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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 174
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 174 - September 2010
TLC Health Centre
TLC Health Centre, 349 Green Lane, London N4 1DZ has been established to provide a range of Medical, Osteopathic and Complementary services to residents in and around North London.

These include a full range of private GP services, medical health checks, travel and vaccination clinics including private prescription services.
Also general Osteopathic treatments which range from structural work on muscle and joint problems, to Cranial, a more gentle approach specifically applied to the movement of body tissues. Cranial treatment enables us to treat a wide range of conditions from migraine to the effects of difficult or prolonged deliveries in babies.
Alongside this, we also have practitioners who specialize in Medical Herbalism, Colonic Irrigation and Manual Lymphatic Drainage, particularly helpful in cases of lymphedaema.
The practice also stocks a wide range of health products including hot/ cold gels to help ease joint and muscle pain and detox oil to assist lymph drainage. All these products are fair trade sourced with a percentage of the sale going to TLC Orphanage in Southern Africa www.tlcorphanage.co.uk
Further Information
To make an appointment with one of our team please Tel: 0208 809 1719; www.tlchealthservices.co.uk
Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Pollution by Using Crystals
by Barbara NewerlaPublished by Findhorn Press. 2010. £4.99. ISBN 978-1-84409-509-4.
Crystal expert and building biologist Barbara Newerla reveals how specific crystals can help us and what they do (and what they can't do) in Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Pollution by Using Crystals. This short book (60 pages) has useful advice on which crystals to use for additional protection/boundary setting, for strengthening life energy/power and vitality, for strengthening the centre/stability, for strengthening the nervous system, to boost metabolism and aid detoxification/elimination.

Crystals can help with the effects of radiation and electromagnetic pollution, now more prevalent in all of ours lives with the explosive proliferation of radio-technology for private and business use including mobile phones, wi-fi and Bluetooth technologies. This abundant 'pulsed high frequency radiation' and the effect on human health is controversial and there continues to be a lot of misunderstanding about the use of crystals for protection.
Electromagnetic pollution refers to the radiation given off by all man-made electrical appliances and devices. It actually consists of two different types of field: magnetic and electrical. The active electromagnetic 'field' is always present in our homes, offices and public spaces. We can't see it but human beings do feel its stressful effects. These active fields are created whenever and wherever an electrical appliance or transmitter is transmitting. It comes through electrical apparatus or appliances and their cables and leads and through the sockets in the walls, railways and tramlines.
Crystals work in an energetic way rather than physical and they therefore can support our energetic body from 'EP' and work optimally when we remove as many of the 'coarse' interfering physical stimuli that blocks our ability to react and resonate with our own energetic systems.
Further Information
Available from Findhorn Press on Tel: 01309 641576; carol@findhornpress.com and from Amazon www.amazon.co.uk/Protect-Yourself-Electromagnetic-Pollution-Crystals/dp/1844095096/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1282219451&sr=1-3
Leave your Excess Weight at VIVA Mayr
The modern Mary Therapy is a well established medical treatment plan with a very loyal international following. Mayr Therapy is based upon the oldest cleansing and regenerative method: Therapeutic Dietary Modification. This is carried out under the supervision of a physician in such a way that the patient never goes hungry. We get amazing and lasting results. The duration and content of the treatment have changed over the years. Drastic weight loss is no longer the core element of our treatment plans. 
Modern Mayr medicine today is a very indi-vidually designed treatment plan to address all your personal health issues. The modern architecture of our medical resort is designed to meet your every need and help you concentrate on your health and well being.
With regard to slimming, as in every other area, our focus is on the personal well-being of each individual guest. We understand the 'ideal weight' as the weight best attuned to the mental, physical and emotional balance of an individual. Losing weight at the expense of your good health is not only a very bad idea in medical terms. It will not make you more attractive either.
Modern Mayr therapy ap-proaches weight loss as a development of natural balance and good health by which the individual gains improved quality of life, beauty and radiance. Losing weight is therefore not just about losing kilos, but about wellbeing. Our approach includes medical and nutrition science diagnostics that identify the personal barriers to weight loss, as well as accompanying treatments such as exercises, psychological support, massages and many other activities.
Modern Mayr therapy addresses the per-sonal dispositions that make losing weight so difficult.
Further Information
Please contact and to book your stay at Viva Mayr Centre for Modern Medicine on Tel: +43 4273 31117; www.viva-mayr.com
Healing with Source: A Spiritual Guide to Mind-Body Medicine
by Dave MarkowitzPublished by Findhorn Press. 2010. £8.99. ISBN 978-1-84409-511-7.
Whereas many healing modalities focus on the symptoms, Healing with Source focuses on reversing the causative factors. In fact, if you focus on the symptom, the Law of Attraction would say you'll only get more of the symptom! At best, typical modalities can only provide temporary pain management. While that's not a bad thing in and of itself, true, permanent healing only happens when you reverse the causative factors.

