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Ginger - The Most Valuable Herb

by G Ravishankar(more info)

listed in herbal medicine, originally published in issue 239 - July 2017

Allopathic medical practitioners prescribe medicines for one disease, but it leads to another disease by way of side effects. These drugs contain different kinds of chemical components which can give few indications with numerous side effects and contra-indications. The effectiveness of allopathic medicines have been taken away by allergic contents of the medicines as well.  It may also cause serious effects to certain persons allergic to certain types of drugs. The chemical component Metronidazole is prescribed for amoebic infections.  However, you can see warning “Metronidazole is carcinogenic in mice….”  This indicates the probabilities of causing problems.

Ginger - the most valuable herb

Hence, the need for alternative therapy like Ginger with invaluable medicinal properties has to be realized to use them in our life either directly or adding advantage to our daily food.  Ginger is a single herb with multiple benefits where as one single chemical can cause several side effects.  For example, Metronidazole statutory warning is mentioned in the packing “Metronidazole is carcinogenic in mice….”...  This is apart from several contra-indications and precautions in several cases of patients. However, this drug is also widely prescribed by the medical practitioners

With unique and invaluable medicinal properties, Ginger is among the healthiest herb to get ensure relief from various diseases. It is perfectly blended with nutrients and medicinal properties that have powerful benefits for your body and brain. This fact has been supported by practical experience of several Ayurvedic medical practitioners the world over. Here are the major health benefits of Ginger:

  1. Ginger helps to prevent coughs, colds & flu and acts as an “Immunity Booster”. Ginger is a wonderful immune system booster, making it a well-known treatment for colds and flus. And since it helps calm symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, it also works on coughs, sore throats and bronchitis. Ginger clears the micro-circulatory channels of the body, including the pesky sinuses that flare up during colds. Drinking ginger with lemon and honey is a popular cold and flu remedy that has been handed down for many generations, both in the east and the west.
    Ginger helps to take care of common respiratory problems. Relieves respiratory disorders:
    Effective in treating asthma. Ginger compounds have shown positive results in treating respiratory disorders, and research indicates it is a promising treatment for patients suffering from asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease that occurs when the muscles in the lungs’ oxygen channels become inflamed and sensitive to different substances that induce spasms. However, practical results are highly dependent on the patients, type of problems
  2. To strengthen immunity
    Ginger helps a lot enhance immunity.  Several studies show the effectiveness of ginger to ensure immunity.
  3. To take care of Morning sickness
    The pungent properties of ginger enables people to get the attitude of briskness after getting up from the bed.  Ginger can help to avoid morning sickness.
  4. Research also indicates that ginger can assist with certain types of cancer. Hence, let’s make use of this invaluable herb in our day to day life.  TO reiterate, the result will take time unlike sympatric relief through allopathic medicines. However, it should be carefully noted that results depend upon the individual case.  Ayurvedic treatments are advisable for long term treatment for prevention of diseases.  For severe cases of respiratory disorders and heart diseases, we need to approach allopathic consultants only. To give an example, if a person is suffering from severe respiratory disorders, he needs to be admitted in the hospital for urgent treatment if you cannot find experts in the experts in the field of Ayurveda. Hence, it is essential to follow the principle of “Prevention is better than cure.
  5. Ginger takes care of Cancer
    Ginger extract helps to provide relief to the patients suffering from treatment for several forms of cancer. Several studies candidly show the anti-cancer properties are attributed to 6-gingerol, a substance that is found in large amounts in raw ginger.  However, further studies do not recommend ginger for patients affected with severely.

Therefore, Ginger is an invaluable natural medicine which is used from time immemorial. 

Ginger can help to prevent several illnesses. Ginger can also provide relief to the patients with osteoarthritis.  This has been revealed by extensive studies. Ginger may be more effective than NSAID drugs which can cause certain side effects.

Ginger has an extremely robust flavour which makes consuming it a little bit tricky. It might be too strong to ingest on its own, but as I mentioned, it mixes incredibly well into tea or juice, it can be a great ingredient in a recipe, and you can also find it as an ingredient in some healthy snacks.

So, a single herb with numerous health advantages can help a lot without side effects and contra-indications.  Every one of us must use ginger in our day to day food to derive maximum benefits of the most valuable herb.


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About G Ravishankar

G Ravishankar was associated with a company manufacturing herbal medicines for 11 years, where he gained experience on the invaluable contents of herbal medicines. He and his family members use herbal medicines in their day-to-day life with positive response. Ravishankar may be contacted via Mob: 0091 22 93242 99938;

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