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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 169
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 169 - April 2010
Brook Seminars' Active Isolated Stretching And Scar Tissue Workshops
Medical, Fitness and Massage Professionals Learn Integrative Fascia Therapy Programs

Bodywork Instructor Marjorie Brook of Brook Seminars brought her specialized seminars on Scar Tissue Release Therapy and Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) to an audience of UK healing professionals last fall and winter.
Both Scar Tissue Release Therapy and AIS are based on the principle that fascia (the soft tissue component of the body's connective tissue system) should move freely without any restrictions for the body to maintain a healthy balance. AIS is a scientifically designed flexibility system involving targeted muscle stretches in short repetitions, while Scar Tissue Release Therapy reduces pain and visible scarring by releasing and realigning adhered tissue. Both techniques approach the multi faceted matrix of fascia three dimensionally to promote full range of motion and balance through the body.
Integrating these specialized healing stretches and bodywork is highly effective in treating pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and everyday injuries, with the ability to improve physical health for the general population. Many doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, athletic and personal trainers and Pilates instructors are integrating these programs into their practice.
Marjorie's upcoming United Kingdom seminars includes Scar Tissue Release A Three Dimensional Approach to the Body and How to Improve Your Posture with Active Isolated Stretching in Carmarthenshire, Wales on June 12-13, 2010 and Galway, Ireland on June 19-20, 2010.
Further Information
To register and learn more about Brook Seminars please contact Marjorie Brook on Tel: 001 516-409-1240; marjorie@brookseminars.com www.brookseminars.com Marjorie's private practice caters to a wide clientele of healthy and special needs adults and children. www.akneededbreak.com
John de Ruiter: Finding Real Meaning and Purpose in Life
Bristol UK: April 15-18, 2010
Renowned Speaker and Philosopher John de Ruiter is visiting Bristol UK to offer profound answers to the questions surrounding Real Meaning and Purpose in our lives. John has touched thousands through his public meetings and seminars. His responses to questions are practical yet profound. He teaches that the "the easiest, most effortless and perfect answer can be known by all".
Speaking from his own experience and his "unconditional surrender and servitude to Truth" John offers audiences "a release from the bondage of self-generated mental and emotional illusion into an absolute freedom of what is real". He illustrates this not only through his clear insight, but also through his quiet presence and gentle manner.
Meetings will be held daily at the Winston Theatre, Bristol University Students Union, Queens Road, Clifton BS8 1LN at 14:00 and 19:00. They may last up to three hours and often include periods of silence. Pre-registration is available at www.johnderuiter.com. Tickets may also be purchased at the venue for single meetings or for the entire seminar.
Canadian born John de Ruiter founded The College Of Integrated Philosophy in Edmonton, Canada, where weekly meetings and quarterly seminars are held. He also holds seminars in various parts of the world.
Further Information
Please contact John de Ruiter via info@johnderuiter.com www.johnderuiter.com
Aneid UK: Medical Taping Concept In Paediatric Care
24 and 25 July 2010University of Bedfordshire, Luton Campus

This 15 hour course is designed for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, osteopaths and chiropractors interested in learning specific taping techniques for paediatric disorders. It consists of a theoretical (30%) and a practical (70%) part. All materials necessary for the clinic will be supplied (2 Cure Tape rolls). It is mandatory to take scissors with you.
Course Contents: The Course is focused on learning practical applications and taping techniques (Medical Taping Concept) specifically for orthopedic and neurological paediatric disorders. Evidence of the effects of elastic and non-elastic taping on children will be presented. Taping possibilities for the young infant will be discussed. Videos of various paediatric cases will be presented.
Course Instructor: Esther de Ru
Paediatric Physiotherapist. Member of NVFK- Dutch Society of Paediatric Physiotherapy /SEFIP-Sociedad Española de Fisioterapia en Pediatría. AEVNM Instructor www.gophysio.info
Further Information
Please contact Aneid UK on Tel: 01582 485209; info@aneid.com To register:
Metta College of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage
Founded by Amy Ku Redler and Andrea Baglioni, the Metta College of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage offers trainings in this ancient healing art.
Daisy Cobra
The Metta College of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage is run by the UK's leading teachers and trains students in Central London and the West End of Glasgow. The college is one of the founding members of the TTYMA (Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Association) – the first governing body to protect the standards of this growing healing practice. The college offers diploma and advanced diplomas in this ancient healing art.
London Diploma starts Sept 2010Traditional Thai Yoga Massage is an ancient healing practice, originating from India. Unlike conventional massage, it is practised fully clothed on a futon on the floor. The practitioner uses thumbs, fingers and hands, as well as the elbow, forearm, knees, and feet to apply pressure. Hatha-based yoga stretches (such as Cobra, Locust and spinal stretches) are also incorporated working on the principle of tension and tension release to create maximum relaxation. Based on affecting the energy system of the body, the practitioner works from the tips of the toes, to the fingers and scalp. A full body massage is recommended 2 hours.
Glasgow Diploma starts June 2010
Thai Yoga massage has many therapeutic benefits including: relieving headaches, back, knee, shoulder pain and Sciatica, as well as being an intensely relaxing massage.
The College also offer CPD trainings, Yoga and Pilates workshops and Diploma's in Thai Foot Massage
Further Information
Please contact Amy Ku Redler, Director, Metta College of Thai Yoga Massage on Tel: 0141 339 3709; Mob: 07956 911159; info@yogamassage.co.uk www.yogamassage.co.uk
Contour® USB – Blood Glucose Meter with Unique Plug & Play Diabetes Management Software

