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Case Study Issue 68: Nutritional Therapy - Success With Stabilising Cancer

by Pat Reeves(more info)

listed in case studies, originally published in issue 68 - September 2001

I have no need to shield the identity of the person involved in this study as the details concern myself, long-time practitioner of Nutritional Medicine.

I am female, aged 56, with a familial genetic implication of cancer, ascertained in 1975. Between 1975 and 1984 – when I was diagnosed with a brain tumour, I spent considerable time and endeavour researching what the future could hold for me. I achieved a high level of fitness through competitive swimming, triathlons, marathon running, body building and subsequently powerlifting – which captured my heart in the late eighties and has seen me through many a trauma. I have held the British Masters' champion title for many years and was successful at the Worlds' and the Europeans' Powerlifting Championships. However, following a personally traumatic period during the early eighties, a brain tumour was diagnosed in 1984. This consolidated my efforts to put everything in practice I had researched.

Conventionally speaking, I had time to seek other opinions. I declined orthodox treatment, favouring a natural approach and began a modified Gerson therapy and the Bristol Cancer Centre's diet. Already vegan for over twenty years, this was not difficult. My studies, research and application of nutritional therapy, as I understood it then, was so successful, that I eventually became a qualified practitioner.

I partnered a brilliant Canadian immunologist. With his untiring research and my total focus on nutrition to support my immune system, the tumour shrank and a year later, no further evidence was found. In the late eighties, during my study years, I urged my conventional medics to check out osteoporosis, as I had a strong feeling I was heading in this direction. My fears were ignored for a considerable time, but eventually a bone density scan showed significant deterioration. Despite dire warnings of 'probably I had twelve months' without drug treatment, I felt sufficiently confident to resolve this situation. Although the medics were highly doubtful of a successful outcome, subsequent bone-scans showed indisputable evidence of bone-regeneration. This is the period when I 'discovered' living foods (see also article re Living Foods, page 31) and their application, and did a total shake-up of my mineral input. I discovered my anaerobic training really impacted on my bone density in a positive way. I manipulated dietary minerals to the extent that I could heal a break in a few weeks. I now have to 'fight' for repeat bone-density scans, but my present endocrinologist is so impressed she actually refers patients to me!

This whole episode was considered a separate issue to the cancer situation. My life progressed well for a few years until 1994 when a tumour in my knee developed, again after a particularly stressful episode. Cancer now challenged the bones. Diagnosed as a rare type of Paget's disease, amputation loomed close. This cancer compromises my heart and kidney function. The connection between the osteosarcoma and my heart is an insidious one – already giving me three heart attacks. I have had to address atrioventricular problems, which at present remain controlled. Still shunning conventional treatment, except for a short spell of Digoxin, but alluding to the fact that some heart surgery may become necessary, I employed herbal medicine, under instruction, using hawthorn extract, Terminalia arjuna, Astragalus membranaceus plus high doses of ubiquinone as the most potent catalysts. My antioxidant intake escalated, vitamin C was around 16 grams at this time. I avoided the surgery.

Unfortunately further tumours in my arms became evident last year, following the third heart attack and the last ten months have seen me exhausted with fighting back, with a prognosis of three months. I am very pleased to say that I have outlived an astonishing number of death sentences.

One of my very low moments last year was being overdosed with a form of chelation therapy, which was instigated by my American cardiologist in conjunction with a programme I agreed to with an American Cancer research centre in my efforts to establish the unknown connection between the osteosarcoma and my heart malfunction. Unfortunately, I was so sensitised that even the correct dosage could not be given and I had to withdraw. Subsequently I have relied upon herbs and chlorophyll to slowly remove the heavy metal toxicity, thought responsible. Supporting the immune system works on all levels. Presently at mid 2001 I have just made it into remission. It has only been a few days since I have known that the cancer is not presently active, and I am in celebratory mode.

The objective of my treatment has always been one of supporting the immune system, which is all I ultimately have to win with. I have supported myself with a dietary dogma which excludes anything which could negatively influence my situation and have built up Living Foods into a veritable art form – foods which entirely contain their original enzyme content. I am convinced I would not be here now without embracing this modality. I have a fierce desire to win, both the disease and at my chosen sport.

Obviously, though intrinsically important, dietary/supplemental considerations are not a complete answer and thus I have used many other allied therapies addressing mind, body and spirit. NLP, bio-energetic medicine, electromagnetics, ozone therapy, meditation and spiritual healing now take high priority in my life, together with reflexology, aromatherapy and bio-feedback.

In spite of a (conventionally speaking) bleak outlook with a 'no-hope' cancer, I have continually trained, competed and worked – taking only a few breaks during all this time when I simply could not function.

I remember well the early days of horrendous diagnosis, of being given no choice other than allopathic medicine, and I had to dig deeply into my reserves. There is now a lot more natural cancer care. The Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust (01271 850122) is one such organisation. I take referrals from them.

I have successfully applied a therapeutic diet to optimally improve immune function in my relentless quest to defeat this most unconquerable of cancers. I implore readers never to give up. Embrace whatever it takes to achieve a lifestyle which balances mind, body and spirit harmoniously to achieve the result you seek. Conceive, believe and achieve. Love, Light and Peace.


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About Pat Reeves

Pat Reeves, DN, DthD. Practitioner of Nutritional and Functional Medicine employing kinesiology, dowsing, iridology, biochemic medicine, Alexander and magnetics. She can be contacted on Tel: 01384 270270;

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