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Illumination Therapy

by Dr Charles Newman(more info)

listed in light and colour, originally published in issue 42 - July 1999

The word 'transformation' has acquired chamelionic properties along with semantic amorphism; it takes on whatever meaning and colour the user chooses. In order to effectively communicate to the reader I offer my own definition of personal transformation as self-actualisation.

Tools for the application of coloured light

Tools for the application of coloured light

Personal transformation is the process of individual change that results from an increased level of perceptive awareness. For such change to be regarded as transformation it needs to imply that the prevailing norm has been superseded. The change(s) may apply singly or together, including changes in the individual's physical body, their emotional reactions, and their psychological understanding and perspective. This is the groundwork, the foundation of transformation.

It is on this foundation that the transforming individual becomes aware of a multidimensional shift in his inner perceptions. The shift includes an expanded sense of being, the discovering of inner resources, such as empathy, intuition, wisdom, inner visualisation and clarity.

In addition, personal transformation extends the range and capacity of the individual's physical senses. This usually includes new levels of subtlety: seeing more colours, hues and shades; hearing and listening in a way that provokes an inner sense of harmony; tactile contact becomes a powerfully effective method of communication; taste and smell are often so deeply affected that eating and drinking habits and appetites change. There are additional expansions across the whole spectrum of the individual's behavioural patterns.

As the senses become more refined, so too do associated pleasures, moving qualitatively from the purely sensational ssto the sensual, i.e. from the quantitative to the qualitative. Paradoxically, with this increasing refinement the individual's intensity of response may become raised.

Transformation also necessarily includes a comprehensive change in the character, content, and range of emotional response.

Traditionally protective emotions (sometimes called 'negative'), such as fear, anger, grief, sorrow, hopelessness, etc. change their context, and a whole new range of emotional resources appear: joy, bliss, ecstasy, compassion, empathy… often to such an intensity that an altered state of consciousness supervenes. Such an exalted state of being may be called 'superconscious'.

In this superconscious state the prevailing perception is one of wholeness, unaddressed gratitude, an overwhelming yet impersonal love, and intuitive understanding and trust in the 'rightness' of things, and profound sense of personal fulfilment. Personal transformation, so defined, means the individual's life-orientation, their inner perception of the meaning of life, has changed in such a way, and to such a degree, that mundane daily actions become increasingly suffused with significance. This significance is curiously independent of outer events.

This degree of change may be termed 'self-actualisation', especially when it is accompanied by a change in the individual's daily activities and behavioural responses, moving from being motivated by an outward search for approval, to an inner validation of one's intrinsic self-worth.

The mystic Osho describes personal transformation as the change that, "creates a one hundred and eighty degree turn, from the outer to the inner, from the mundane to the sacred, from the periphery to the center." In his model for human potential, an individual's authentic being is the silent centre of a swirling behavioural cyclone engendered by psycho-emotional conditioning.

Those who have experienced such transformation use expressions such as: "I feel as if I have come home."

"For the first time in my life I feel real, and really present."

"I was there all the time, but I never knew myself."

Personal transformation to this degree may justifiably be referred to as self-actualisation.

Therapeutic Tools

Illumination Therapy uses four basic therapeutic tools to facilitate personal transformation;

1. Light hypnotic trance.
2. Dialoguing.
3. Illumination: light applied as colour, to the skin.
4. Meditation.

Light trance is used as a simple and reliable means to facilitate the ready recall of memories, often with a remarkable clarity and depth not normally available in the day-to-day waking state. Memories are recalled along with their original feeling state.

Dialoguing is the term used to describe verbal descriptive responses, which clearly elucidate the core event under review. Dialoguing brings buried psychogenic material to conscious perception, thereby dissolving the emotional stasis which is the root cause of the symptoms arising from such a form of psychological dissociation.

Dissociation is a psychological protective measure enabling traumatic events to be put 'on hold' until a later time when they can be dealt with in a way which will not prejudice the survival of the individual.

Dialoguing enables re-cognition of previously inaccessible memories, and once re-cognised, psychological integration occurs spontaneously.

A dissociated psychic event can be described as an emotional cyst, being a traumatic event, the memory of which has become a walled-off, emotion-bound fragment of psychic energy. This emotion-charged, isolated memory is an island of physical, emotional, and psychological stasis, which may be accessed through the physical body, or with psychotherapeutic methods. Dialoguing with its physical location gives voice to the memory contained inside; the physical symptom is given a voice to speak, and to express itself.