"Bayer's CONTOUR® USB is an innovative meter designed to allow individuals with diabetes to take a more active role in their condition. For the first time they can simply visualize and review previous trends in their meter data on a PC without the need for additional equipment or software and use this information to inform future insulin decisions." said Dr Iain Cranston, Consultant Physician, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. "This is an ideal blood glucose meter for patients who are highly engaged in managing their diabetes, particularly those who must test frequently and wish to learn from their results."
Bayer's CONTOUR® USB meter is based on Bayer's CONTOUR® system, with accuracy, No Coding™ technology and no interference with maltose, galactose and oxygen. As with Bayer's CONTOUR® it also provides automatic correction for haematocrit and common interfering substances (e.g. paracetamol, vitamin C), as well as a 5-second test time and small (0.6 ìL) sample size – all of which helps to simplify life with diabetes. Bayer's CONTOUR® USB meter uses CONTOUR® blood glucose test strips currently available on prescription.
Further Information
For further information and to purchase CONTOUR® USB meter please visit www.bayercontourusb.co.uk For purchases before the 30th of June 2010, save £5 by typing USBPR5 in the promotional code box.
Healing Addiction with Yoga: A Yoga Program for People in 12-Step Recovery 3rd Edition
by Annalisa Cunnnigham.Published by Findhorn Press. April 2010. £9.99 ISBN 978-1-84409-170-6 .

Whether you are addicted to chocolate or junk food, alcohol or coffee, sex or gambling Healing Addiction with Yoga will give you a tool to help you overcome your addiction. In her book Healing Addiction with Yoga: A Yoga Program for People in 12-Step Recovery, Annalisa offers you a map to a spiritual path and awakening. As you open your heart and listen within to your own spiritual truth you will bring wholeness into your life and free yourself from your crippling addiction.
Healing Addiction with Yoga presents a comprehensive wellness program that includes a 21-day yoga program using dynamic affirmations, relaxation techniques, nutrition and lifestyle suggestions, aerobic activities and journal writing. Especially oriented toward those in 12-Step programs, or for anyone who wants to enrich their physical, emotional and spiritual life, Cunningham's personal and persuasive text describes how adding yoga can enhance program recovery and enhance the mind/body connection.
This is the 3rd edition of the book and has all new illustrations and additional information. Healing Addiction with Yoga is dedicated to everyone who is following a 12-Step recovery program.
Annalisa Cunningham is a certified yoga teacher (Ananda Yoga tradition, White Lotus Yoga, Integrative Yoga Therapy) and a communications teacher with a master's degree in counselling. This book is based on her successful yoga classes for people in recovery. Visit her website www.openingheartjourneys.com
Further Information
Available from all good bookstores and from Amazon
Warming and Naturally Healing Lavender Products from co-operative Xest
Lavender pure essential oil is well known for its healing properties, from easing tension and relieving sore muscles to aiding sleep. Co-operative Xest has a variety of wonderful lavender accessories to aid healing and provide you with warmth and comfort.
Made from 100 per cent soft cotton, filled with natural Cotswolds wheat grain and fragranced with lavender, co-operative Xest's lavender products ease the stresses and strains of the day. To use, simply warm in the microwave and feel your troubles drift away.
Lavender Feet Warmers are ideal for arthritis sufferers, poor circulation or those who enjoy the luxury of toasty warm toes!
The Lavender Body Warmer is shaped like a traditional hot water bottle but is softer, safer and stays warmer longer. Ideal for keeping you warm and aiding sleep, whilst the helping with muscle aches and pains. Gently shaped to mould to the contours of your neck and shoulders, Lavender neck warmers helps to relieve sore muscles and stiffness, sooth headaches, tension and alleviate anxiety. Perfect to sit down with after a busy day out shopping or looking after the children.
Further Information
The products are available to purchase by calling Tel: 0800 622 6001 and from www.co-opXest.com
Clear Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions with Propolis and Essential Oil Remedies
RhinoPhase and PulmoPhase capsules and syrups combine apitherapy (all things from bees, in this case propolis, acacia honey and white beeswax) with aromatherapy (chemotyped, certified organic essential oils). These work in synergy to bring swift relief from the symptoms of coughs and colds. 
Propolis – a natural resin collected by bees from plants – has been recognized for decades for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Due to its biochemical complexity, it has multiple properties and has shown to be antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-bacterial.
RhinoPhase helps to free up the nose and relieve the throat
It helps to relieve nasal congestion and soothe a sore throat improving the natural resistance of ear, nose and throat disorders. It is antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and decongestant. It comprises antiviral red propolis with rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils in an anti-viral, anti-infective remedy.
PulmoPhase helps to free up the respiratory system and ease breathing.
It helps alleviate the symptoms when a cold has 'gone to your chest' and more serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is an antibacterial expectorant that could ease an infected respiratory tract. It comprises antibacterial brown propolis with rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils.
Further Information
These products may be purchased by calling Tel: 0870 458 7561; www.cressuk.com
Advaita Pranamat Eco
Yogamatters.com is delighted to announce the exclusive arrival of the Advaita Pranamat Eco to the UK. Combining ancient wisdom with modern technology, the Pranamat Eco promises to relax, revitalize and restore the energy flow of your body.

