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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 194

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 194 - May 2012

Alexander Technique Training and Lessons: London and Oxford

Like most teachers of the Alexander Technique, I first sought lessons both from need (as a music student whose shoulders ached while playing the piano!) and out of interest, having just read The Alexander Principle by Wilfrid Barlow. Lessons relieved my pain and helped me to understand how I was largely responsible for creating that pain through the way that I was using myself. My own decision to train as a teacher was taken quickly.

Stephen Cooper.

To me it was obvious that so many of my problems in life were caused by my own poor habits of thinking and of doing. Further exploration of the Technique seemed the only way to understand more, and training to teach was the best way of doing this.

As a teacher, I am glad that I can now help to bring the technique to people at all levels. One to one lessons, the traditional way to learn the technique, remain the best way to get started. In a first lesson, the teacher’s hands will guide you into new ways of moving while the teacher’s explanations will help you to think differently about how to govern movement.

Not everyone is ready to commit to this form of learning, and introductory classes provide an alternative. Group work creates new possibilities. Alongside your own experiences as a teacher works with you, you will also learn by observing as the teacher works with other members of the group, identifying the habits which influence the way they use themselves and determine their characteristic postural traits.

You can take lessons or join an evening class at London’s long-established Bloomsbury Alexander Centre, where there are many qualified teachers. The Centre runs four-week evening courses throughout the year, as well as regular introductory sessions. My own practice is in Oxford where, as well as private lessons, I run an on-going evening class. Beginners are welcome, and some of them go on to become regular members of the class. Teachers and classes elsewhere can be found through the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.

Today, as Director of the Oxford Alexander Training School, I work with others who have had the same realization, and have decided to train as teachers. The three year training programme is recognized by the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique. During the summer months I run open classes in Oxford for those considering training.

Further Information

Bloomsbury Alexander Centre: Tel: 020 7404 5348;  Stephen Cooper: Tel: 01865 765511;

Oxford Alexander Training School: Tel: 01865 454112;

Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique: Tel: 020 7482 5135;


Reflexology for the 21st Century

At Philip Salmon’s Reflexology Centre we are pleased to be one of the first Centres in the UK to offer the new level 5 Professional Reflexology Training. This new suite of units specifically written for Reflexology really is a great step forward in practitioner training and we are proud to be one of the very few Centres in the UK selected to become a Partnership Centre with Centralia, the developers of the qualification. Our courses now offer this level of recognition to the new standard of Level 5 Reflexology.


Foot Pillow


We feel these new units suit the standards that we as a school have delivered over the years. We have been concerned about the confusion of standards created by level 3 training that does not give clarity about experience of tutors, length of time for training with added confusion of an award, a certificate and a Diploma all at level 3.

We have for some time felt that there is a need for a training course that is more specific to reflexology; designed for those who wish to become a Reflexologist able to practice at a professional level and wanting to make a real difference to their clients. Written by experienced reflexologists and tutors, the Level Five Practitioner Course in Reflexology, matches those requirements.

For the first time advanced practical skills will be an acknowledge part of the specification. In practice this higher level of training will be invaluable to future students of Reflexology. Our attention to student self development will still be an ongoing part of all courses.

As Philip Salmon wrote when he first started this centre “To achieve mastery in any skill you need, not only the benefit of a course that is fully accredited and has tutors who are qualified, but also tutors with a wealth of experience as therapists and teachers.” Philip Salmon 1995.

Further Information

Please contact Philip Salmon’s Reflexology Centre on Tel: 01480 404946; Mobile: 07808 403059:


Study Nutrition at BCNH - UK College of Nutrition and Health

Contemplating a career change? Always wanted to study nutrition? Established in 2000, BCNH (formerly British College of Nutrition & Health) is a place of high quality learning, flexible study & student support!  Our overall aim is to provide top quality nutrition education to support the integration of Nutritional Therapy into orthodox medicine. Our nutrition courses are globally known and we have graduates and students from all over the world.


BCNH offers several part-time nutrition courses, all available as attendance or online:

  • BCNH Diploma in Nutritional Therapy;
  • BCNH Diploma in Nutrition & Health;
  • Science Foundation Course;
  • Nutrition for You & Your Family (short course);
  • Various CPD courses.

BCNH Diplomas

The BCNH Diploma in Nutritional Therapy is a part-time, 4 year course that has successfully achieved full accreditation by the Nutritional Therapy Council (NTC). The BCNH Diploma in Nutritional Therapy and the BCNH Diploma in Nutrition & Health are also credit-rated by the University of Greenwich (UG).  UG play a crucial role in quality control - regularly scrutinising Diploma modules.  The relationship between the two institutions also allows students to upgrade either qualification to a BSc (Hons) following successful completion of a BCNH Diploma.

