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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 184

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 184 - July 2011

Northern College of Acupuncture - Unique Nutritional Therapy MSc

Linda and Ann

The Northern College of Acupuncture in York is currently accepting applications for its well established PG Diploma/MSc in Nutritional Therapy starting in October 2011. This unique course is currently the only MSc in nutritional therapy in the country fully accredited by the NTC (Nutritional Therapy Council).

The course is validated by Middlesex University and consists of  two years of part time study in College (for the course starting in 2011 this will be two weekdays a month in term time) to complete the Diploma, and then optionally for the MSc up to two years of autonomous research and writing up of the MSc dissertation, with support from a personal supervisor. On completion of the Diploma our students can register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), join the British Association of Nutritional Therapists (BANT) and work as a nutritional therapist

On this Masters level course our students learn to use evidence-based nutritional research and apply it directly in practice. The emphasis is on eating for health rather than just taking supplements, and our students develop highly effective and safe skills for clinical practice. The course is highly integrated with clinical practice in our teaching clinic from the outset.

The 'functional medicine' approach taught takes the underlying causes of illness into account, rather than just treating the symptoms, thus further enhancing our students' ability to get to the root cause of patients' problems. We also teach nutritional approaches from different traditional systems of medicine, and run workshops by inspirational leaders in the nutritional therapy field.

The course is open to healthcare practitioners and to people who already have a degree (or equivalent); a foundation course is available in the summer to provide students starting in the October with science basics and clinical skills..

Further Information
Please contact: Julia Brooks Leonard at the Northern College of Acupuncture on Tel : 01904 343309;


Sweet Cures' New Product Diabetrose™ Utilises Fat-Burning Metabolism

Diabetrose Powder Bottle

Diabetrose(tm)', based on Arabinose is the natural substance that helps mammals release glucose from the food we eat in a sustained way. As a natural but 'rare' sugar, we don't get enough of it in the modern diet, because we don't eat the foods - mosses, seaweeds, leaves, raw vegetables and roots that contain L-Arabinose. This leads to an imbalance, with an excess in the modern diet of sugars that rapidly breakdown to glucose. The result is a 'sugar rush' when we eat, and a rapid rise in blood-sugar levels.

Blood-sugar spiking indirectly causes all sorts of problems from obesity to Diabetes Type II, because once the sugar-rush has faded we get hungry again and tend to eat too much. Often the matter is made worse because low blood-sugar makes us want to eat sweet things, which starts that cycle all over again.

When the sugar-rush from eating reaches a particular level, our body realizes we are not going to need the glycogen we already have stored in our liver, and converts that excess glycogen into fat for long-term storage. This is the root cause of obesity. When people claim "It's my metabolism..." they are correct. But breaking the fat storage cycle effectively changes the metabolism.

Since available energy drops and appetite increases as soon as glycogen begins to be stored as fat and blood-glucose levels begin to fall, the process of stabilizing blood-sugar levels allows us to use stored glycogen as energy. When energy is available from stored glycogen, we don't get hungry. The process is simple - when we are less hungry, we eat less. When we use the energy stored as glycogen, we don't store it as fat. Gradually getting blood-sugar levels under control returns the body to a natural balance, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Further Information
Diabetrose in available from Sweet Cures on Tel: 01904-789559 and from the following websites:



Diploma Integrative Medicine - British College of Integrative Medicine (BCIM)

The first cohort of students at the British College of Integrative Medicine
The first cohort of students at the British College of Integrative Medicine

The British College of Integrative Medicine (BCIM) was established in 2007 specifically to address the need for professional training and academic study of Integrative Medicine (IM). Its initial cohort of doctors and nurses will graduate in the Study of Integrative Medicine (DipSIM) in March 2012, with the first ever British postgraduate degree qualification in Integrative Medicine.

Dr Sohère Roked (1) a student at the British College of Integrative Medicine defines Integrative Medicine as a "healing-orientated approach that emphasises the patient-practitioner relationship, focusing on the least invasive, least toxic, and least expensive methods, integrating both allopathic and complementary approaches to facilitate health". Dr Roked, who works as a registrar in a busy GP practice in Bridgend, South Wales, will be one of the first to graduate from BCIM, and she says it's already altered her practice for the better.

The full Diploma is a two-year, part-time course, with other flexible study opportunities available (assessed or unassessed) for doctors, nurses and other graduate healthcare professionals who are invited to apply now for the next course, starting October 2011.  

