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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 155
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 155 - February 2009
Divine Direction Seminars
Full-day seminar Unlocking the Kingdom Within & Blessed Horizons 9am to 5:30pm Plymouth, UK on 12th April 2009.
Come and join the journey, YOUR journey into an abundant life, fulfilling your true potential, a journey of strength and knowing – one of insight and protection.
Learn how to tap into this ageless wisdom and explore how this is backed by modern science. There is an exciting element to this path that brings real practical results at the same time as satisfying the most mystically minded souls. It blends hard ground science with higher meditative dream states. It oscillates between these to create something excitingly powerful. Presenter, Terry Power has taught energy medicine techniques to many health professionals from all over the world – techniques which have greatly improved the health of their patients. Now Terry from Australia has been redirected to use these principles to help ALL people apply similar methods to not only health but abundance and success in every way imaginable. He teaches them how to gain clarity for their true purpose in life. This puts people in touch with their amazing journey.
Our seminar will teach you tools from energy medicine, grounded in spiritual principles, which can be used to improve any area of your life.
Further Information
Please contact Divine Direction Seminars Tel: +61 2 6583 9667; divinedirectionseminars@yahoo.com.au www.divinedirectionseminars.com.au
Sound And Spiritual Discovery
Who and What am I?
Where am I going?
How can I change my life?

We are created from Harmonic Sound; broadly each of us has a unique sound/frequency; health is a reflection of Harmony, and disease dis-harmony. Our perception of life is built on our experience through the senses; hearing develops from around week 9 in the womb; life experience begins before birth and is last to go with death.
The Good News is, as sensory beings we can 'tune' ourselves like a musical instrument, raising our self-awareness and health to a new level of being. When you change your 'tuning', you change the music of your life.
Tuning Fork Therapy, pioneered by John Beaulieu uses specifically designed tuning forks for energy balancing. A simple, effective self-help tuning can involve clearing your personal space and environment of static energy and stress, creating deep relaxation easily; wonderful to precede meditation and inspiration, balancing both sides of the brain; enhancing Creativity, groundedness and focus in life. Imagine the difference to an Individual, a Family and a work group if more of us tuned up this way!.
Further Information
The next course on sound and spiritual discovery is at the Wilbury School of Natural Therapy Brighton in March 09. Bookings via The Wilbury School Tel 01273 552766; courses@wilburyschool.eclipse.co.uk For information on courses and contact details visit www.thespiritualmidwife.co.uk
4th Edition: The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance

First published in 1989, when food intolerance was much less well known, The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance by Professor Jonathan Brostoff and Linda Gamlin played a big part in making the public, the medical profession and complementary health practitioners more aware of common food problems. Now the completely updated and rewritten 4th edition has been published, to widespread acclaim.The new edition of the book is published by Quality Health Books, an imprint set up by Linda Gamlin, one of the co-authors of The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance.
The book is expanded; it includes an in-depth chapter on allergy tests and tests for food intolerance: a field that has mushroomed since 1989, not always to the benefit of consumers. Another chapter regarding coeliac disease, brings together all the research information available on the new DIY coeliac blood tests, and what a positive test result means, especially for those with few or no symptoms.
Other chapters do the same for key topics that complementary therapists regularly have to deal with, such as IBS, lactose intolerance, and baby colic. The role of food reactions in rheumatoid arthritis, atopic eczema and asthma is also considered in detail. And the core chapters on food allergy and food intolerance remain the most accurate and comprehensive sources of information you will find anywhere.
Further Information
The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance 4th edition is available direct from Quality Health Books, price £12.50. It can also be ordered from bookshops.
Please contact Linda Gamlin at Quality Health Books on Tel:01548 511378; www.quality-health-books.co.uk
The Breath of Life Conference: London, May 2009
The fifth bi-annual Breath of Life Conference, will be held at the Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, 10 Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1 on 23rd and 24th May 2009. 
Gabrielle Roth
This years' line-up of pioneering practitioners and scientists includes Professor Stephen Porges who discovered the 'Polyvagal Theory' and 'Social Engagement System' which give new insights into the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
The Conference is also proud to feature Dr Rupert Sheldrake, the accomplished biologist probably best known for his theory of 'morphic resonance', in which he challenges the fundamental assumptions of modern science. Gabrielle Roth, originator of 5Rhythms(r), a movement practice for spiritual awakening, internationally renowned artist, philosopher, teacher and dancer, will also be a presenter.
The Conference also welcomes Jean-Pierre Barral, eminent Osteopath. Barral's research and work with Visceral Manipulation is pioneering within the osteopathic community and his talk, "What are our Organs Thinking?", will explore the relationship between our organs and emotional states.
Other speakers include Hugh Milne, Craniosacral Therapist, Osteopath and Naturopath, leading international teacher of 'Visionary Craniosacral Work' and author of The Heart of Listening Vols 1 & 2, Dr Anngwyn St Just, Psychotherapist, Somatic Educator, Director of the Arizona Center for Social Trauma and author of Relative Balance in an Unstable World, and Katherine Ukleja, a leading teacher of Biodynamic Craniosacral work.
Further Information
The Conference is supported by the University of Westminster and the Association of Physical and Natural Therapies. Please contact Agnesia Agrella (Conference Administrator), on Tel: +44 (0)131 656 9199; info@breathoflifeconference.co.uk www.breathoflifeconference.co.uk
77 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing
by Angela Hicks. Published by How To Books Ltd. ISBN 978-1-905862-25-2.
77 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing by Angela Hicks teaches us how to use Ancient Chinese Wisdom to enhance our physical, mental and spiritual health.
Easy to read from cover to cover (or dip into relevant chapters), this book reveals the profound, yet simple health maintenance secrets that Chinese medicine has developed over many centuries. These secrets enable us to deal with stress and return us to our natural physical and mental balance.
By practising these secrets, Angela Hicks shows us how to recover the ability to nourish and protect our energy, overcome illness, and feel an easy joy in simply being alive.
Angela Hicks has been a practitioner of Chinese Medicine for over 30 years. She is an acupuncturist and herbalist who also practises qigong. She is Joint Principal of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, UK, and is the author of The Acupuncture Handbook; and co author of Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture and Healing Your Emotions.
Further Information
77 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing is published by How To Books Ltd is available at £8.99 in major bookshops and online retailers across the country and from www.howtobooks.co.uk
4-day Intensive Quantum Aromatherapy(r) CPD training with Dr Daniel Penoel