In this way dialoguing with the diseased body part enables the emotional release of previously inaccessible memories. An empirical conclusion from many clinical sessions suggests that such dissociated fragments act as the root causes of disease syndromes.

The disease symptom provides the door, and the emotion-bound memory acts as the lock. Illumination Therapy forges the specific key for unlocking and thereby healing the disease.

Once located and cognised by descriptive dialoguing the walls of the emotional cyst are spontaneously dissolved. The psychic energy released from the cystic centre flows out and takes its natural place in the optimal functioning of the individual's psychic wholeness.

The author applying light as colour for OATRP (Osho Akashic Tooth Relay Process), points for accessing evolutionary memories

The author applying light as colour for OATRP (Osho Akashic Tooth Relay Process),
points for accessing evolutionary memories

It is important in this work to validate the integrity of purpose of each individual's unconscious psychological processes, which originally created the isolated, dissociated psychic fragment.

Psychological dissociation happens only when the psyche perceives a situation as a threat to the survival of the individual. The emotional encystment is essentially a safety measure, in much the same way as a physical cyst is the physical body's attempt to isolate chronically threatening foreign inclusions which having pierced the integrity of the skin, cannot be removed by acute inflammatory responses. The deep psyche protective function will only allow the dissociation to be resolved when it perceives the individual will be in no danger if the dissociated memory is recalled.

Illumination Therapy provides the necessary levels of awareness for safe emotional release and integration to happen because dialoguing enables a direct communication with the individual's psyche, i.e. nothing is being imposed from outside by the therapist. Every change arises from the individual's own realisation and awareness.

The original trauma and its subsequent dissociation acted to invalidate arising emotions (judged as threatening by the psyche) that accompanied the event. Invalidated original emotions may be a general path taken on the road leading to becoming an invalid. Light, applied as colour to specific points, zones, and regions of the skin, further enable emotion-bound memories stored in the physical body, to surface easily. These memories are of detailed specificity e.g. memories located in the feet will refer to events which affect movement, standing firm, etc.; memories affecting the throat will reflect situations in which the individual did not speak out; similarly, any sexual dysfunction will be based in a body part which has a sexual relevance and context for the individual.

Summary 1

Hundreds of hours of clinical experience empirically suggest that the physical body acts as a repository, a memory bank, for dissociated psychogenic memories. Specific events and their associated emotional states are 'held' in tissues, organs or limbs. Applying specific coloured light to specific locations on the body surface — often acupuncture points, zones of tenderness or pain, or topographical areas related to energy meridians — enables the individual to re-member.

The word remember is hyphenated because the process of recall acts to re-connect the person with the energetic component which had been previously been dissociated. It is an act of re-membering, re-joining, a reparative restoration of energy circuits, which had been previously entangled and strangled.

Meditation is the state of non-discriminating perceptual clarity, i.e. awareness unaccompanied by conceptual or analytical thinking. This state can be likened to a silent, crystal clear pool of water, reflecting its surroundings and remaining unaffected by them.

Meditation is not a technique, although there are hundreds, but a state of non-thinking, perceptive clarity; choiceless, non-judgmental, awareness, which may arise from any method, or spontaneously. One value of meditation techniques is that they enable a steadily developing awareness which is able to recognise the state of meditation as it occurs. It is this awareness that begins to notice that meditative states can arise spontaneously.

Phase 3. The Cosmic Spiral Process: accessing memories related to pre-organic life forms

Phase 3. The Cosmic Spiral Process: accessing memories related to pre-organic life forms

Light hypnosis can facilitate deep clear states of awareness, and as such can be said to be similar to meditative states. In such an enhanced state of awareness an individual can recall past events — seeing, hearing, feeling, and understanding — with a clarity which, at the time of the original occurrence, was not possible.

It appears that the loop of emotional stasis, the 'stuckness' of long-held memory, is broken when the current state of an individual's conscious awareness is brought to focus directly on the detailed content of the event held in the thrall of memory.

It is a fundamental principle of psychotherapy that verbally describing details of the original event, including finding words that accurately describe the feelings aroused at the time, will discharge the emotional energy bound in the dissociated fragment. The discharge spontaneously enables the released psychic (mental-emotional) energy to re-enter the natural circuits and be integrated.