The Learning Experience

BCNH has a distinguished reputation for training high calibre Nutritional Therapists by providing them with an excellent and rewarding academic experience.  Our academic rigour is appreciated by our students, tutors, lecturers and the University of Greenwich.  Our curriculum is continuously reviewed to ensure our students and staff are up to date with the latest research, and as such, we teach Nutritional Therapy as an evidence-based subject, rather than an 'alternative' medicine. BCNH teaching methods include classroom lectures, small group seminars, workbooks and one-to-one tutorial support via telephone, Skype or in person.

Our students have access to academic facilities offered by both institutions – the University of Greenwich and BCNH. Students also have access to intellectual resources such as research papers, available from our password-protected online library, where we store 1000s of research papers. This saves students valuable time and money.

Clinical Skills

Students studying for the Diploma in Nutritional Therapy are taught clinical skills from the beginning of the course to ensure confidence and competence by the time they qualify. Year 4 is dedicated to intensive clinical training, with each Student Practitioner taking responsibility (under tutor supervision) for real clients in our clinic setting.

Further Information

For more details regarding our Diploma course, Science Foundation Course, short courses and CPD,  please contact BCNH on Tel: 0844 736 5836;   


Balens Continual Professional Development Event

Holistic Health Show, NEC in Birmingham: Sunday 13th, repeated Monday 14th May 2012

Balens logo

Balens are one of the largest Insurance Brokerage firms in the UK specializing in providing Insurance and Financial services for Health and Wellbeing Professionals, the Beauty and Fitness sectors, Not For Profit organisations and related businesses.

Balens offer uniquely designed Professional Liability Policies offering one of the widest wording available, supported by our dedicated team of 40 staff, offering personal service, efficient and effective claims service and backed up by the latest technology and systems.

Balens are proud to announce their first  Continual Professional Development Event

The journey of a practice - important stages  to protect you and your clients

Venue: Holistic Health Show, NEC in Birmingham

Dates: Sunday 13th, repeated on Monday 14th May 2012

This is a totally subsidised conference; the modest fee of £15.00 for the day, inclusive of lunch, refreshments, attendance certificate noting 6 hours learning with others and free entrance to the Holistic Health Show, will be donated to our new Balens charity*.

Event Details:

Dates: Sunday 13th May 2012; or Monday 14th May 2012

Times: Event 10.20 – 16.15  Show open 10.00 – 17.00

Venue: Holistic Health Show – Hall 7, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, B40 1NT

Cost: £15.00 for the Day, inclusive of lunch and refreshments, plus attendance certificate for 6 hours learning with others.  This £15.00 will be donated to the Balens Charity, whose aim is to support the Health and Wellbeing Sector. 

Speakers: Full speaker details may be found at 

Sponsors: Balens Ltd, Zurich, DAS Legal Expenses and Ansvar Insurance

*Our new Balens charity is currently in the process of being set up.  The application is with the Charity Commission and we are hoping that it should be ready within the next month, (please see  for further details on this).  All money paid for the CPD event is currently being held in the "Clients Statutory Trust Account" and will be moved across to the new charity on completion of the set up process.

David Balen, Managing Director of Balens, previously a yoga teacher, and currently a professional musician and Health Professional in his own right, has written a large number of articles on Insurance and Related services, to help demystify this often baffling and complex subject.  Many of these articles are available on the Balens Website at 

Further Information

For Bookings: Please contact Claire Squire on Tel: 01684 580795;  For further details about Balens, the policies and services we have to offer, our team and ethos, please Tel: 01684 893 006  or visit


Scottish School Of Hypnotherapy Ltd


Scottish School of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can be a very reward career but it is essential that, to be effective as a hypnotherapist, you undertake a comprehensive training programme which will enable you to do the very best for every client who walks into your therapy room.

Although there are alternatives to the ‘clinical’ hypnotherapy course offered by the Scottish School of Hypnotherapy, which utilizes a psychodynamic approach and involves analysis under hypnosis, a fundamental, practical training in the management of what are known as ‘abreactions’ and which can occur under hypnosis spontaneously, should be an essential element of any training course.  Please check with potential course providers that they offer such training.