Fellow student Dr Rory McGill full time GP in Plymouth for 17 years, was growing frustrated by the limits of the biomedical model and has now set up his own private practice as an holistic doctor.  

1. Rakel,D. Integrative Medicine. 2nd Edition. Saunders, Elsevier.2008.

Further Information
For more information about the British College of Integrative Medicine please visit 

The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine

The Dove Team

The Dove Clinic, based in Twyford near Winchester and in Central London, offers integrated therapies for a wide range of illnesses and conditions and undertakes consultations in other areas of chronic illness. The Clinic offers a wide spectrum of complementary treatments and therapies, delivered by a dedicated team of professionals, under the direction of one of the leading experts in the field - Dr Julian Kenyon.

The Clinic specialises in the treatment of:

  • Allergy and Intolerance
  • Angina
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Life Threatening Illness
  • IBS

The Dove Clinic Team
Dr Julian Kenyon is Founder-Chairman of the British Medical Acupuncture society in 1980 and Co-Founder of the Centre for the Study of Complementary Medicine in Southampton and London where he worked for many years. He is also Founder/President of the British Society for Integrated Medicine and is an established authority in the field of complementary treatment approaches for a wide range of medical conditions.

Dr Richard Fuller is a traditionally trained GP, with a family heritage in homeopathy with post-graduate qualifications with the Faculty of Homeopathy and has undergone post graduate training with the British Medical Acupuncture Society. Dr Fuller is the Clinic's lead doctor for Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP), a non-invasive treatment for angina and heart disease. He is also the lead clinic doctor for Low Dose Immunotherapy.

Tanya Kenyon RN. Tanya completed her general nurse training in 1974 and her midwifery training in 1977, further experience in community and Marie-Curie nursing, together with additional training in palliative care, bereavement counselling and complementary therapies. She currently works within the clinic as a Nurse Practitioner; Clare Robinson MSc RN Clinic Manager. Clare has been a practising nurse for over 25 years, with previous NHS experience in both Primary and Secondary care.  

Further Information
Please contact The Dove Clinic on  Tel: 01962 718000; Fax: 01962 717060;


Chakra Psychology - Unique Course for Healers, Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Bodyworkers, Yoga Teachers

Chakra Psychology Logo

9 Saturday afternoons once a month October 2011 - June 2012
beginning on Saturday 15 October 2011
Muswell Hill, North London

The chakra system, combined with Western in-depth psychology, offers us a healing model that brings together all these aspects of being human. Through gaining knowledge of different contemporary psychological models, and experiential work, you will help heal yourself as well as gain ways of helping to heal your clients. The Chakra System offers an approach to understanding human growth and development that sits firmly at the interface of spirituality, the mind and the physical body.

Course fee £395 - this includes all materials, assessment of a written assignment and a free one hour individual tutorial please note: there is an option to pay in instalments you will receive a certificate on completion of course requirements.

Journey through the Chakras -  3 day Course

For Meditators, Bodyworkers, Healers, Counsellors, Alexander Technique teachers, Psychotherapists, Yoga teachers, those on a spiritual, personal growth path. Validated for CPD by The Association for Therapeutic Healers.

Friday 8, Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July 2011
10.00am - 4.30pm at The Fellside Centre, Low Fellside, Kendal, near the Lake District

Experience and learn about psychological and meditative approaches to working with the chakras and help yourself:

  • Experience how the chakras can help you understand and heal past trauma
  • Heal emotional or physical discomfort
  • Have an effective and safe way to access to your unconscious mind, become aware of how this is affecting the quality of your life and so be able to do something about it to make your life better;
  • If you are a therapist this knowledge, experience and tools will support you in your work with clients - whatever your discipline.

Course fee £245 includes materials, and a follow up individual session with Delcia. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.

Further Information
For full syllabus, payment arrangements and details contact Delcia McNeil CQSW BA(Hons) ITEC DipTH UKCP  on Tel: 015395 62420; Mob: 07515 807366; or visit



Dirty Medicine  The Handbook
by Martin J Walker
Published by Singshot Publications. 2011. Softback. £15; $20; €18. ISBN 978-0956409317.

Cover Dirty Medicine The Handbook

Dirty Medicine  The Handbook is Martin Walker's twenty year follow up to his book Dirty Medicine: Science, big business and the assault on natural health care. In this new book Walker gives a full and detailed picture of the vested interests, their personalities, organisations and ideas that have shaped the present attack on alternatives in the field of health.  Alternatives and complimentary medicine is under attack on all fronts, The Handbook gives us the knowledge with which to defend ourselves and fight back.