Dave Markowitz is a medical intuitive, channel of Source energy and information, and a premier voice in the fields of energy medicine and spirituality. This conversational-style book gently invites you into his paradigm-shifting understandings of health, prevention, and healing. Healing with Source posits that humans are responsible for their own health as well as pain and illness; that blame placed outside the self is disempowering and doesn't lead to spiritual growth or healing. It even goes deep within unquestioned paradigms of societal norms; for example, suggesting that punitive punishment doesn't work because it does not address the underlying causes of the offence.
Healing with Source suggests that we can co-create a more harmonious external existence by transforming our inner world using the "Five Steps to Healing" and also includes a channelled symbol that can be used to transmit a very high healing frequency, that of the Source. Detailed instructions are given to allow maximum effectiveness, with a link to an MP3 on Dave's website including subliminal summaries of the main concepts under a bed of soothing, ambient music.
Further Information
Available from Findhorn Press and on September 1st on Amazon.
Please also visit Dave at www.DaveMarkowitz.Com
Booth VRT Ltd - Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT)
Lynne Booth, founder of VRT and best-selling author of Vertical Reflexology and also Vertical Reflexology for Hands offers post-graduate reflexology training courses for qualified reflexologists. These authorised courses offer 12 AoR CPD points per day and 5 CPD points per day from CThA. Course bookings, Books, DVD and charts may be ordered on-line.
Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) is a simple but profound form of reflexology where the top, or dorsum, of the hands and feet are briefly worked in a weight-bearing position. Over 6500 Reflexologists have attended authorised VRT courses internationally. VRT techniques can immediately be integrated into a reflexology practice. Basic and Advanced courses can be combined in one weekend. Internationally renowned tutors are invited to Bristol to teach advanced reflexology.
Forthcoming VRT and Reflexology courses in the UK and internationally:
VRT Basic Course
25 Sept, Bristol: Lynne Booth 0117 9626746 contact@boothvrt.com
30 Oct, Cambridge: Christine Roscoe 01223 514 601 sarah.yow@ntlworld.com
VRT Advanced Course
26 Sept, Bristol: Lynne Booth 0117 9626746 contact@boothvrt.com
31 Oct, Cambridge: Christine Roscoe: 01223 514 601 sarah.yow@ntlworld.com
VRT/ART Joint Course
6-7 Nov, Bristol: Tony Porter and Lynne Booth 0117 9626746 contact@boothvrt.com
Advanced Reflexology: Roundabout: the Shoulder
20-21 Nov, Bristol: Krogsgaard and Lund Fransen 0117 9626746 contact@boothvrt.com
Further Information
Please contact Booth VRT Ltd on Tel 0117 9626746; contact@boothvrt.com www.boothvrt.com
Camexpo 23-24 October 2010, Earls Court - London
Camexpo Announces Two New Feature Areas
Now firmly established as the definitive industry event for the entire complementary healthcare sector, Camexpo prepares for its eighth annual event, which will take place on 23-24 October 2010 at London's Earls Court, with the announcement of two brand new show feature areas - The CAM stage LIVE and BANT Nutrition Lounge.

Since knowledge is the key to any successful business, The BANT Nutrition Lounge is a unique new addition that will enable Camexpo visitors to stay up-to-date with how changes in recent legislation may affect their practice. Whilst The CAM stage LIVE will showcase a host of highly informative, practical demonstrations packed with trade tips from a selection of Camexpo exhibitors.
One of Camexpo's real strengths, and, the source of its ever-increasing visitor appeal, is the comprehensive mix of CAM modalities on offer throughout its CPD education programme. The show's two, Nutri Centre-sponsored, Keynote Theatres will feature 25 of the CAM industry's best known subject specialists in action, and there are 48 Taster Workshops offering bite-size introductions to a multitude of new therapies and techniques from some of the UK's foremost experts and trainers (sessions £17.50 each inclusive of VAT).
Further Information
The one stop shop for all your professional needs; book your ticket today at www.camexpo.co.uk
Egypt Detox Retreat
A new Mind Body Spirit Detox retreat is launching in Sinai Egypt, by The Red Sea, in October 2010.
Led by Sandra Hillawi BSc AMH CT MT ET International Trainer in Energy Psychology and Natural Health Practitioner, this is the first of its kind in Egypt and in fact the Middle East. The detox programme combines juice fasting, raw foods and colon cleansing with workshops in EFT and EmoTrance for stress release and emotional healing, and yoga and meditation classes.
Guests fly to Sharm el Sheikh, are transferred to a small hotel, off the beaten track, away from the commercial resorts, in Nuweiba, which is located on the Red Sea facing the Saudi Arabian mountains to the east and Sinai Mountains behind to the West. "It's a place of breathtaking natural beauty and deep peace" says' Sandra, "perfect for our detox healing retreat."
Compared to UK and European detox retreats, the price is set to be affordable for many, starting from £495 per person per week, based on a shared room. Planned retreat dates for the Winter season are: 29 October 2010 and 2011: 3 January, 28 February, 25 April. Guests may stay 1 to 3 weeks depending on health and weight loss goals.
Further Information
For more information contact Sandra Hillawi on Tel: 02392 433928; sandra@passionforhealth.com www.healingretreats.net
The BEDA Method: How to Protect your Health for Life
by Mike Clark NMQAA Dip Official Buteyko2010. £9.95 www.bedamethod.com
The drug-free Russian method that can help fight stress and other conditions

