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Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy Case Studies

by Carole Preen(more info)

listed in neuroskeletal, originally published in issue 288 - August 2023


I have written many articles for Positive Health Magazine over the years on this therapy as it has been my passion and my main therapy practised since I originally trained in it in 1997. I have also been teaching the diploma since 2000 and trained many wonderful therapists, one of whom has kindly sent me case studies to share for this article.


Carole and Dan Outside the Thetford Building Kings House

Carole and Dan Stephens Outside Thetford Building King’s House


As of 2023, I have passed the mantle for the diploma course to my colleague Dan Stephens, who is now working with me at Natural Therapeutics and qualified in NSRT in 2019. He has also had some amazing results that we could share another time! We have a wonderful teaching venue in Thetford in Norfolk, right opposite the famous Bell Inn in King’s Street, right in the centre of town. The venue is steeped in history and has a wonderful, large, and private garden to the rear. We are offering all of our in-class courses here from now on. For full details, visit, where we have a range of high-quality, accredited diploma and online CPD options, including a level 5 diploma in clinical aromatherapy. We take standards very seriously and that is why our courses are all designed to give you everything you need to become a confident and successful practitioner. Our CPD courses take your practice to the next level.

NSRT is a non-invasive, light touch therapy that was designed to treat back and joint pain. It is great in that there are no contraindications, is performed through clothing, and can be done to anyone at any time, regardless of presenting symptoms. It is so light that it is suitable for people suffering both acute and chronic pain and cannot make anyone worse. If you look at my other articles in Positive Health, you can read in more detail just how it works.


Beverley Burnett

Beverley Burnett MCHP


These case studies are from Beverley Burnett MCHP who qualified in NSRT in 2001 and she was one of the first to train in the UK in this Therapy and has not regretted it for one minute. She told me that “NSRT still remains my favourite therapy out of all those she practises. It continues to amaze me and my clients that such a seemingly inconsequential, non-manipulative and gentle touch can cause such profound and instant changes in the body.  I have had many comments from new clients, most of which have the same theme –

“I was thinking what on earth are you doing, this is pointless, really not going to help – then oh, oooh, wow, what’s happening, ooooh, soooo relaxxxxxed…. but I can feel that shifting!” And afterwards, the incredulities –     “How, no really, how is that possible?!!” I love it”.

Here is a tiny cross section of case studies

1. Male, aged 70 weight 16.5 stone       height 6’2”

“A” was recommended to me by his wife; a passing conversation whilst she was paying for her manicure, and I happened to be in the reception talking to someone else about their back pain.  When “A” first came to me in May 2018 he was bent forward from the waist up, his spine, shoulders, and head at a 35-degree angle forward of his midline.  He used a stick to help with walking due to a right knee replacement in November 2016, yet still could not bend or kneel on this knee.  He had worked as a builder (life-long profession) but after experiencing a dizzy attack in October 2017 on a tower block scaffold, later diagnosed as a water infection by the ambulance and an ear infection by the GP, he gave up work at this point. In 2017, he experienced a “twinge down his leg” and he was then diagnosed with a bulging disc causing sciatica.

Before the NSRT treatments, “A” had tried physiotherapy and acupuncture; both only had short-term results. He had also been trying to go to the gym to work through the pain. During the consultation, it was discovered that he also suffered with heartburn, neck and shoulder pain, and occasional migraine with flashing lights.  His feet were always cold. His sleep pattern had been disrupted due to the aches and pains and he needed to sleep during the day.  He had given up smoking and now used a vape.  He only drank the odd beer occasionally, drinks decaf tea & coffee and some water.  Medication taken was naproxen; antacids; statins; gabapentin 600mg x 3 a day; co-codamol and amitriptyline 10mg.

First treatment – “A” felt his feet warm and glowing, with tingling down the left side from his hip to big toe.

Second treatment (2 weeks later) “A” had been to the pain clinic and the GP had said it was not sciatica, but the L2 & L3 discs were bugling and there was degenerative disc disease. He was advised to do exercise, take medication. On further discussion with “A”, he said his left side was always worse. He had fallen from a balcony aged 18month/2 years old and landed onto his hip, but nothing was ever done about it. After the first treatment he had felt better for a couple of days but then he had walked faster and uphill and his back was painful again.

Third treatment (2 weeks later) – “A” felt better, in less pain and had cut down on medication (only taken for 2 days out of 7 on holiday).  During this treatment his ankles felt warmer almost immediately, and by the end of the session his legs & hips also felt warm.

Fourth treatment – he reported having had no pain at all for at least 2 days and felt the best he had ever felt since the pain had started.  He had only experienced a few twinges since and had taken no painkillers for the past two weeks.

Fifth treatment – feet are not cold anymore, and aching in left hip only, which went after this treatment.  His posture was now aligned. “A” had started going to the gym again and tried Pilates as well.  Some slight aches afterwards which wore off quickly.

