Homoeotherapy 1: Introduction to Toxicology

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Start Date
Nov 29, 2019 - 11:00
End Date
Nov 29, 2019 - 05:00
St Giles International, Southampton Row, WC1B 5JX
Kate Cagney
Telephone Number
+44 1244 560345



Toxicology considers the adverse effects of chemical, physical and biological agents that can contribute to modern health decline and the onset of chronic illnesses. Homoeotherapy, utilizing homoeopathic principles, can be used for a wide variety of recurring health conditions. Modern lifestyles have encouraged many more sources of stress or toxicity in today’s world as we know it. It is a constant and growing threat to world wellness.

Concerns about electromagnetic stress, pesticides, synthetic food ingredients, air pollution, over or misuse of antibiotics, chemicals found in beauty products, metal toxicity and extreme or chronic stress are just a few concerns which are subsequently looked at with integrated health clients and which can help find a basis for troublesome symptoms. Homoeotherapy uses homoeopathic principles to prevent, alleviate and manage a wide variety of recurring health symptoms. Of equal importance and consideration is the client’s nutritional and energetic environments. Natural healthcare practitioners can add or improve their skill set by recognizing how toxicity and deficiencies impacts the body’s state of balance.

A detailed presentation will discuss New Vistas’ natural remedies and how they can be used by CAM Providers to promote good health and vitality. Our holistic approach shows how a thorough and practical application of complex homoeopathy can help:

  • Promote balance and restore wellness;
  • Support drainage of toxins;
  • Strengthen weakened organs & systems;
  • What lies behind the manifestation of symptoms.

The course runs from 11am until 5pm. Within the day, tutor Sally Ann Hutcheson MARH ND Cert ASK MBANT CNHC CSTA details this comprehensive approach and discusses how natural remedies can be used by CAM Providers to promote improved balance, vitality and health. Suitable for healthcare professionals only.

Further Information

For more information, please contact kathryn@newvistashealthcare.com or call +44 1244 560345. https://www.newvistashealthcare.com/product/introduction-homoeotherapy-london/

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