  • The course provided by the Scottish School of Hypnotherapy offers a unique experience throughout a course comprising 5 elements, the first being the supervised practical training which is undertaken here, at the School over an intensive 14 day period;
  • Students are literally ‘immersed’ in the hypnotherapy experience and not only does unprecedented learning take place as a result, personal development is an, almost inevitable, consequence;
  • Accommodation is provided in comfortable 3 – 4* cottages/apartments with each student allocated their own room.  See  for pictures and further details;
  • The School is surrounded by beauty and wildlife; indeed the whole ambience of the place is totally conducive to, and supportive of, the learning and healing experience which takes place;
  • Parts 2 -5 of the course support and develop the early learning through research, practical case studies, assessment, feedback and mentoring ensuring that students develop not only the competence, but the confidence, to practise as effective clinical hypnotherapists.

Further Information

For further details of the course, please contact us at  and ask for a prospectus, or through the site at


Cleanse for Health Program

The cleanse program is facilitated by Araura and her team of highly qualified and empathic therapists. This program involves not only deep cleansing of the physical but also of the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our Whole Being, leading to major Life Changes and Wellbeing.

cleanse for health

The program consists of the following:

  • Removal of old impacted faecal matter/mucoidal plaque from the whole intestinal digestive tract;
  • Removal of parasites and unwanted fungal overgrowths e.g. candida;
  • Refloration of the intestinal tract with full spectrum probiotics, essential for the immune system and proper digestion/absorption of nutrients;
  • Organic vegetable juices boosting nutritional intake, as well as cleansing herbs, Essential Fatty Acids and supplements;
  • Special cleansing drinks which stick to and rehydrate the ancient toxic matter, making it swell and come away from the intestinal walls;
  • Re-hydration and flushing of the cells with purified water;
  • Three sessions of colon hydrotherapy (colonics);
  • Bodywork daily. Combination whole body massage / shiatsu / deep tissue massage / reflexology / acupuncture. Sound and energy healing;
  • Rebounder to stimulate our circulatory and lymphatic systems, ‘churning’ every cell;
  • Skin brushing that stimulates the circulatory and the lymphatic systems, revitalizing the skin which is our largest organ of elimination;
  • Nutritional advice and ‘tools’ for self- empowerment;
  • Liver/gall bladder flush. (Not always suitable for every cleanser);
  • Release of mental and emotional stress/blocks;
  • Kidney cleanse kits available on request (A 21 day easy process to do at home after the cleanse).

The raw organic vegetable juices taken in during the cleanse are bursting with vitality and the sun’s energy, easily absorbed and boosting the nutritional intake. The supplements also provide a boost to the system, providing nutrients and minerals often lacking in the body. During the first five days cleansers do not eat any solids as solid matter would get in the way of the ‘cleansing drinks’ being able to stick to, re-hydrate and loosen the rubbery ancient matter from the walls of the intestines. It is very rare that anyone feels hungry while cleansing.

This is where the colonic sessions come into their own as they encourage all of this loosened matter to be eliminated from and by the body. A colonic stimulates the body’s own natural action of elimination. It also helps to re-tone the intestinal muscles. The gentle gravity feed system of colonics used at this centre means that the cleanser’s body is always in control and the therapist can work with the body’s own natural rhythm, allowing the time needed by each individual body. Nutritional consultation/advice is given as to how to go forward after the cleanse to ensure the body will be fully nourished and properly ‘fuelled.’ It is not only what we eat but also how.

The liver/gall bladder flush removes literally hundreds of ‘stones’ (toxic matter) and excess cholesterol that has been clogging these organs, building up over time. The process is very worth doing but is quite cathartic. This means that it is not always suitable for every person e.g. it is not advised for those with M.E., high blood pressure or a propensity to fainting. Suitability will be assessed after the cleanser has filled out a comprehensive health questionnaire, soon after arrival.

The various forms of bodywork ensure that all the muscles and connective tissues are worked on, and in this way toxins are released and also memories that are stored in the tissues. Pain felt in our muscles and joints is usually caused by toxins stored in the body. The cleanse affects and releases toxins from all our body’s systems. It has a powerful effect on every aspect of our whole Being. The cleanse helps release emotional and mental toxicity leading to re-patterning and integration. As we cleanse we release the negative feelings from all parts of our body – particularly in the abdomen/solar plexus/sacral areas, muscles and liver, which results in freedom from emotional pain.

The cleanse is truly a life-changing experience and empowers each person, giving them the ‘tools’ to take responsibility (if they so choose) for their own health and wellbeing. It is never too late to make major improvements and changes to reclaim one’s health and peace of mind.

You will be staying in a comfortably appointed house in a quiet area of Glastonbury and have your own room (unless you request to share). It is within easy walking distance from the Town Centre, the Tor, the beautiful Chalice Well Gardens, the Abbey Ruins, the Rural Life Museum and various other delightful walks. Glastonbury, a well-known centre of spirituality, also offers a wealth of unusual shops worth visiting.

