SensiStop! All Natural Medicines

natural periodontitis treatment for healthy gums

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Birkevang 309
3250 Gilleleje, Denmark
Lars Rudbeck
Telephone Number
+45 25 11 90 90
Other Website


Danish Dentist: Periodontitis Patients Symptoms Improve

Millions of people are affected by periodontitis. The current treatments are symptomatic – they do not cure. It has severe financial and health related consequences for people with periodontitis. But the Danish Dentist, Helle Steenberg Skov, found an alternative and cheap supplement for her patients.
"I received an elderly patient in my clinic, who had the characteristic long tooth necks, as seen when people have had periodontitis for many years. To my surprise, the patient didn’t have the heavily immersed tooth pockets that you normally see when the disorder is that advanced. "

It turned out that the patient had been in treatment with a homeopathic remedy, SensiStop, for his allergy.

"It raised my curiosity for whether the drug could also have stopped the inflammation of the gums. It would explain why the gums were healthy and tight," says Helle Steenberg Skov.

That was the initial step towards a pilot project conducted on 14 of her periodontitis patients. She has 28 years of experience as a dentist and knows how badly periodontitis can affect the patients.



Approximately every other person over 45 years of age has periodontitis.

Dentists and oral hygienists can, by applying different prophylactic measures decelerate the development of symptoms, and if the patient is very compliant and extremely thorough with their oral hygiene, it is possible to keep the disease in check for years. Despite these different actions, quite a few patients do develop problems anyway… problems that are the cause of sometimes rather expensive treatments.


Periodontitis is defined as a chronic disease and not an isolated problem. Periodontitis is also a problem related to a social imbalance in the way that some patients omit the frequent visits at their dentists, visits that are absolutely crucial to controlling the disease. This causes the condition to get progressively worse and more and more difficult, not to mention, costly to treat.


Teeth, that after some time start to loosen and eventually fall out on their own or be extracted. Bad breath, pain when chewing, a smile where teeth are missing, “long teeth” with exposed roots can detain many afflicted patients from their social life, and often makes it impossible for them to maintain a representative, extrovert job.


Periodontal Nurse


Patients with severe periodontitis have a more than 650% larger risk of developing cardiovascular disease than others. Progressed periodontitis can cause and worsen diabetes, arthritis and psoriasis and increase risk of blood clots and pancreatic/kidney/blood cancer. This disease is not only stress-full to the patient, but also has a severe impact on the general economy.


SensiStop! was developed in 1981,  originally made to treat periodontal disease.


Graphs of Millimetre Pockets


"The only change in the participants' everyday lives was that they took a few drops of SensiStop 3 times a day. I find the results quite interesting," says Helle Steenberg Skov.


During the project period, the appearance of the gums changed:


"The gums developed - from being red, swollen and inflammatory to being pink, tight and healthy," she says.
Helle Steenberg Skov explains that the pilot project showed that pus-flow – i.e. inflammation - from tooth pockets stopped and that the number of pockets was reduced by more than 40%. In the remaining pockets, the depth was reduced too.


"Despite the relatively small number of participants, there are very good indications that it can be a cheap and effective supplement for periodontitis patients. Furthermore, it’s without any side effects", explains the dentist."

How SensiStop!  works

SensiStop! is a simple, safe treatment. You simply drop the liquid in your mouth. It should not be diluted! Continue the treatment until you are asymptomatic


Using SensiStop! gradually introduces the potent combination of safe and natural homeopathic remedies to the body through the mucous membranes in the mouth.



If you want to know more about SensiStop!: Click here.

Best regards, Lars Rudbeck - - +45 25 11 90 90

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