221 elegant lotus flowers, each with 25 sharp petals stimulate active nerve centres and intensify the local blood flow and lymph circulation. This reflective action triggers the release of endorphins – a natural pain killer and happiness hormone. The placement of lotuses resemble a honeycomb – which is a traditional, natural design that promises to fill you with energy.
Pranamat Eco will help you to:
- Increase energy levels;
- Activate the immune system for faster healing and regeneration;
- Reduce inflammation and pain;
- Improve metabolism and reduce fat tissue, improve skin's elasticity and tone;
- Effectively fight depression and stress;
- Ease muscle spasms and reduce muscle tension;
- Help during menopause and PMS, and improve fertility for both sexes;
- Compensate for lack of physical activity;
- Complement hatha yoga practice and meditations The Pranamat Eco was created by a team of yoga teachers and professional designers who worked together to produce a safe, comfortable and eco-friendly product.
Further Information
Please contact Sally Lovett at Yogamatters on Tel: 020 8888 8588; sallylovett@yogamatters.com
Vibram FiveFingers
Vibram FiveFingers connects you to the earth and your surroundings in a way that is simply not possible in conventional shoes. It puts you in touch with the earth beneath your feet and liberates you to move in a more natural, healthy way. FiveFingers stimulate the muscles in your feet and lower legs to build strength and improve range of motion. The footwear aims to imitate the motion of going barefoot which leads to an increased sense of balance, greater agility, and visibly improved posture.

6 Reasons to Barefoot in Style with Vibram FiveFingers
Not only do Vibram FiveFingers bring you closer to your environment, they also deliver a number of positive health benefits-by leveraging all of the body's natural biomechanics, so you can move as nature intended. The new collection boasts the following benefits:
- Strengthens Muscles in the Feet and Lower Legs;
- Improves Range of Motion in Ankles, Feet and Toes;
- Stimulates Neural Function – Important to Balance and Agility;
- Improves Proprioception and Body Awareness;
- Eliminates Heel Lift to Align the Spine and Improve Posture;
- Allows the Foot and Body to Move Naturally, which feels good!
The brand new collection of Vibram FiveFingers is available on Tel: 0161 975 5380; www.lovethoseshoes.com
Organic Cotton Babygros and Baby Gift Baskets
With spring just around the corner, Cool Green Attitude Ltd are pleased to announce the range of our 100% organic cotton babygro's and new organic baby gift baskets. 
Their natural baby products include organic baby clothes, toys, organic gifts, skin care, baby bath time products, unique baby gifts, sets and gift baskets and eco friendly gift ideas.
The organic baby Buddy clothes are made from super-soft organic cotton making them chemical free, allergy friendly and super soft next to baby's sensitive skin. These natural baby clothes have been produced under Global Organic Textile Standards and/or the Soil Association UK.
These unique baby clothes are designed using an organic water-based ink system to ensure that even the printed designs are skin and eczema friendly. From the softest baby gro, sleepsuits, baby hats, baby bibs and baby t-shirts are available for age 0 – 18 months.
Cool Green Attitude also offer eco friendly baby gift baskets including organic baby toys and a beautiful selection of organic baby gifts presented in recycled luxury gift boxes for new baby girls and new baby boys that contain a selection of our best selling organic products for babies aged from 0 – 12 months.
Further Information
Please contact Julie Griffin, Managing Director – Cool Green Attitude Ltd on Tel: +44 0844 800 5346; Fax: +44 0844 800 5347; julie@coolgreenattitude.com www.coolgreenattitude.com
Extra Roomy Sandals with Washable Insoles
Cosyfeet has launched extra roomy sandals with washable insoles. The two new sandal styles have cushioned insoles which can be removed and machine washed for hygiene and freshness.

Named the Summer and the Rosie, both styles are designed to combine the support of a shoe with the coolness of a sandal, and are ideal for ladies with swollen feet. Each incorporates a padded collar which cradles the ankle area, and soft, washable insoles which are punched to allow air to circulate around the foot.
Both the Summer and the Rosie can be adjusted to accommodate varying degrees of swelling. Extension pieces can also be purchased for the Summer in case of severely swollen feet.
"People with swollen feet often avoid wearing extra roomy footwear because of what they regard as unflattering styling," says Cosyfeet's Katie House. "These sandals have been designed to look modern and ageless, and to provide a genuinely comfortable fit."
Further Information
For more information please call Tel: 01458 447275; www.cosyfeet.com
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