History 1985-2008: Attacks and battles between Quackbusters and Natural Medicine Practitioners;
Health Corporatists: Influential Individuals, Organizations, their Profiles and links to Government
Groups, Projects, Committees, Attacks, Media Battles
Websites: Quackbuster and Corporate Science Skeptic
The Antidote: Free Thinkers, Campaigners, Natural Health Champions

Martin Walker names the powerful scientists, politicians and media celebrities who have been involved with the financial support of organizations deliberately tasked with the suppression, defamation and indeed obliteration of complementary and alternative medicine.

Dirty Medicine The Handbook illuminates the details and individuals behind the scandals which form major threads in Martin Walker's book, including the trial of Dr Andrew Wakefield before the General Medical Council, the legal challenges by Dr Simon Singh against the British Chiropractic Association, and the many venomous campaigns against homeopathic medicines. Martin also reveals through his research and political analysis, major media players and organizations and their funding.

Martin Walker describes the Alice through the Looking Glass phenomenon whereby everything you thought went one way was reported to be the opposite way as Truth Reversal - an excellent alternative term to the plain old lie.

Of doctors, epidemiologists, researchers, advisers, insurance scammers, quackbusters, bad journalists, corporate scientists, industry shills and other agents who do now or have in the past worked for, sided with, supported or simply been a part of corporate interests, manufacturing, pushing or promoting, products or ideologies antagonistic to the private and public health of workers, consumers, citizens, patients, alternative practitioners and science in the public interest; who they are, how to recognize them and their organizations, and what to do about them.

Further Information

Reviewed on Positive Health PH Online

Available from Slingshot Publications

also from Amazon

Letters to Louise - The Answers Are Within You
by Louise L Hay
Published by Hay House; Updated edition Jan 2011. Paperback. £7.99.. ISBN: 978-1401927271.

Letters to Louise book cover

Louise L. Hay intimately answers the questions from her thousands of fans around the world

Full of letters from people who have written to Louise hoping to change themselves and their world in some way, Louise's responses demonstrate some of her most personal and revealing reflections on her teachings. Louise strives, in her responses, to be the catalyst that helps these individuals to accomplish their goals, and thinks of herself as "a stepping-stone on a pathway of self discovery."
It is Louise's firm belief that by reading about other people's challenges and aspirations, we can see ourselves and our own problems in different ways, and use what we learn from others to make changes in our own lives. Louise has compiled this collection of personal letters to allow you to realise that you, too, have the strength within to change, and to find solutions on your own - that is, to seek the answers that are within you.
Louise L. Hay, the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 40 million books sold worldwide.  For more than 25 years, she has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and many other TV and radio programmes both in the USA and abroad.
Further Information
Available from Hay House:

and from Amazon:



Penninghame Ultimate Health Experience

Penninghame Main House

The Penninghame Ultimate Health Experience, which takes place monthly, offers guests a uniquely life-changing experience. The Penninghame Health Week course will teach you how to whip up a Michelin style five course macrobiotic dinner which is as tasty as it is healthy, all with delicious home-grown or locally sourced ingredients. Food at Penninghame is freshly prepared daily, where possible using home-grown, organic produce from their own walled vegetable and fruit garden.

Penninghame teachings will educate you how to deal with symptoms of ill health including diabetes (type II), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Immune Deficiency, Digestion issues, Sleeping problems (including Snoring and Insomnia), Allergies, Osteoporosis and more.   You will learn how easy it can be to feed and educate your family with a dynamic and flexible diet in order to give them the best start in life - nutritionally and emotionally. Some small dietary changes now can make a big difference in later life.  

Penninghame Ultimate Health Experience - Course Snapshot

  • Enjoyment of Penninghame's stunning 90 acre estate;
  • Morning exercise such as Nordic walking, oriental Do-In self-massage classes, yoga or hill walks with stunning views;
  • 3 modern macrobiotic, nutritionally balanced wholefood meals a day plus refreshments such as home-made macrobiotic biscuits during breaks;
  • 14 lectures throughout the week including classes on Rejuvenation of Health, Strengthening the Immune System, Fighting Infection, Balancing Blood Sugar Levels, Diabetes, Letting Go of Fat etc.  Other classes cover treating ailments from kidney weakness to sleep problems, chronic fatigue problems, cravings and addictions;
  • Daily Modern Macrobiotic cooking lessons;
  • Home remedy sessions teaching you to make your own home remedies e.g. salt pack, ginger compress, buckwheat plaster;
  • Meditation and Oneness Experience (optional);
  • Additional Cost  Individual 360 degree health consultation with a Penninghame expert: (1.5 hours duration at an additional cost of £95), during which a tailor made menu and lifestyle recommendations will be created especially for you.