Essential oils are currently used both in the traditional holistic approach as in well as the more clinical or medical orientation. The traditional holistic and molecular models do not assist us in deciphering the full power of essential oils and fail to give us a tangible explanation. There is a need for aromatherapists to acquire deeper, more systemic approaches to extend the existing knowledge. To get the full picture of Dr Penoel's in-depth knowledge, a substantial course is now offered to English-speaking people. CPD Module 1 is a stepping stone and is the first module out of the 3 in-depth modules offered to gain a qualification in Quantum Aromatherapy(r).
The first training in Quantum Aromatherapy(r) will be held from Saturday, 11 July to Tuesday, 14 July 2009. Set in the beautiful Drôme valley, in France, near Provence, the Quantum Aromatherapy(r) training is a truly uplifting experience. You will be immersed in a French context with French tutors involved in aromatherapy for over 30 years. This will enhance the richness and diversity of this unique experience. The 4-day CPD training gives time to really get into a Quantum Aromatherapy(r) Mindset to explore practical and effective skills.
The Quantum Aromatherapy(r) framework enables us to unravel the code of essential oils from another viewpoint. Dr Daniel Penoel MD, in realizing the full potential of essential oils, has drawn 7 key principles from New Physics including Quantum Mechanics, space-time Theory and interconnectedness. He has combined these principles with his knowledge as a medical doctor and from his thirty years of experience.
Further Information
Please contact Quantum Aromatherapy on Tel: 00 33 4 75 76 83 42; penoelschool@gmail.com
New DVD: Tui Na Student to Master
After many years experience with Tui Na, Errol now presents the DVD: Tui Na Student to Master, a step by step video on how to do and improve your Tui Na massage. 
Tui Na, which literally means push and grab, is a bodywork technique developed in China over 3,000 years ago. A combination of massage, acupressure and stretching, Tui Na works by applying pressure to acu-points, meridians and groups of muscles or nerves to remove blockages that prevent the free flow of energy (Qi). The work is done entirely with the practitioner's hands to help increase the beneficial flow of Qi through the patient's meridian system.
The aims of the tuina massage are to disperse, activate, harmonize to bring about the body's natural healing process. These aims are achieved by varying the speed, pressure and duration of a Tuina treatment. It is the development of the practitioner's ability to control their body, breath and hands that separates the student from the master. While they will often appear similar in execution, the master's techniques will be profoundly more effective due to the control and development of the body and stances. This is a process that is accomplished through determination, practice, endurance, insight and the help of senior Doctors of TCM.
Further Information
Please contact Errol at Tui Na UK on Tel: 01904 679868; errol3408@aol.com www.tuinauk.com
Cannons Re-branded: Nuffield Health Fitness & Wellbeing Centres
Following last year's acquisition of Cannons Health Clubs by Nuffield Health, the new clubs will be called 'Nuffield Health Fitness & Wellbeing Centres' which will offer a combination of fitness facilities, health services and highly qualified staff to provide a holistic and joined up approach to managing health and wellbeing under one roof.
A comprehensive, 60 minute health assessment, known as the Vi1, will be available free of charge to the majority of clients. The Vi1 will measure body mass index, aerobic fitness, resting heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels. Clients will receive a written report which will contribute to a personalised action plan and fitness programme.
Centres will also offer:
Accredited Nuffield physiotherapists;Further Information
Nutritional advice from Senor Wellbeing Advisors;
Relaxation Zones – offering soothing and nourishing treatments and therapies;
Health workshops and seminars.
To find a Nuffield Health Wellbeing Centre near you go to www.nuffieldhealth.com.
Half Moon: Ultimate Yoga Escape
Half Moon, the luxury resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica, has introduced the Ultimate Yoga Escape for holidaymakers looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing during 2009. 
The package includes two 50-minute sessions of Iyengar yoga daily. Participants will receive special programmes tailored to their individual needs to help deepen their yoga practice; suited to beginners as well as more experienced yoga practitioners.
The package also includes a daily meditation, a consultation with the Spa Elder – a master therapist versed in the art of using indigenous herbs and botanicals to create custom treatments and remedies, a peronalised massage at Fern Tree. Access to the meditation labyrinth, swimming pool, soaking tub, sauna and steam room at Fern Tree offer further options for relaxation.
Prices start from USD900 per night, based on two people sharing a superior room, including all meals and drinks and return airport transfers.
Further Information
For more information visit www.halfmoon.com.
Ultrasound In Your Own Home
Ultrasound has been used by doctors and physiotherapists for healing since the 1940s but now, for the first time in the UK, this therapeutic pain relief is available in a home use device so the treatment and therapy you get from your osteopath, chiropractor or physio for any sprains, strains, aches and pains, can now be carried on at home for maximum relief and faster healing.