Mike Clark has written a book on how different conditions can be eased without the need for drugs. The book describes the BEDA Method, which incorporates better breathing, exercise, diet and attitude, and Mr Clark, 42, of west Hull, believes it will help people take control of their own health.
His work is based upon the Buteyko Method from Russia, which he said has helped thousands of asthmatics to go medication-free and tackles other health problems, such as obesity.
Mr Clark, who has had support from the Hull Enterprise Partnership, a free business advice consultancy part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, became a Buteyko breathing therapist in 2000. He then had further training at the Buteyko Institute in Moscow.
The book also includes help and advice on changing lifestyle choices such as smoking, over-eating and excessive drinking.
Mr Clark said: "The reason this book makes a difference is that when people change their attitude to accept their health is their most precious gift, their motivation changes.
"Rather than being a victim, waiting for an illness to occur, they can take responsibility for their own health and learn to do what is best for their health.
"I believe my book can help to do that."
Further Information
The book costs £9.95 and is available by Tel: 01482 342100; www.bedamethod.com
Hull Enterprise Partnership: www.enterprisinghull.org.uk
Holographic Breathing and Birth
In Holographic Breathing participants learn how their pelvis breathes and moves. In this process the pelvis becomes a very fluid structure. In childbirth it is helpful to be aware of this and allow the pelvis to breathe with the baby.
During childbirth this breathing gently unfolds in its own way. Most mothers say that this takes away over 60% of the pain of labour, or changes it into something more enjoyable.
It has been long known by midwives that there is a strong relationship between the jaw and pelvis; a loose jaw also helps the pelvis become loose. This is aided in this breathing system as there is a gentle movement of the jaw with the breath.
The nerves that experience pain in the uterus and vagina are the same nerves that experience orgasm. Being able to relax into child birth can transform this pain into something more orgasmic.
In Holographic Breathing, the mouth, jaw, body, and pelvis are in a gentle flux with the breath. This gives mothers something to be with, it can help them breathe and relax through birth. It makes child birth more enjoyable, more meditative, more orgasmic.
There are Free Audio Seminars to learn holographic Breathing and also Free Audio Lectures on Child Birth using Holographic Breathing.
Further Information
Please contact Martin at Holographic-Breathing on Tel: 07795 810 485; martin@holographic-breathing.com www.holographic-breathing.com
Cinnamon Slippers - Spicy Fashion
Shoes and slippers made from cinnamon might sound a bit odd; however, cinnamon has been used by the Vietnamese to make shoes for centuries and is rich in therapeutic essential oils. 
Cinnamon's health benefits are well documented and include improving energy levels, having anti-bacterial[1] properties and anti-septic effects. Cinnamon has been used as a traditional stimulant in Chinese medicine, having a warming effect on the body and is used for conditions caused by coldness, especially to the fingers and toes. This makes it an ideal material for your feet - helping keep them warm in winter, hygienic in summer and your body and feet relaxed and energized year round.
Cinnamon insoles were clinically trialed in a hospital in Vietnam[2]; the trial confirmed that they helped with conditions such as fatigue, perspiration, foot odour, cold feet and toes, and dry and cracked skin. They are especially useful for their anti-bacterial properties.
This unique footwear is now available in the UK for the first time. The new Aroma Range from Natur Boutique includes slippers with a cinnamon base for winter and sandals and flip flops for the summer. The range contains products made from top quality Vietnamese cinnamon, which contains the highest amount of essential oils of any cinnamon species.
1. Bouhdid S, Abrini J, Amensour M, Zhiri A, Espuny MJ, Manresa A. Functional and ultrastructural changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus cells induced by Cinnamomum verum essential oil. J Appl Microbiol. Apr 1 2010.2. Report No 52/40 Hochiminh CityService of Public Health Traditional Medicine, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Further Information
To buy your very own Cinnamon slippers or sandals visit Natur Boutique health store at 174 Battersea Park Road, SW11 4ND, Tel: 020 76227856; www.drinkherbaltea.co.uk
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