Further Information
Further information and bookings can be made by contacting Penninghame on Tel: 01671 401414;



Super Snack World's First Vegetable Bar Launches

veatable bars

It sounds too good to be true -  a tasty, savoury snack bar that's made with diced and roasted vegetables for 3 great-tasting flavours, has 99 calories a bar, is 100% natural, gluten and wheat free, suitable for vegetarians and counts as one of your five a day! But it's true as the Veatable Bar hits our shop shelves for the first time...

Ever been hungry mid-morning, but couldn't face another sugary snack from the vending machine or wanted to give the kids a treat that didn't involve crisps or biscuits, but excited them more than a piece of fruit? Well that's exactly why husband and wife team, Howard and Helena, developed Veatable Bars.

At first the couple were just making the bars in their kitchen for themselves and their family as a tasty and healthy alternative to snacks like cereals bars, but soon found people were loving their intriguingly tasty snacks and that they might have something really special on their hands.

The chewy baked snack bars, which have just launched in health stores for the first time, come in three great tasting flavours: Sweet Roasted Vegetable, Tomato Pizza and Thai Sweetcorn. Each counts as one of your five a day, is high in fibre, filling, free from artificial flavours, colourings and preservatives, has 99 calories, is gluten and wheat free and suitable for vegetarians. The chilled bars are a little slice of culinary inspiration in a tasty, savoury snack -  perfect for when you're hungry but trying to be good.

Veatable Bars are totally different to anything else currently available and finally make healthy snacking, for yourself or your family, easy and tasty. If you're looking for a scrumptious way to hit your five-a -day, Veatable Bars are a must.

Further Information
For more details visit To buy ask at your local health store or visit and look in the savoury snack section.


  1. paul said..

    This the excellent post which I have seen and it helped me a lot , Thank you

  2. Virectin said..

    Thanks for the insight into this subject….I’ll keep reading

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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes

    National Achievers Congress VIPs -Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Alan Sugar
    Register without delay and you and your guest will receive all the business and personal success education you need from top business and personal success leaders. You will also both be indulging in the exclusive VIP experience at half price. As a National Achievers Congress VIP you will be entitled to exclusive privileges... You will be surrounded by people who share the commitment to making the most of this opportunity; you will be treated like a celebrity while the world's highest achieving business leaders lead by Sir Richard Branson, Lord Alan Sugar and Tony Robbins share their best kept secrets with you. Pay for just 1 VIP ticket and receive 2.

    Further information Tel: 020-7665 8262


    3-Day CPD Course in Chakra Psychology
    Chakra Psychology invites you on a journey through the chakras on a 3-day course for Meditators, Bodywork Therapists, Healers, Counsellors, Alexander Technique Teachers, Psychotherapists, Yoga Teachers and those on a spiritual, personal growth path. Validated for CPD by The Association of Therapeutic Healers the course will help you experience how the chakras can help you understand and heal past trauma, heal emotional or physical discomfort, have and effective and safe way to access your unconscious mind and become aware of how this is affecting the quality of your life.

    Further information Tel: 07515 807366


    Homeopathic Mesotherapy and Biopuncture - Turning Point Training
    Jonathan Lawrence of Turning Point Training is offering a one-day course getting you a qualification in the injections techniques necessary for Mesotherapy using Craniosacral Therapy, Homeopathic Mesotherapy and Biopuncture in Milan on June 27 2011. Mesotherapy can be used in aesthetic medicine (wrinkles, cellulite etc). The certificate will be issued by the Italian Medical Association. Insurance is available. He will be running a practical workshop as a follow-up to show how this technique can be used to treat pain and musculoskeletal conditions in Complementary Health Practice.

    Further information: Tel: 01769 579079;


    College of Body Science Courses
    The College of Body Science is holding a number of courses over the Summer. Know Your Nerves - A 2 day version on 24-25 July 2011 in Launceston, Cornwall. Know Your Neuroanatomy 14-15 September 2011 at London Bridge. Certificate in Body Science - Intensive 7-9 September, 4-6 October and 7-9 November 2011 in Axbridge, Somerset. A course for anyone needing a first qualification in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.

    Further information Tel: 0845 108 1088


    Pair Formation and Biomagnetic Biomagnetism
    Second Call: Dr. Isaac Duran Goiz only instructor authorized to teach courses in Spain 19 al 23 September 2011. Live English translation.