Cost of Cleanse For Health Program

Full cleansing program is £ 775

Deposit of £150 required to secure your place

Gift vouchers available

Further Information

Please contact Araura Berkeley on Tel: 01458 – 898502; Mob: 07717 855 581;


Macrobiotics for All Seasons

by Marlene Watson-Tara

Published by Lotus Publishing.  2012. Softback. £14.99. ISBN 978-1-905367-35-1.

Macrobiotics for All Seasons

Macrobiotics for All Seasons provides a host of delicious recipes that makes eating a diet in tune with the seasons rewarding for your health as well as the planet. Macrobiotics is more than a diet; it is a whole life philosophy whose approach reflects ancient folk wisdom from the Far East and leading edge nutritional science from the West. Macrobiotics has led the way in forward thinking dietary principles, helping thousands reverse sickness and recover their health.

The book discusses important topics including: the modern diet, healthy habits, healthy food and life energy, before moving on to provide specific macrobiotic recipes for spring, summer, autumn and winter. Whether your goal is to retain good health, increase your energy levels or combat specific ailments, Macrobiotics for All Seasons explains how you can bring the benefits of this way of eating into your own kitchen and treat yourself and your family to over 200 recipes that represent a new environmentally friendly world cuisine.

Author Marlene Watson-Tara, who has worked in the industry for over 30 years and whose clients include celebrities, royal family members and entrepreneurs, said: “Macrobiotics for All Seasons shows you how eating a healthy diet doesn’t need to be complicated or boring. This is a simple common sense approach to good nutrition that gives you the tools to create a healthy kitchen all year round. The dietary advice included in the book draws from the fields of macrobiotic nutrition, as well as my studies into Traditional Chinese Medicine and, most importantly, common sense. My absolute favourite saying is: ‘If you don’t look after your body, then where are you going to live.’”

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing and Amazon


Cancer is Curable Now

Saturday 12 May London E1 6RU

Sunday 13 May Cheshire SK5 6NX

Book your ticket at

Cancer is Curable Now

Cancer is curable NOW workshops happening in the UK on 12th and 13th May.  There is a very special event coming up in London and Cheshire that will support  awareness about removing the causes of cancer, and empowering them with the top alternative cancer treatments available today.

Marcus Freudenmann, director of the film “CANCER is curable NOW” and author of the book Healing Cancer with Common Sense will be coming to the UK in May to present a powerful, life-transforming workshop designed to wake people up to the fact that there are hundreds of options available to them for healing, and there are things that they can do right now to start and support the healing process..

Marcus and Sabrina spent almost three years travelling around the world searching for and interviewing experts in the field of alternative cancer treatments.

If you haven’t seen the film as yet, you can check out the preview online here:

Further Information

Saturday 12 May: The Brickhouse, 152c Brick Lane, London E1 6RU

Sunday 13 May: St Agnus Church, 551 Gorton Road, North Reddish, Cheshire SK5 6NX

Book your ticket at 


Yoga for Life

by Josephine Fairley

Published by Kyle Books. 2012. £16.99. Softback. ISBN: 9-780-857830-43-2.

Yoga is a powerful anti-ageing tool for the over-40s, with acknowledged health benefits – from helping to prevent osteoporosis to tackling menopausal symptoms. But anyone who isn’t a twenty-something ‘yoga bunny’ will have felt seriously overlooked when it comes to yoga books – until Yoga For Life.

Yoga for Life

Five years ago Jo set up her own yoga studio and wellbeing centre in her home town of Hastings.  Now, her new book Yoga For Life offers a fresh look at yoga, packed with practical, mumbo-jumbo-free advice for anyone who may be new to yoga, or who want a yoga practice that’s right for mid-life (and beyond).  Explains Jo: “I have a shelf-ful of yoga books, but they are all written from the teacher’s standpoint. Yoga For Life has the information I know that people who want to introduce yoga into their life really want:  how to find the best teacher, the best styles of yoga (for older bodies), the best kit and - really importantly - how to prevent injury.  Yoga’s almost become a ‘competitive sport’, so I want to ensure that yoga-lovers deepen their practice, enhance flexibility and enjoy yoga in the safest possible way.”

With an introduction by leading international yoga guru Simon Low, the book also features contributions from Kathy Phillips (international Vogue Beauty Director and yoga teacher), and Jo Foley, leading spa travel writer, featuring their recommendations for great yoga holiday destinations around the world.  Easy-to-follow step-by-step photographs illustrate a series of the best yoga postures to help you age gracefully.  And in this beautiful, full-colour book - (photographed in Jo’s own centre), you’ll also find...

