clear indication to others of the leadership value and innovative approach the College brings to the development of the Chiropractic profession.

    Further information

    Writing from the Soul Hawaiian Nature / Spirit Retreat

    Writing from the Soul: Discover the Secrets of Going Deep and  Hawaii Full Moon Nature & Spirit Retreat  on 23-28 February 2013. The Hawaii Nature & Spirit Renewal Program for 7 days and 6 nights includes the powerful 40-day, pre-retreat clearing programme which starts on 23 February at the Kauai Retreat Center. Help develop and share your innermost vision, passion and creative self.

    Further information:

    Liz Koch 2013 Workshops

    Liz Koch 2013 workshops: 11-12 Jan: Grass Valley CA; 20 Jan: Santa Cruz CA; 26-27 Jan: Albuquerque NM; 27 Jan-2 Feb: Ojo Caliente NM; 16-17 Feb: Vancouver, Canada; 15-17 March: Brisbane, Australia; 17-22 March: Moree, Australia; 23-24 March: Melbourne, Australia; 24-29 March: Australia; 12-14 April: Lawrence Kansas; 27-28 April: Chicago IL; 3-5 May: Tucson AZ; 17-18 May: Cleveland, Ohio.

    Further information Tel: 1+ 831.335.1851 / +44-192679 9880 

    Child Diabetes Alert Jewellery

    With the launch of the four Ts campaign this week from Diabetes UK, it has highlighted how important it is for parents to be aware of the symptoms in their child if they may be suffering from diabetes. Medical ID jewellery can be crucial when there is a diabetic emergency and to the 2.9 diagnosed diabetics in the UK. ICE Gems who produce fashionable medical alert jewellery make bracelets which hold key contact and medical information in the event of a diabetic emergency, enabling them to be treated quickly.

    Further information Tel: 0845 125 9539 or 0161 870 6044;

    Himalayan Trek - Penny Brohn 

    Discover the ancient sights of India and the spiritual home of the Dalai Lama, trek through the Himalayas, taking in the most spectacular views before visiting one of history’s greatest monuments, The Taj Mahal. The Festival Abseil on 9 December will take place in Avon Gorge and you are invited to dress up in a festive theme and abseil 100ft down the famous gorge in Bristol. Bath half marathon 3 March 2013: join the team and experience the unforgettable buzz of race day as well as the sites of this beautiful city.

    Further information: Tel: 01275 370 073;  

    Lynne Robinson Pilates DVD

    Queen of Pilates, Lynne Robinson has launched a new DVD which guides you through workouts that target our common problem areas - abdominals, buttocks, inner and outer thighs and upper arms. No part of the body is forgotten in this total mind and body-conditioning programme that will take inches off your figure, helping you tone up and create the long, lean silhouette for which Pilates is famous.

    Further information: Lynne Robinson’s Inch-Loss Pilates is available to buy on DVD from  and  a digital edition will also be available to download.

    Rosehips Relief

    Aches, pains and stiffness are symptoms associated with the debilitating and degenerative condition Osteoarthritis which can make day-to-day life painful for many sufferers. A recent study by the University of Melbourne, published in the Australian Family Physician was carried out over 3 months and found that, amongst 300 patients, those who took a rosehip extract were twice as likely to see a reduction in pain against the WOMAC index (A scale assessing pain, stiffness and physical function), when compared to those who took a placebo. A new product called Belle contains 3 rosehip syrups specially formulated for women with either added iron, Omega-3 or vitamin D.

    Further information:

    Tisserand Aromatherapy

    Tisserand Aromatherapy, specialist in Aromatherapy, Essential Oils and natural personal care products has created two Essential Oil Roller Balls in Lavender and Tea Tree, its two top essential oils. The Essential Oil Roller Balls are simple to use and feature pre-blended essential oils which can be applied directly to the skin to assist with minor skin complaints. The Lavender Essential Oil Roller Ball combines organic lavender and chamomile in a skin conditioning base of Jojoba, and is ideal to comfort and soothe red, blotchy or itchy skin. The Tea Tree Essential Oil Roller Ball is recommended to help purify and soothe oily, congested or blemish-prone skin.

    Further information:

    Yoga for Kids

    Zak & Zelda Yoga Twins - Go To Bed is a new animated app. It begins with a tutorial that will teach your child the basic Yoga poses and ends with a child-friendly relaxation to help children relax at the end of the day. Yoga for Kids is ideal if you have a very sporty child as it helps prevent injuries by keeping muscles long and flexible; if your child is not keen on rough and tumble, it is a lovely way to introduce exercise in a non-competitive way that appeals to quieter children.