    More Information and Registration: Please contact Tel: +34 965 159 837;


    Special Promotional Offer for CAMExpo 2011
    CAMExpo takes place this year on 22-23 October at Earls Court. Over 5,500 CAM Practitioners, Therapists, students and health store Buyers are expected to flock to the event. Hundreds of products relevant to your Practice or store; CPD points available at all seminars and workshops; Talk to the leading associations; Listen to top speakers in the free keynote seminar; Save money with fantastic show only offers; Hear great speakers in The Demo Theatre; Meet the leading Schools, Colleges and Training Providers. Register now for early bird booking offer of £5.50. Quote Promotional code camex163 and save £14.50 off standard entry price; offer expires 31 July 2011.

    Further information Tel: 01273 645119


    Jay North Assists and Advises Business Owners
    Best selling self-help Author and business management expert Jay North has been assisting entrepreneurs to protect and defend their businesses during these economically trying times. Jay North teaches how business owners can implement highly effective marketing techniques to not just secure, but actually grow their customer base. Jay North Marketing specializes in marketing plans and campaigns. He is available to assist and advise all business owners seeking to strengthen and transform their marketing strategies.

    Further information Tel: 805-794-9126


    Integrative Health Trust Charity Celebrity Fund-Raising Dinner
    Hayley Mills, Oscar winning actress and Trust Patron of the Bath-based charity, Integrative Health Trust, is hosting a fund-raising lunch and dinner at the Michelin starred Priory Hotel in Bath on 7 July. This will be a great opportunity to meet and network with those who are dedicated to the promotion of holistic integrative healthcare. There will be champagne reception and a four-course lunch by day and in the evening, a more exclusive seven-course tasting dinner. Both will be followed by an Audience with Hayley Mills talking about her Hollywood life with Walt Disney and father, John Mills. The charity is also looking for exciting auction items and raffle prizes - either money can't buy items or experiences that people would wish to bid for.

    Further information Tel: 01548 511484;


    How to Avoid Baby Allergies
    According to a study led by Dr Kirsi Laitinen and colleagues of University of Turku, Finland involving a collaboration of five countries: Finland, England, Germany, Hungary and Spain, only 10% of first-time mothers are aware of the link between allergy and the way babies are fed in their first year. Dr Laitinen and her team have surveyed the same mothers when the babies were eight months old; future work will involve assessing this new data. Preliminary results however, indicate that how the baby is actually fed is influenced by the decisions a mother has made about how she intends to feed her baby very early after the baby is born.

    Further information: Tel: 020-7738 0424


    Whale Whisperer
    Imagine being in the ocean, eye-to-eye with a 40-foot whale and then 'hearing' what it has to say! This is what happened when a newly divorced, fifty-something single mum, recently bereaved following her Mother's death, embarked on a journey of self-discovery to reconnect with her life and to find meaning in her feelings of abandonment and dissatisfaction. The Whale Whisperer - Healing Messages from the Animal Kingdom to Help Mankind and the Planet (Findhorn Press, July 2011, £9.99), is Madeleine Walker's extraordinary tale of her adventures across several continents in search of the wisdom and healing from animals and spiritual power points as she battles to reclaim her sense of self, while communicating with incredible wild animal teachers such as humpback whales, elephants, bears, lions, dolphins and a giant manta ray.

    Further information Tel: 01309 641576


    AICR Annual Research Conference 2011-06-23
    Registration is now open for the 2011 American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer being held 3-4 November 2011 in Washington DC. Register early to take advantage of the early bird rate. Join fellow Scientists, Researchers, Health Professionals and Dieticians to hear about the latest in: Types of Diet and Cancer Evidence; Emerging Topics in Cancer Research; Cancer Treatment and Survivorship; The WCR.AICR Continuous Update Project; Cancer Stem Cells; Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity and Vitamin D and Cancer.

    Further information Tel: +1 (800) 843-8114;


    Drift Off to Sleep with RelaxMel
    Lack of sleep is one of the most common modern health complaints. In the UK, one fifth of the population suffer sleeping problems at some time in their lives; only one in ten of us think we regularly sleep well. RelaxMel, a new 100% natural product made by the humble honeybee has just arrived in the UK. Fed on a special diet of powerful herbs, the bees produce a honey product which incorporates the active ingredients from these herbs which then act to balance the body, calm and balance the nervous system, stabilize sleep patterns and ease the mind of worries and tension. The herbs fed to the RelaxMel bees include: Passion flower, Lavender, Oats, Agnus-castus and Golden hop.