“A” comes to me once a month for maintenance and he no longer needs painkillers. Furthermore, he doesn’t use a stick to walk now and walks upright.  He has occasional twinges in his right knee but only after kneeling for a period. He has also had reflexology and massage therapy on some occasions with me.  During lockdown he had no treatments from March 2020 until May 2021; I had advised him to walk every day.  When I saw him in May 2021, he was still only taking co-codamol occasionally, his posture was good, but he had returned to the habit of bending forward on walking.  Two more treatments corrected this, and he has no more pain in his hips and is using an exercise bike with no pain in his knees.  He continues with a monthly maintenance programme as he enjoys the treatments and “feels like he is walking on air when he leaves”. In summary, his quality of life has undoubtedly changed with NSRT. He was constantly in pain, unable to walk far without having to sit down, and his breathing was poor due to pain & lack of ability to exercise.  All these issues improved with NSRT treatments.

2.Female, aged 52 weight 11.5 stone        height 5’4”

“B” was recommended to me by her husband who had had a treatment at a corporate wellbeing event. “B” has genetic scoliosis;(insertion of rods was refused by mother when younger), and for the past couple of years she has suffered with burning and pain in both hands which was worse after sleeping. It was hard for her to use her hands first thing in the morning and she experienced numbness in the lower part of her back.  She had coldness in her feet and toes which could feel painful. Her sleeping pattern was poor with only 5/6 hours per night which could often be disturbed as she also has a very active autistic 5-year-old son, who would sometimes/often sleep in her bed. She is also post-menopausal.

“B’s” main goal was to be able to sleep without waking with numb and painful hands. After checking her posture, which is something we do at every appointment, her right hip was lower, and the right shoulder was higher than the left. There were also discrepancies observed in her knees and ankles as well as her head position. Needless to say, her alignment was compromised due to the scoliosis.

After the first treatment her back felt a lot straighter and was not as painful.  Her husband had also commented that she looked more upright. After the second treatment she had felt some discomfort for a couple of days and also felt lopsided, but then she felt much better with hardly any numbness in her hands, and she was sleeping much better. “B” had the third treatment to reinforce alignment and was pain free afterwards. She has now booked an appointment for 2 months’ time as part of a maintenance programme.

3. Female age unknown, in 60s   height & weight unknown

I was on holiday in Zakynthos, Greece in the hotel when I noticed a lady “C” at breakfast in obvious pain.  She could not manage the three steps up to the tables without aid. I asked if she was okay, and she explained that she had fallen from a sunbed that had upended four days prior.  She had been to the hospital and x rays were all clear, but she had been unable to move much since.  She was due to fly home later that afternoon and worried about how she was going to manage the three-hour flight.

I asked “C” if she would allow me to help and she was hesitant as she was in so much pain.  I explained NSRT and how gentle it would be and that we could even do it standing up.  She agreed and she rested her hands on the table for support. There were a few sore points as I gave her a treatment, but she stuck with me.  When I finished, she felt stiff still but I asked her to walk up and down for a minute.  She was very cautious about walking so I offered her my arm for support.  After a few steps her face was incredulous!  She then managed to walk for a little on her own and to sit down on her own (despite her husband and two waiters waiting to help her). For the rest of the morning, she was telling everyone how she was pain-free and showing them how she could now walk about and sit down without help! It did have an effect on the waiters though as they kept holding their hands to their backs and saying “me too” whenever they saw me! 


Carole Preen Passionate about NSRT

Carole is passionate about NSRT


As you can see, clients come from chance conversations, referrals and recommendations.  NSRT has a wide range of uses, but with amazing results all the time.  I have had clients that were unable to sit down or stand long enough for me to take a consultation from, but get off the table practically pain free half an hour later.  And, even though I explain the science behind NSRT and how it works, they do not care – they ALL think it is magic.   And so do I.

Further Information

If you would like to receive a treatment from Beverley, she works in Chelmsford, Essex and her website is If you would like to receive a treatment from Dan Stephens FCHP, you can visit our venue in Thetford. Full details can be found at

If you would like to train in NSRT, the details can be viewed at where you can also click on details about how the therapy works and there is also a video there to watch about the therapy and the training which was published by our accrediting body, Complementary Health Professionals on its YouTube channel for Complementary Therapy Week.


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About Carole Preen

Carole Preen FCHP FANM HonMIFA is a Fellow of the Association of Natural Medicine and the former Aromatherapy & Allied Practitioners' Association and has been a practitioner since 1994 and an educator since 1997. She is also an honorary lifetime member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists awarded for her contribution to the profession. As well as specializing in Aromatherapy and Anatomy, Carole also introduced Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy to the UK. Carole is an specialist educator, and internal and external moderator working in both the private and FE sector and has level 4 qualifications in quality assurance. She is Director of Complementary Health Professionals and may be contacted on Tel: 0333 577 3340;
For further information about Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (NSRT) please view the website at with links to published articles and a Facebook page. The diploma course is accredited by Complementary Health Professionals through Natural Therapeutics. Training details and information on booking a treatment with me is available via Mob: 07455 195 515

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