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DNA Explained: To De-Mystify your Fears

by Dr Patrick Quanten(more info)

listed in dna gene expression, originally published in issue 288 - August 2023


Originally published at: DNA Explained


We live in a time where medical research and medical authorities are pushing out a lot of ‘information’ regarding the function and the importance of our DNA. This so called information is mainly directed at the profession being able to and being allowed to interfere with our genes. They like to play with them, alter them, by blaming all sorts of diseases on our genetic makeup. This has reached the stage that people have become afraid of what might be hidden in their genes, which may show itself at some later stage in life as serious disorders, a kind of ticking time bomb underneath our lives. We accept this information. We become afraid, and we pray that the medical profession may soon be finding the answers. If they don’t we are all doomed!

Let’s leave the medical profession to it for a moment. Let’s have a look at what science has to say on the subject.

Every living organism starts with a single cell. This cell contains a set of genes, organized in a specific manner which we call the DNA. From this single cell an entire organism will be formed and every cell of the organism will contain the same DNA information.

Science has demonstrated that when one removes the nucleus of a cell, which contains all the genetic information of that cell, in other words the entire DNA structure, the cell will continue to function as normal. The only difference is that the cell cannot do anything new. This expresses itself in the fact that such a cell cannot adapt to new circumstances anymore, while an intact cell, containing its DNA, can. So the DNA is not needed for the cell to function in a regular fashion. The DNA is not ‘regulating’ the function of the cell. It turns out that that task is carried out by the membrane of the cell.

If we look at the human embryonic cell and what happens spontaneously with regards to its further development we notice that in the first ten to twelve weeks of the embryonic growth towards a human form every major step in the evolution of the entire universe is passed through. Hence, before the human embryo takes on a human form it takes on the basic shapes of every development stage the universe as a whole has gone through. There is a form that represents the plant life, a fish-like stage, a poultry and mammal stage. The DNA contains all that information and expresses this, step by step, on its way to a human form. It may then no longer be a surprise to you to know that we share almost our entire genetic structure with the primates as we are still very much like the upper development level of the apes. Indeed, we share most of our DNA with all mammals as we haven’t really developed very much further. Only a few details, in this early stage of human development, differ from the mammals as a whole.

Every cell in every living organism contains DNA. This DNA steers the cell to develop into a very specific form. Right from the first cell, the type of organism that will develop from that cell is determined. A corn cell, seed, will develop into corn, into nothing else, ever. The seed cell of a prawn will always develop into a prawn and the seed cell of a specific breed of dog will always deliver that specific breed of dog. On top of that, we also know that once the specific organism has been developed the DNA is not needed in order for life to continue. However, if we want the specimen to be able to adapt to changing circumstances we, once again, require the DNA. Why? The DNA is a mechanism ‘to record’ information, whether this is information about how to develop this specific specimen or it is information about how the specimen can adjust to a changing environment. Once the DNA has recorded this information that information can then be expressed by the cell. If the cell is unable to record the information the adaptation cannot take place, which means that when the circumstances the cell finds itself in have changed dramatically, the cell can no longer survive as it hasn’t got the information on how to adapt, on how to do it differently. The DNA writes down how the organism chooses to adapt, so it can later be used by that same organism as an immediate, almost intuitive, response.

So, a corn seed will on its way to become corn go through the development stages of the universe up to, and never beyond, the expression of corn. Cells that have recorded an adaptation do go beyond that stage and that is how we arrive at the animal stage of the universal development. Whatever information that is recorded within the DNA of a cell will determine how the cell responds to its environment, which in the first place will determine the shape and functionality of the cell and consequently of the entire organism. What hasn’t been recorded the cell cannot perform, cannot execute, and is therefore limited in its survival scope.