    Further information

    Available from health food stores nationwide. Tel: 01782 617575;


    Relief from Restless Leg Syndrome
    It has been reported that orgasm could offer relief for the three million people thought to suffer with the unusual condition of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) in the UK. This discovery makes sense as it is thought that RLS is caused by sub-optimal dopamine function in the brain. VitalCALM is one of the UK's leading Klamath products and combines specific algae extracts with extracts of grape, ginger and anise to create safe and effective dopamine support. Klamath AFA is a specific kind of algae that grows wild in Klamath Lake in the Rockies. It has been used over the last few decades for its general health and mood boosting benefits, but it has also been seen to help people with RLS.

    Further information Tel: 0870 609 1180;


    Orba Originals Essential Gel Insect Repellent
    Orba Originals Essential Gel Insect Repellent deters biting bugs in a natural effective way. Most repellents contain Deet (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) which does not kill insects; instead it prevents biting insects like mosquitoes and ticks from zeroing in on your skin. Deet however, is not a natural ingredient and can cause sensitivity and allergic reactions. Orba Originals Gel Insect Repellent, is a powerful, effective, deet-free alternative to common insect repellents, containing no harmful chemicals yet providing solid protection from mosquitoes and other biting insects. It is also suitable for use on children and babies and is approved by the Vegetarian Society.

    Further information: Orba Essentials Gel Insect Repellent is available from Superdrug stores in Kensington High Street, Epsom and Basildon and at


    Healing Through Ayurveda
    Healing through Ayurveda - Tips for Dosha Understanding and Self Care by Dr Sonica Krishan, an Ayurveda and Natural Lifestyle Healer and Consultant has been released by Rupa Publicaions Ltd. This is Dr Krishan's third book and will soon be available in book stores and at Amazon.

    Further information:


    Easy Pipe Dry Salt Inhaler Allergy Relief
    Cisca has just launched the Easy Pipe, an all natural dry salt inhaler that helps beat allergy symptoms using age old salt therapy, which uses dry aerosol micro-particles. Since the 19th Century people have visited naturally occurring salt caves and salt mines to reap the benefits, today, the Cisca Easy Saltpipe allows you to experience this effective natural therapy for yourself as and when you need it. The moisture of the moving air absorbs the microscopic particles of salt allowing it to penetrate the entire respiratory tract. It works by drawing excess fluid from the sinuses and cell lining, cleansing the nasal passages and opening the airways to relieve the main cause of congestion and irritation. Ideal for hay fever sufferers and people with other allergies.

    Further information Tel: 0191 373 4425;


    Partnering with Nature by Catriona MacGregor
    Partnering with Nature by Catriona MacGregor has been awarded a gold medal from the 2011 Nautilus Book Awards, which recognizes world-changing books that inspire the reader to new possibilities for a better world. Cariona MacGregor has been the voice for animals and wild places all her life. As an environmental leader, she has launched programs that protect species and habitat around the world. Catriona now devotes herself to educating the public about the importance of the natural world and assisting individuals in forging a unique relationship with nature. Please also see Catriona's article in July Issue 184:

    Further information:


    Pritikin Program Approved by Medicare in Landmark Decision
    In a groundbreaking decision, Medicare will pay for Pritikin's intensive diet-and-exercise programs for qualifying individuals with a history or risk of cardiovascular events, the Centers from Medicare and Medicaid Services has disclosed. The decision makes the Pritikin longevity Center and Spa, located in Miami, the first and only residential healthy-lifestyle education program in the USA to offer Medicare-covered intensive cardiac rehabilitation (ICR). The criteria for coverage of an intensive cardiac rehabilitation program by Medicare are stringent, including such requirements as peer-reviewed, published research demonstrating that the program reduces the need for bypass surgery as well as significantly lowers cholesterol levels, triglycerides, body mass index and blood pressure, and the need for medications for cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes.

    Further information:

  • Supercoherence-System

    Supercoherence master code can restore each human to their pristine pure state at the speed of light

  • June Sayer Homeopathy

    Training Academy Homeopathy Nutrition Reiki, Distant Learning. Diet, Health Screening, Detox, Stress


    Aromatherapy creams & candles. Heal naturally No side effects. Holistic treatments, powerful courses


    Professor Sheik Imam is a famous professional leading African Healer who works with powerful spirits

  • radical spirituality

    UK publisher of rejected knowledge in areas of esoteric thought and radical streams of spirituality.

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