  • The art of eating well for yoga, with recipes for nurturing foods and calming teas;
  • How to quiet the ‘monkey mind’: a simple guide to the art of meditation;
  • Yoga for the best sleep of your life;
  • How to create the perfect yoga space at home
  • Tips for getting back on the mat when you’ve lost your yoga ‘mojo’;
  • Yoga ‘prescriptions’ for health challenges from hot flushes to headaches.

About Jo Fairley

Jo Fairley is a widely-published journalist and author, co-author of The Beauty Bible series of books, with Sarah Stacey. She contributes to a wide range of magazines, and is also co-founder (with her husband Craig Sams) of Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate.  Jo has been practisng Yoga (on and off) since the age of 12, when a feature in Vogue Health & Beauty magazine alerted her to a Teach Yourself Yoga book (Which she still owns!).When her mother (and her teachers) thought she was doing her homework, Jo was actually Downward Dog-ing, Eagle pose-ing and doing handstands in her room.  Today, you will find her several mornings a week on the mat at The Wellington Centre:

Further Information

Available from Kyle Books and from Amazon


Living Nature’s Certified Natural Lip Balm

Don’t let dry, sore, chapped lips spoil your summer; use all the natural goodness of Living Nature’s certified natural Lip Balm to help keep lips soft, supple and smooth all summer long and provide protection that’s so pure, it’s even good enough to eat! Living Nature’s Lip Balm is 100% natural and uniquely New Zealand, drawing on some of the country’s beautifying botanicals to effectively nourish the skin, seal-in moisture to prevent dehydration and ensure the lips are protected, whether you’re indoors, outdoors, at rest or active. 

Living Nature’s Certified Natural Lip Balm

Curative Active Manuka Honey Manuka, one of Living Nature’s hero ingredients, acts as a natural humectant helping to keep your lips moist and nourished, but this special New Zealand honey also possesses potent antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate the body’s natural repair processes.  So if your lips are suffering, Living Nature Lip Balm gently yet effectively aids rapid recovery and prevents inflammation or infection of any sore, cracked skin.  Also, if you suffer from recurrent cold sores, brought on by hot, sunny weather, Manuka Honey possesses natural antiviral properties that are known to help fight the herpes simplex virus that cause cold sores.  

Cupuacu Butter is also included in Living Nature’s Lip Balm for its natural ability to improve the skin barrier, which in turn helps increase the moisture levels on your lips and helps restore the skin’s elasticity and softness.  It also provides lips with important, natural UVA/UVB protection.  Antioxidant-rich Pequi Fruit Extract, on the other hand, provides powerful anti-ageing benefits to lips aiding repair of cracked skin and protecting against further damage whilst Ginger Extract is rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties to further enhance the soothing, healing nature of Living Nature’s all-natural Lip Balm.

Suitable for adults, children and even babies, you can rest assured Living Nature’s Lip Balm contains only 100% natural preservatives, fragrance and ingredients and is certified natural by BDIH Germany, a world-leading independent auditor of natural skin care and cosmetics.  Since Living Nature’s skin care range is also endorsed by Breast Cancer Network New Zealand and listed by Skin Deep Database as a Safe Cosmetics Champion, by using Living Nature’s Lip Balm you’ll be using one of the purest, safest products to keep your lips luscious and protected all summer long.

Further Information

Stockist Information: Living Nature skin care and cosmetics products are available from a nationwide network of salons, pharmacies and health stores, by mail order and online.  For further information, contact Living Nature (UK) on Tel: 0845 2508455;


Beyond Organic Skincare: Going Beyond the Call Of Beauty

Beyond Organic Skincare was set up to do exactly what it says on the tin, go beyond simply providing organic beauty products. They felt that whilst there was a growing number of organic beauty brands on the market there was a lack of products that went that extra mile; that were organic, but also paid attention to the finer details.

Beyond Organic Skincare

Beyond Organic aim to provide highly effective products that really make a difference to the health of your skin, that protect it from harmful chemicals and the elements, whilst giving it the love and attention it deserves through gorgeous high quality skincare.

Beyond Organic also believe that you shouldn’t have to ‘make do’ with below par beauty products just because you go on holiday, which is exactly why they’ve launched their beautiful new travel pack…The pack contains the essentials, in the form of a moisturizing day cream, regenerating night cream and detoxifying cleanser. The organic ingredients in the products, which have already picked up a host of awards, include cocoa butter, beeswax, yarrow and macadamia nut oil amongst an array of natural goodies that combine to make the products effective, yet delicate on the skin.