During the life of the organism the DNA keeps recording, thereby adjusting what information is recorded in what manner. However, these ‘adjustments’ the organism is able to make during its life span must lie within the overall scope of the organism. If you find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by fire and the only way out is via the sky you will not be able to develop wings and fly away, even when you know this is the way to go. If, however, human beings in a certain area are exposed to more and more extreme weather conditions then some specimens will be able to make the gradual adjustments that are needed because they are able to record how to adjust. This happens in the DNA of all their cells at the same time, as the adjustment of the organism requires a coordinated response from the different types of cells. If the organism is going to survive then the kidney cells may have to adjust in one way, the brain cells in another and the skin cells in still another way. In humans, the colour of the skin can vary greatly according to the climatic conditions these various people live in. This is due to an adjustment that has been triggered by the specific conditions they live in. This information is embedded within their DNA.

What are the type of environmental conditions the cells, and more specifically the DNA of the cells, will respond to? The priority of any cell, and therefore of any organism, is to survive. The DNA will not record any acute changes. If your circumstances change dramatically in a very short period of time you will not be able to adjust and therefore your life will be terminated right there and then. However, when circumstances change more gradually some specimens are able to find a way of making the adjustment and this information is then recorded within the DNA so it can be passed on to future generations of the same species. Hence, we know that certain types of expressions of plants and animals have disappeared of the face of the earth whilst others have survived. Have a look at the types of wild cats that are no longer around. The majority of expressions of dinosaurs died out because of relatively fast changing living conditions, but some expressions such as the crocodile survived. So what is important to the cells, and consequently the organism, is adaptation aimed at surviving within different circumstances.

This is true for all of nature and everything that lives within it. Humans live within the laws of nature. They cannot escape the changing circumstances of nature, whether they be minor changes or the succession of ice ages and warm periods. Hence, human systems will, when exposed to changing circumstances within nature make adjustments, which the cells of those individuals who know how to survive in those conditions will record the appropriate changes. But on top of the natural surroundings that human beings live in we also have created conditions that do not occur in the natural world, such as cities. Think about how confusing air-conditioned areas (offices, shopping centres, etc.) are to our natural system. On the one hand, the natural information our systems are connected to tells them that it is winter, that it is freezing cold and our recorded reaction pattern to that is to preserve energy for the vital functions and to draw this energy deep into the system. But then, for a large part of the day we ‘pretend’, by manipulating our environment, that it is still summer and that there is no need ‘to protect’ our vital functions. Apparently it is okay ‘to open up’ and allow energy to drift away from the system. Is it any surprise that specimens living in those conditions are becoming ill more rapidly and recover more slowly? Their systems are confused as to how to respond to the environment and confusion within a system leads to badly coordinated responses, which means that certain functions will be out of sync with others. We can find examples of manipulated, altered, living conditions within the human world everywhere. For example, if we continue to move around on motorized vehicles we will lose the ability to walk. The DNA records the changes in our requirements and eventually this will be expressed in a change of the human physical form, whereby the physical shape and tissue requirements to carry our own body weight whilst moving forward will shrink. Don’t use it, you lose it.

If the main drive to record the best way to respond to living conditions is survival then fear of dying will play a major part in what will be recorded by the DNA. If we are exposed to an environment in which we perceive lots of life threatening circumstances, our system will be looking for ways to protect ourselves against these dangers. The way we learn how to survive in these circumstances will be recorded. So besides the ‘dangers’ of a continuously changing natural world, we have to take into consideration the dangers created by the human world. City people have adapted to what used to be known as ‘the urban jungle’, life within a set of circumstances that have little bearing on our natural environment and where our survival skills that work fine in nature have become completely inadequate. The ‘dangers’ those people face are very different from the ones people living in very natural circumstances come across. Hence, their reaction patterns of adapting, carried over generations, is very different too.

The dangers that human society perceives are the drivers of those different reaction patterns. These people believe their world to contain a number of dangers that are not occurring in the natural world. People will therefore adapt a new set of ‘survival’ skills compared to their counterparts, living in more natural conditions, closer to nature. Put differently, people living in the modern society will respond, behave, differently compared with those that are exposed to more true natural conditions. By creating an ever growing divide between the natural world and the ‘artificial’ human world a separation within humanity will take place as neither specimen of one of these worlds can survive in the other world. The two groups will, eventually, end up with slightly, but significantly, different DNA.