Therapeutic ultrasound, as opposed to the diagnostic imaging ultrasound, is a very high frequency massage that penetrates deep below the surface of the skin to assist in the healing process by increasing blood circulation and reducing inflammation.
Ultralieve(r) will deliver 1 million vibrations per second (1MHz) pulsed ultrasound waves with varying intensity levels deep into damaged tissues and is scientifically and medically proven device to treat a range of medical conditions.
Ultralieve(r) treatment can take between 5 and 15 minutes, dependent upon the type and severity of injury. Simply apply the treatment gel to the target area and move the device in small circular movements. With ultrasonic waves so you don't feel heat, noticeable vibration or an intense experience – this allows the treatment to be used even on very tender parts of the body such as ankles, wrists or the forehead
Further Information
Available from www.ultralieve.com – special introductory launch price £129 (£30 off).
Light Therapy from Lumie
If you're feeling fed up, run down and in need of a natural energy boost after Christmas, make sure you take some time out during the New Year to recharge your batteries with light therapy specialist, Lumie.

Start everyday afresh with a glorious Bodyclock sunrise...
Bodyclock dawn simulators work by mimicking the effect of the rising sun. Based on scientific evidence, they use the body's natural response to light to provide a gentle and gradual wake-up that will leave you feeling refreshed, alert and ready to go. They can also help reset your natural 24 hour cycle so that you feel ready for sleep when it's night.
Restore your energy levels by brightening up your day...
Lumie lights provide LOTS of bright light and can be used as an extra supplement on the days when nature doesn't deliver. Based on scientific evidence, bright light therapy can significantly improve symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the winter blues and also help improve energy levels to help you feel more motivated, sociable and energised- so just what you need at this time of year!
Further Information
Lumie on Tel: 01954 780 500; lindsay@lumie.com www.lumie.com
Massive Veggie Event in London
EUROPE'S largest vegetarian event comes to London in April 2009, hosted by Europe's largest veggie and vegan campaigning group Viva!.

Featuring over 100 stalls, cookery demos, talks, free food samples, nutritional advice, a kids' play area and a café, The Incredible Veggie Show promises to be a hit with the veggie-curious, those new to a veggie diet and to the most seasoned veggies and vegans.
It takes place on Saturday, April 18, at The Royal Horticultural Halls, Lawrence Hall & Conference Centre, Greycoat Street, from 10am - 6pm.
Show highlights include;
- Everything you ever wanted to know about being or going vegetarian or vegan – or simply cutting down on meat;
- The chance to discover a whole new world of animal-free products including food and drink, bodycare, clothing and footwear and much more!
- Over 100 stalls;
- Cookery demos;
- Three talks areas;
- Free food samples including dedicated areas run by Viva! providing a selection of hot dishes from around the world and ready-to-eat products;
- Free nutritional advice, provided by the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation;
- Competitions and special offers;
- Kids' play area;
- Vegan café.
Admission is £4, under 18s free and you can save 25 per cent by booking your tickets in advance by visiting www.viva.org.uk or calling Viva! on Tel: 0117 944 1000.
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