If the sun doesn’t shine as much as you’d hoped for whilst you’re away, you can still get youthful glowing skin with Beyond Organic’s Rejuvenating Serum. Helping achieve that golden glow is Rosehip, which works to fight wrinkles through its high concentration of Retinol A, renowned for its anti-ageing properties. This combines with numerous other natural plant extracts t to create a serum which is unmatched in effectiveness and boasts a unique grouping of omegas and botanicals, in extremely high concentrations, to provide your skin with the vital building blocks it needs to stay healthy.

The pack also contains an Organic Rescue Salve which has been formulated to help soothe all skin irritations, whether it be a pesky insect bite, flared up eczema or a cooking burn. It contains Calendula, well known for its soothing and healing properties, combined with Propolis, Chamomile and other beneficial plant extracts used for their curative properties in a rich emollient oil base containing Sea Buckthorn oil.

Further Information

For further details and information please visit


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes



    Wholefood Harmony

    Love Food Nourish Life Macrobiotic Cooking Course is run by Anna Freedman and will guide participants through a repertoire of delicious healthy dishes that integrate the wisdom of natural macrobiotic food. Macrobiotics is about enjoying pure, unrefined foods which enhance the body’s health and balance. Anna is a qualified and accredited Macrobiotic Cook and Health Coach. The Love Food Nourish Life cooking course entails classes including themed cooking, hands ion cooking and enjoyment of a full three course meal. You can choose Tuesday morning or Thursday evening classes. Asian fusion on 1 May or 3 May; Wholegrain wonders 8 May or 10 May; Plant Proteins 15 May or 17 May; Vegetable Heaven on 22 May or 24 May and Healthy Treats and Snacks on 29 May or 31 May. Early Summer Cooking event is on 13 May and Mid-Summer Secrets is on 8 July.

    Further information Tel: 07957 313 187


    Spirulina for All Ages

    Spirulina is a perfect complementary nutrient for people of all ages. No recommended daily allowances have been set for the elderly, but their nutritional needs are different from those of other age groups. They are more likely than younger people to be deficient in certain nutrients and may not absorb, utilize or store nutrients efficiently. The amount of Spirulina taken can be adjusted to fit the needs of an individual according to their age, health status or the particular results they want to achieve. Children who won’t eat their vegetables and students away from home should take Spirulina.  Doctors and Nutritionists recommend eating 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day and Hawaiian Spirulina can fill the gaps by supplying more concentrated vegetable nutrition than any other food. Best care’s Hawaiian Spirulina and Astaxanthin has 15% off until 31 May 2012.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303  and use SPRING15 at the checkout to get your 15% discount.


    Seaweed-Enriched Bread

    New evidence has emerged from Sheffield Hallam University that Seagreens® seaweed can be used as an acceptable alternative to salt in bread and contribute to weight loss and management. An appetite study by the Centre of Food Innovation found that participants who ate bread enriched with the company’s Ascophyllum nodosum were found to be less hungry and consume fewer calories than when they ate normal ‘control’ bread in an identical test a week later.

    For full details of the published article Tel: 0114 225 2621;<

    Further information about Seagreens Tel: 020-8343 5408;  Mob: 07779 004 374;

    Irritable Bowel Leads to 5000 Hospital Admissions a Year

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) led to more than 5000 hospital admissions in England in 2011, with women accounting for 70% of such admissions, Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) figures show. IBS is a common condition of the digestive system and can cause bouts of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. Its symptoms can vary in severity from one person to another, however it is not dangerous and does not increase the likelihood of the sufferer developing cancer.

    Further information:

    The report is available at

    Prostate Health Cocktail

    To many people, the idea of using an over-the-counter supplement to treat prostate cancer is laughable. The American Cancer Society warns against such practice stating that such alternative treatments are rarely shown to have any clinical efficacy and may do more harm than good. A number of currently active clinical trials are exploring the benefits of dietary supplements to prostate cancer patients however. Data from these trials may drastically change public opinion on the merits of such treatments. The dietary supplement Prostate Health Cocktail (PHC) has the potential to become an alternative option to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for men with recurrent prostate cancer. PHC is produced by OncoNatural Solutions Inc and is a combination of nutrients, minerals, herbs and vitamins. According to the company, each ingredient in PHC was independently shown to prevent prostate cancer developing, kill prostate cancer cells or improve the symptoms of benign prostate cancer enlargement.