Let’s be clear about this. The DNA changes, develops, according to the recording of very important information with regards to the survival mechanism the organism needs to use. These mechanisms, the way the organism behaves, are the proposed best way to respond to the perceived life threatening dangers. Whatever the organism believes is threatening its very survival it searches for a way to overcome what it perceives as the danger. So, the way the DNA changes depends entirely upon the way the organism feels threatened. If the organism finds out that a specific perceived threat is not a threat at all, the DNA of its cells will not change.

The physical alteration, manipulation, of the genetic material in human cells is a fascinating laboratory experiment. However, there are two major considerations I would like you to take into account.

Stating that a specific genetic code will, at some point in the future, express itself as a disease, such as cancer or diabetes, contravenes scientific knowledge. Our DNA is not needed to run our daily business and so the cell’s genetic coding will not be expressed in the physical realm of a finished human form. The DNA is a recording machine, not an operating machine.

If we take some cells from an individual and we alter some of the genetic coding within those cells and we then inject the cells with the manipulated DNA back into that individual, how will the genetic coding of that individual have changed? The human body contains roughly 70 trillion cells, each with the same genetic code, the same DNA structure. How does injecting a few cells with a slightly altered genetic code into the blood stream is going to change the DNA within every single cell of the body? Don’t worry trying to come up with an answer, as nobody within the medical profession is able to tell us either. The simple scientific truth is: those cells don’t do anything. Injected genetic material will simply be broken down as useless material. No cell of the organism will be interested in that material.

What is it that alters DNA? The DNA records the proposed best way to respond to the perceived life threatening dangers. So, whatever you believe you are facing and how to respond to it will be recorded in the DNA. The DNA, in other words, will alter when you perceive something as a substantial threat. For example, if you live in a world where you believe that an invisible enemy might kill you, you need to develop a strategy of how to deal with this. If you then believe that a specific injection will ‘fix’ the problem for you then, after having received the injection you may perceive the proposed threat as being eliminated. If that is the case your DNA will rewrite its code. So what brings about the changes in the DNA is what you believe your living circumstances are like. Not what they inject into your blood, but the idea, the belief, they insert in your brain is the driving force behind the perceived change.


External Locus of Control


A person with an external locus of control attributes academic success or failure to luck or chance, a higher power or the influence of another person, rather than their own actions. They also struggle more with procrastination and difficult tasks.

Picture Credit: Courtesy of Wikipedia


Be under no illusion, you can use gene therapy for whatever you think is going to make your life better and still become ill. The simple reason for this is that the DNA is not responsible for the day to day running of the organism but your perception of the world around you is. It is how you perceive your world that will determine your reaction to that world, your behaviour, which will be expressed in how well your inner world, your basic structure, can cope with your perception of the environment, can make the necessary adjustments to keep itself alive.

Living in natural circumstances – life being determined by the natural flow – confronts your system with the reality of what life truly means. Responding to these circumstances provides you with ways to survive in the real living world.

Living in circumstances other than the natural ones confronts your system with non-real circumstances, embedded within it a lot of artificial, non-real, dangers. Responding to these circumstances provides you with ways to survive dangers that don’t exist. Such learned reaction patterns will alter the effective responses to real dangers and render those inadequate and ineffective. Living in a non-real world, in a virtual world, will make you more vulnerable to not being able to survive, as the real world, the world of nature, is not going to go away and is guiding all life on this planet.

Your DNA is required to become a human being.

Your perception of the world you live in, not your DNA, determines how you manage to live in it.

Acknowledgement Citation

Originally published at: DNA Explained



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About Dr Patrick Quanten

Dr Patrick Quanten MD has been on a long journey of discovery ever since he became aware of the ineffectiveness of the medical approach to diseases. He studied a great variety of alternative treatments and eventually realized that the answer is inherent in the structure of the creation. Finding answers to the fundamental questions in life became the main goal and seeing simple patterns return everywhere provided insight. (His book: "Why Me? - Science and Spirituality as inevitable bed partners" - ISBN 978-90-827854-1-8). Dr Quantem may be contacted on Tel: 07826 824232;

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