Freud referred to this effect in releasing hysterical symptoms: "…we found to our great surprise that each hysterical symptom immediately and permanently disappeared when we had succeeded in bringing clearly to light any memory of the event by which it was provoked and in arousing the accompanying affect, and when the patient had described that event in the greatest possible detail and put the affect into words. It brings to an end the operative force of the idea which was not abreacted in the first instance, by allowing its strangulated affect to find a way out through speech; and it subjects it to normal consciousness (under light hypnosis)..." [Freud: Studies on Hysteria. P. 255.]

Summary 2

Illumination Therapy, in its healing mode, uses therapeutic tools, and light applied as colour to specific points, zones and regions, in order to systematically clear the body-mind complex from the negative effects of emotion-bound memories. These negative effects, singly and cumulatively, act to reduce the psycho-immune resources available to the individual. Illumination Therapy acts directly on core causal issues dissolving their capacity to impair the healing processes available to the individual.

There are two separate and distinct aspects to the transformational effects of Illumination Therapy:

1. Healing the body-mind, as above: 'freedom from…'

2. Healing the spirit: 'freedom for'…

Spirit, as defined here, is that aspect of human consciousness that aspires to the highest human potential for consciousness and awareness.

Freedom from… refers to the healing that arises when past psycho-emotional traumas are resolved, i.e. freedom from past constraints.

Freedom for… refers to the human aspiration towards the transcendent, the innate longing for the sacred that appears to gather impetus as body-mind healing and integration proceeds.

Healing the spirit with Illumination Therapy

This aspect of Illumination Therapy, instead of using points, zones and regions, indicated by an underlying pathology as previously, uses specific geometrical designs drawn in light on the skin of the body and face, especially the regions associated with teeth. It seems that teeth have a special capacity to act as 'data-banks' for storing the memories of exceedingly ancient events.

Osho referred to our teeth as the place where we can access our individual akashic record.

The body-mind healing aspect of Illumination Therapy traces out the root causes of disease, using trance and dialogue to elucidate memories accessed with coloured light. This initiates the inner process which spontaneously clears the individual's personal psychological identification processes. Bringing to consciousness the ground beliefs that underpin our notions of 'self', enables a expansion of individual perceptual awareness.

The spiritual healing processes of Illumination Therapy access and integrate psychogenic material originating from individual memories deriving from our human collective evolutionary history; i.e. from our animal ancestry.

There is a vast ocean of memories recorded in our genetic codes.

Clinical work with Illumination Therapy suggests that additional memories may also be accessed through our non-genetic, protoplasmic cell constituents.

Osho calls this collective ancestral evolutionary background The Human Collective Unconscious Mind. He makes it clear that Jung's 'collective unconscious' is Homo Sapiens' repertoire of societal and tribal history, as recorded in myth and symbol. Osho's human collective unconscious mind refers to the much vaster dimension of the biological collective inheritance, coded in our DNA, and rooted in our evolutionary history.

At first sight this appears to be speculative to the extreme. But every individual in the intra-uterine embryonic state, in a mere few days, travels the human evolutionary road to now. From fish, to amphibian, to human. In our mother's womb we were certainly fishy, undeniably froggy, and current experience shows us to be virtually human.

It may be that Illumination Therapy is a means to access the DNA codes, for it reveals cellular memories that we as individuals have gathered along the long road to now.

Re-membering such ancient lifetime events brings about a tremendous expansion in our perception of ourselves. The ego, and its foundational beliefs, necessarily undergoes a dramatic change in order to accommodate the experiences which emerge. It is this expansion of personal conscious awareness which opens the individual's inner door to psycho-spiritual resources. Among these are wisdom, intuition, multi-dimensional creativity, empathy (which as it widens and deepens, appears to include the whole of nature), clarity, understanding, compassion, and a capacity for love that becomes increasingly vast as traditional boundaries and limits are superseded.

Clinical experience shows that when an individual resolves personal unconscious issues there is an expansion of perspective and perceptual awareness which may be called personal superconsciousness. In a similar way Illumination Therapy facilitates collective superconsciousness.

There is much more to be said, much more to be discovered, and this article is an introduction to an exciting new approach to healing and spiritual transformation, Illumination Therapy.


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About Dr Charles Newman

Dr Charles Newman, Swami Devageet, is a meditator who, as a seeker, discovered his spiritual path when he went to India to meet the mystic Osho, in Poona, India. For the last 23 years he has been fully involved in discovering himself, using Osho's hypotheses as a working model. He became Osho's personal dentist in 1979, living as part of the mystic's personal household, in India and America.

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