    Further Information: Please contact Global Data on Tel: 01204 543537;

    Report available at

    American Institute for Cancer Research Annual Research Conference

    The 2012 AICR Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer takes place on 1-2 November at the Capital Hilton in Washington DC. The 2012 program committee consists of John W Erdman PhD (Chair), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Wendy Demark-Wahnefried PhD RD, UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center; Richard L Eckert PhD, University of Maryland; James C Fleet PhD, Purdue University, Cheryl L Rock PhD RD, University of California, San Diego and June Stevens MS PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Further information Tel: 800-843-8114

    Link Between Food Intolerance and Weight Gain

    New research published in Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy could provide the answer as to why it is so hard to shift those excess pounds. The study suggested a direct correlation between food intolerance and weight gain – this simply means that by cutting trigger foods out of your diet, your ‘battle with the bulge’ could be over. With even seemingly healthy foods such as lettuce having the potential to cause a reaction, it is really worth finding out your own personal triggers. YorkTest Laboratories is Europe’s leading provider of food and drink intolerance testing and has now launched its most comprehensive intolerance test ever, the first combined food and drink scan, testing for an impressive 158 trigger ingredients found in food and beverages.

    Further information Tel: 0800 074 6185;


    Weight Loss Strategy for Men

    HealthyWage™ is an American company that pays Americans to lose weight no matter which diet they choose to follow. The ground breaking study found remarkable success for men involved in a weight loss ‘bet’ and is the first to verify that men and women lose weight differently. Employees at a tip-tier Fortune 50 (fifty) company were given the opportunity to make a weight loss wager - to ante up $100 to win $400 if they lost a significant 10% of their starting body weight within 6 months. The result was stunning widespread weight loss among participants, particularly men. Of the total participants, 63% of the male subjects won the bet and were paid $400; 15% of the female participants wont the bet, consequently more than a quarter of all program participants (29%) won the bet and the cash and 49% of all program participants reported losing at least 5% of their starting weight.

    Further information:

    14th International Energy Psychology Conference

    Daniel Benor is presenting the 14th International Energy Psychology Conference in Loews Coronado Resort in San Diego, California on 31 May-3 June 2012. Attend Daniel’s 2.5 hour lecture on How does Energy Psychology (EP) Work?-  Wholistic Explanation in Your Practice. WHEE, an EP modality, enables you to address your problems and enhance your capabilities on every level. Whatever EP or other health promoting modality you practice can increase enhancing approaches. Keynote speakers are Gary Craig, Amit Goswami, Marilyn Schlitz, Gary Schwartz and Dan Siegel and presentations will be given by leaders of the field such as Carol Look, Anodea Judith, Gallo, David Feinstein and Roger Jahnke. Dan also runs a course Transformative Wholistic Reintegration Course September 2012-June 2013 at Langara College, Vancouver.

    Further information Tel:  001 609 714-1885;

    Marginal - Help for Women with Breast Cancer

    Susie Larkin wants to put an end to breast cancer. She believes of all the Komen Races for the Cure around the country are critical to achieve that goal, regardless of how some feel about the recent Planned Parenthood controversy. In her new book, Marginal, Susie Werle Larkin helps those diagnosed with breast cancer and their loved ones through the fight of their lives. As a teacher of breast cancer survivor exercise classes, Larkin helps men and women fight back against the disease. Through strengthening their bodies, Larkin helps reinvigorate their souls. Marginal follows members of a weekly breast cancer support group, primarily consisting of caregivers, as they express their struggles, explore their emotions, reveal their souls and clear their consciences.

    Further information: Brandon Kline Tel: 001 928-699-8965;

    Embracing the Spirit of Nature

    Landscape gardener Linda Shaylor Cooper has made a name for herself by creating beautiful, vibrant gardens for her clients. Her secret? Linda co-creates with Nature Spirits and gives credit to fairies and gnomes for filing her outdoor spaces with magic. Her new book Embracing the Spirit of Nature, encourages others to open their minds and hearts to other-worldly possibilities.

    Further information:

    BioMed Central’s Conference on Metabolism, Diet and Disease

    A new session is announced for Metabolism, Diet and Disease at The Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center, Washington DC form 29-31 May 2012. Dietary Factors in Metabolic Disease will be chaired by Dr Gary Taubes. Does fructose contribute to metabolic disease? Luc Tappy from the University of Lausanne will join a distinguished line of speakers to talk about whether his studies support the controversial hypothesis that sugar is toxic. Looking at the flip side of that question, Jeff Volek from the University of Connecticut and Nutrition and Metabolism journal will present evidence of the effects of low-carbohydrate diets on metabolic syndrome.

    Further information Tel: 0800 389 8136 - UK; Tel: 020 3192 2009 – Outside UK;

    Seagreens Culinary

    Seagreens are sharing some delicious, healthy ways to use Seageens during the holidays. The Mineral Salt with its nutty, salty taste, all the minerals and trace elements but only half the salt will make breakfast very special. Seagreens Culinary ingredient is delicious with yoghurt or smoothies or at lunchtime over your roast potatoes or French fries. Seagreens Salad and Condiments is wonderfully versatile, you can mix it with vegetables and salads and makes a refreshing, antioxidant Summer tonic packed with nutrients.