    Apps are available from iTunes or

    Simple Stillness Relaxation

    Simple Stillness is a new relaxation CD from Joanne Summer, trained Therapist, Practitioner, Coach and Trainer in Yoga, Reiki, Meditation and Flower Essences. It consists of six different meditation tracks, designed to relax the body. These range from 5-17 minutes in length, so you can choose a short relaxation or a longer meditation.

    Further information Tel: 020-8679 7659;

    New CMA Website Launches

    The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) has announced that the brand new CMA website has just been launched. At over 5,000+ pages of high-quality health information, it is a superb resource for anyone interested in any aspect of healthcare. You can search for CMA registered Practitioners, Training Schools and check out CMA approved suppliers - those companies that have proven to The CMA that they represent the very highest standards in the profession.

    Further information:

    Carnation Silversocks

    Carnation Silversocks  have unique fibres which act as a natural heat thermostat, regulating foot temperature and helping to keep toes toasty when the temperature drops. The silver will not wash out nor lose its thermal and antibacterial properties over time, so will keep feet warm from winter to winter and keep feet cool in the summers between. Those with poor circulation can really suffer during the colder months and Silversocks’ temperature-regulating properties ensure that when blood supply to the toes is poor, skin is kept warm, preventing winter health worries like chilblains. Silversocks are made with pure silver threads which are anti-microbial to kill over 400 types of bugs, keeping feet sweat and odour-free.

    Further information Tel: 0121 544 7117;

    Kiwiherb’s Echinacea Root Extract

    Kiwiherb Herbal Remedies focuses on how a quality Echinacea tincture such as Kiwiherb’s Organic Echinacea Root Extract, can help protect against a cold or flu infection this winter. The latest clinical trials from the UK, as well as those from America again confirm the many advantages of taking an Echinacea herbal remedy to boost a weakened immune system as well as reduce the impact and duration of a cold if already suffering. Kiwiherb’s Echinacea Root extract is a 100% natural, organic, high potency tincture which provides all the necessary elements for a superior strength, effective remedy.

    Further information Tel: 01455 556281;

    New Ayurvedic Cookbook

    The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen by Ayurvedic Practitioner Talya Lutzker offers an explanation of the doshas (body types) and the Rasas (six tastes). She takes the time-honoured Indian healing diet and replaces the traditional milk-based foods with whole-food vegan alternatives. The result is a new plant based Ayurvedic cookbook, skilfully planned to create long-term health and happiness. A collection of over 120 healing, harmonious recipes, from teas and tonics to tempeh reubens and vegan paneer cheese, Talya’s recipes are nutritional and delicious.

    Further information: 

    Niki’s Organic Balms

    Niki’s Organic Balms has unveiled its natural collection of balms designed to soothe, relax and moisturize. The range features five balms, handmade in the UK, that sell and feel luxurious. Infused with natural ingredients including: cinnamon, sandalwood and rosemary essential oils, only a tiny amount is needed per application, making them highly economical. The range includes: Niki’s Organic Original Balm, Niki’s Organic Rose Balm, Niki’s Organic Lavender & Chamomile Balm, Niki’s Organic Warming Balm and Niki’s Organic Baby Bottom Balm.

    Further information Tel: 0118 989 4832;

    Painful Bladder Syndrome

    Painful Bladder Syndrome - The Facts by Philip Weeks, published by Singing Dragon, prescribes natural techniques, nutrition and herbal medicines to manage the symptoms of Painful Bladder Syndrome. Bladder and urinary problems are notoriously embarrassing to talk about with Doctors, friends and colleagues, but the effects of these infections can be long-lasting and extremely debilitating. In the UK alone, some 400,000 people are estimated to have Painful Bladder Syndrome. Women make up 90% of this figure and it can affect people of any age, even children.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;

  • Liposomal Nutrients

    Optimum system for nutrient delivery to cells - fully bioavailable vitamins absorbed and metabolised

  • Beginner's Guide to ME

    Essential reading for people/carers with ME/CFS serious debilitating illness. Counteracts bad advice

  • Seaweed as Superfood

    Comprehensive nutrient balance found in no other natural food but seaweed: colon health, weight loss

  • Ultimate Body Detox

    Immune system support & heavy metal detox - 3 powerful products: ACS 200, ACZ Nano & ACG Glutathione

  • nutrition and cancer

    by Sandra Goodman PhD The latest scientific research regarding Nutrition and Cancer. Full details at

  • Flower essences online

    Fine quality flower essences international ranges to help promote vitality and emotional well-being.

  • Water for Health

    Specialist online health store focused on hydration, body pH balance and quality nutrition.

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