    Further information:

    Cabbage - Key to Preventing Disease?

    Scientists are investigating whether compounds found in cabbage could prevent against diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Experts from the University of Aberdeen’s Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health are calling for volunteers to take part in a study into the potential health benefits of different varieties of the vegetable. Dr Wendy Russell, who is leading the project said that the study will investigate compounds found in different species of cabbage produced in Scotland, with the aim of identifying which ones have a positive impact on health when we eat them.

    Those interested in taking part in the study should contact David Bremner on Tel: 01224 738 785;

    Wartime Health Treatment Battling Back

    During World War II, destructive German submarines sank commercial shipping vessels and created a shortage of citrus fruits, fames for their high levels of vitamin C from the tropics. To counter this shortage, the people of Britain were encouraged, through letters to The Times newspaper, articles in the British Medical Journal and pamphlets produced by Claire Lowenfeld, a dietician working for Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, to gather rose hops and create a homemade vitamin C syrup for their children. Whilst there is no lack of lemons and oranges to keep our vitamin C levels up, new research published this month shows that we should maybe be looking at including rosehip syrups in our children’s diets once again, not to mention our own.

    Further information:

    Align – Ireland’s Pioneering Somatic Movement Company

    We all hold physical tension in our bodies, usually unconsciously. Align train you to recognize the root cause of your physical tension and arm you with the skills to fix it yourself. They do this using a science-based method call Somatic Movement Education (SME). An established practice based on Neuro-Muscular Reprogramming, SME is relatively new to the UK but well recognized in the USA. Simply put, SME’s Neuro-muscular reprogramming teaches you to regain control of your muscles through the nervous system. Align offers one-to-one clinical sessions, group classes and workshops.

    Further information:  Tel: +353 (0)86-328 0193 / 07427-623523; +353 (0)85-737 6076;  

    New Patient Videos from McTimoney Chiropractic

    McTimoney Chiropractic Association has launched new patient-focused videos. The videos are designed to actively engage patients by giving them information about The McTimoney Chiropractic technique. The set of videos bring to life patient experiences, thereby offering explanation and clarification of the use of the McTimoney Chiropractic technique. Each video covers a different topic including an overview, McTimoney Chiropractic for Animals, Sports Chiropractic and Chiropractic for Families.

    Further information:

    Moderate UV Radiation Prevents Development of White Skin

    A study shows that vitamin D from sunshine prevents the formation of abnormal cells. Excessive long-term sun exposure is one of the causes of so-called ‘white skin cancer’. Excessive exposure to UV rays can damage the DNA in the cell nucleus to such an extent that the natural ‘repair mechanism’ is no longer able to cope. This results in the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimmers (CPD). In turn, these cause skin cancer due to the continual process of cell multiplication by cell division and can block the immune response.

    Further information Tel: +31 0651 358 180

    Kiwiherb Handy Hint

    Phil Rasmussen, the highly respected New Zealand Medical Herbalist and creator of the Kiwiherb Herbal Remedies Range, recommends going DEET-free when it comes to repelling insects this summer. DEET is a common chemical ingredient used in many commercial repellents, but it is known to irritate the eyes. Kiwiherb’s unique 100% natural Herbal Insect Repellent contains Chaste Tree extract, Lemongrass essential oil and Fennel essential oil and provides a pleasant smelling, DEET-free alternative to repel insects naturally.

    Further information Tel: 01455 556 281;

    Can Feel Full Foods Manage Weight

    The University of Aberdeen is part of a major collaboration on a £6 million European project to develop and test new food products with satiating qualities to help control appetite, manage weight and combat obesity. Satiety-enhanced foods can help with energy intake and weight control. SATIN - SATiety Innovation is a five year, EU funded project, led by the University of Liverpool that draws together experts from academia and industry to produce new food products using the latest processing innovation techniques.

    Further information:

    BioMed Central Research

    BioMed Central has released some research over the last few day including how methylation of DNA in normal cells can predict cervical cancer risk and that 3 tiny changes in the codes for proteins p21 and p27 increase the risk of secondary cancer for people with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and results of a trial into long acting Risperidone which shows improved outcomes for people with chronic schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

    Further information:

    White Rice and Diabetes

    Health Researchers said this month that they had found a troubling link between higher consumption of white rice and type 2 diabetes. What has been found is that white rice is likely to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes said Dr Qi Sun of the Harvard School of Public Health. In studies carried out in China and Japan, those who ate most rice were 55% more likely to develop the disease than those who ate the most rice were 55% more likely to develop the disease than those who ate the least,

    Further information:

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